Agenda and minutes

Residents, Education and Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee - Wednesday, 25th September, 2013 5.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Steven Maiden  01895 250692

No. Item


To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 31 July 2013 pdf icon PDF 168 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting dated 31 July 2013 were agreed as an accurate record.


Scoping Report - Using Our Water: Improving Efficiency and Developing Long-term Strategies pdf icon PDF 44 KB

Additional documents:


Officers provided a brief presentation on the proposed review into water conservation within Hillingdon in which they noted that three key areas would be explored:

  • Water and the Borough’s Green Spaces;
  • Water and the Council’s Corporate Estate; and
  • Developing the Council’s Water Strategy.

These topics would be mirrored by three themed witness sessions.


Following discussion, it was agreed that officers would explore the viability of inviting the following witnesses in addition to those already set out on the scoping report:

  • A representative from the Environment Agency
  • A representative from the Colne Valley Regional Park
  • Representatives from local conservation groups
  • A representative from Affinity Water (formerly Veola)
  • A Brunel University academic with expertise in water conservation
  • A representative from Thames Water
  • A representative from Heathrow Airport


Members raised concerns that some of the changes recommended by the review could have detrimental and unforeseen impacts on the Borough’s water levels.


Officers confirmed that the Environment Agency was responsible for ensuring the sustainability of water supply within the Borough and that they would not permit initiatives that threatened the environment or the condition of the Borough’s waterways.


It was agreed that site visits would be arranged later in the review once Members had identified the main areas that they wished to explore.


It was agreed that Members would be provided with a breakdown of the Council’s water usage during the course of the review.



  1. the Scoping Report be agreed;
  2. officers explore the viability of inviting representatives from:
    1. Heathrow Airport
    2. The Environment Agency
    3. Thames Water
    4. Affinity Water
    5. Colne Valley Regional Park
    6. Local Conservation Groups
    7. Brunel University
  3. officers provide a breakdown of the Council’s water usage.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 82 KB


Following discussion, Members requested further information on a number of items on the Forward Plan.


A Member requested an update on what s106 agreements were in place in the Borough and what funds were being spent on. It was noted that this information would only be requested by the Committee if it was not provided on a future Cabinet agenda.



  1. the Forward Plan be noted
  2. further information be provided on the following:
    1. the Council’s road depots including information on the status of Harlington Road Depot;
    2. the arrangements surrounding the sale and conversion of loft spaces to leaseholders; and
    3. how many new pedestrian crossing wardens the Council had, whether they had been put in place and the reasons for any wardens not being put in place. 


Work Programme 2013 pdf icon PDF 65 KB


Officers advised that the issues of enforcing Khat and spitting offences, previously considered by the Committee, were being progressed by officers.


Members congratulated officers on their work in these areas.


Officers further advised that a letter would be drafted to be put on roadside memorials as a reminder of the Council’s policy of removing memorials after a year. This would be considered by the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation & Recycling and, subject to approval, would be considered by the Committee in due course.


It was agreed that the meeting scheduled for 14 November 2013 would be rescheduled to 12 November 2013.



  1. subject to the approval of the Cabinet Member for Planning, Transportation & Recycling, officers provide a draft reminder letter on roadside memorials to the Committee in due course; and
  2. the meeting of 14 November 2013 be rescheduled to 12 November 2013.