Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Wednesday, 24th April, 2013 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies had been received from Councillor David Payne.


Declaration of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interests notified.




To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items on the agenda marked as Part 1 would be considered in public.




To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2013 pdf icon PDF 185 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 26 March 2013 were agreed as an accurate record; and there were the following matters arising:


MINUTE 75 - Work Programme 2012/13 (AGENDA ITEM 8)


In relation to the recommendations of the Committee’s first Review of ‘Regulations and Byelaws relating to Cemeteries and Burial Grounds within Hillingdon’, Members received a verbal update on the progress of part of recommendation 7, regarding the condition of the Grade I arch at the entrance of Hillingdon & Uxbridge cemetery as follows: 


“It is proposed to undertake a full building services report on the Gatehouse at Uxbridge Cemetery to identify the scope of works required to restore the building and arrest its deterioration. In this regard, a briefing was given to relevant Cabinet Members in February 2013 on the outcome of a tender exercise for the relevant consultants carried out by officers at the request of the Cabinet Member for Finance, Property and Business Services. It was agreed informally to proceed with funding the survey, though given the expected value, a Cabinet Member report will be required for formal approval. Once this is given, it is expected to take up to 6 weeks to complete the survey. The survey will identify the scope of works and provide estimated costs for a budget strategy to be formulated to present to Cabinet Members for consideration”.


The Committee requested an update to be provided via email on the progress of recommendation 3, relating to the reintroduction of leaflets and a pictorial booklet summarising key elements of the regulations to be circulated to bereaved families via Funeral Directors.




  • That the verbal update on relating to the Gatehouse at Uxbridge Cemetery be noted.
  • Requested officers to provide an update via email on the progress of the leaflets and pictorial booklet regarding the cemeteries regulations.









Review 2: A Review of Local Pest Control Services and the Impact of Waste Management Processes on these - Agree Recommendations pdf icon PDF 133 KB


Members discussed the draft recommendations for the Committee’s second review of Local Pest Control Services and the Impact of Waste Management Processes on these set out as follows:




Domestic housing


1.      The Committee request the support of the Hillingdon Registered Social Landlords Forum to encourage a provision for:


i           more uniform tenancy conditions to prevent pest    infestation.


ii          Communications to support, educate, advise and   guide their residents about handling waste through ‘Welcome packs” or other introductory material.


2.      The Committee notes the roles of private landlords, social landlords and the Council, as a landlord in terms of how pest infestations are dealt with effectively in tenanted properties; and a form of collaboration be considered for educating all tenants of best practice.


3.      To encourage social responsibility of individual tenants and homeowners, whether in social or private sector housing, to properly manage their domestic waste to minimise pest problems through:


i.                    Education

a.      educational materials and leaflets

b.     the wider use of signage to re-enforce the necessity of effective pest control and waste management

c.      Articles in Hillingdon People twice a year to remind residents about effective ways of managing waste

d.     Education through schools.


             ii.                            Enforcement

In the case of persistent offenders and individuals or group who have been reminded of their responsibilities the Committee would endorse enforcement methods to ensure that domestic waste is managed properly.


4.      That the Committee’s report is sent to the National Landlords Association and other relevant bodies, representing private sector, for information and to promote voluntary agreement among their members.




Pest Control Services


5.      That Cabinet note the Committee’s endorsement of a new, more equitable approach to providing Pest Control Services following the BID review.


6.      That Cabinet request officers to ensure residents and landlords are aware of the services available to tackle pest problems by the Council, including an indication of costs.  The Committee further recommends that Registered Social Landlords are encouraged to include advice on the use of these services.


7.      That Cabinet endorse current concessions policy, which includes free pest control service for all over 65s, disabled and those on benefits.


Waste Services & Enforcement


8.      That the continuation of ‘fly-tipping’ enforcement and alley-gating be considered in areas where there is a high level of illegal dumping of waste.  These methods are positive solutions to areas of the Borough with high pest infestation and; the benefits of alley gating to businesses have been positive in certain areas of the Borough.


9.      The Committee recommend that new signage incorporating pictures with a universal message be rolled out when leaflets and waste campaigns are refreshed.


It was agreed that finalisation of the recommendations and the report would be agreed by the Chairman and Democratic Services, subject to comments being received from Committee Members.




That the recommendations and final report be agreed by the Chairman and Democratic Services, subject to the receipt of comments from Committee Members.



School Travel Plan Update pdf icon PDF 80 KB


 Steve Austin, the Traffic, Parking, Road Safety & School Travel Plan Manager introduced the report and advised that the Road Safety and School Travel Plan Team engaged with schools in order to encourage sustainable school travel plans within each school.  Three officers visited schools in the Borough and were currently actively working with 71 out of 100 schools. Members noted that the London average for the take up of this programme was 35% and Hillingdon doubled this.


In describing the three levels of Bronze, Silver and Gold Accreditation set by Transport for London (TfL), Members heard that only 7 schools had Achieved the Gold level, which included 2 beacon schools in Hillingdon, all of which were held as excellent by Transport for London.  


It was highlighted that the Team was working tirelessly to try and encourage all schools to achieve accreditation. In 2012, a letter endorsed by Councillor Keith Burrows, Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation and Recycling was sent to all schools. In addition, there were plans to try and capture the schools that had not yet taken up the programme.


Some schools had indicated that they had not taken up the programme due to limited resources and others found completing the School Travel Plan to be an onerous task, which was why the Team would visit schools to give the required support in completing the plan. Members noted that there were also plans to set up a website giving advice to schools to try and make it as easy as possible.


In response to a query about the time it took to engage School Crossing Patrol officers, members were informed that the recruitment process took a long time, as Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks had to be undertaken in order to ensure the safety of children, which was paramount.


On behalf of the Committee, the Chairman applauded the School Travel Plan Team for their tireless work in engaging with, and supporting schools to deliver a range of Road Safety School activities to help them achieve a TfL Accreditation.



Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 38 KB




The Committee agreed the Forward Plan.


Work Programme 2012/13 pdf icon PDF 58 KB


In concluding the meeting, the Chairman thanked the Committee and officers for their work during the year. 




The Committee agreed the 2012/2013 Work Programme.