Meeting attendance

Tuesday, 13th February, 2018 7.00 pm, Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation

Venue:   Council Chamber - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

Contact:    Luke Taylor
01895 250 693

Meeting attendance
Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Keith Burrows RoleChair AttendancePresent Attendance comment
AttendeeRaj Alagh RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeMark Braddock RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeDavid Knowles RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeJean Palmer RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeLuke Taylor RoleOfficer AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Jazz Dhillon RoleWard Councillor AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor Kuldeep Lakhmana RoleWard Councillor AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment
AttendeeCouncillor John Morse RoleWard Councillor AttendanceIn attendance Attendance comment


Councillors and meetings