Recorded Vote History

Details of the Councillor's vote, when required to be recorded at meetings of the full Council only

 Council, Thursday, 13th January, 2022 8.00 pm

Item: Motions

10.2 Motion from Councillor Mathers:

Motion status:Rejected

ForPeter Curling, Scott Farley, Janet Gardner, Kuldeep Lakhmana, Stuart Mathers, Peter Money, Raju Sansarpuri and Jan Sweeting8
AgainstJonathan Bianco, Wayne Bridges, Roy Chamdal, Farhad Choubedar, Philip Corthorne, Darran Davies, Nick Denys, Ian Edwards, Martin Goddard, Becky Haggar, Henry Higgins, Eddie Lavery, Richard Lewis, Heena Makwana, Douglas Mills, Richard Mills, Susan O'Brien, Jane Palmer, John Riley, Colleen Sullivan and Steve Tuckwell21
Conflict Of InterestsNone0

10.3 Motion from Councillor Curling:

Motion status:Rejected

ForPeter Curling, Scott Farley, Janet Gardner, Kuldeep Lakhmana, Stuart Mathers, Peter Money, Raju Sansarpuri and Jan Sweeting8
AgainstJonathan Bianco, Wayne Bridges, Roy Chamdal, Farhad Choubedar, Darran Davies, Nick Denys, Ian Edwards, Martin Goddard, Becky Haggar, Eddie Lavery, Richard Lewis, Heena Makwana, Douglas Mills, Richard Mills, Susan O'Brien, Jane Palmer, John Riley and Colleen Sullivan18
AbstainPhilip Corthorne, Henry Higgins and Steve Tuckwell3
Conflict Of InterestsNone0