Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Nadia Williams
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies had been received from Councillors Judy Kelly and June Nelson. Councillors Michael White and Kuldeep Lakhmana attend in their place.
Declaration of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: There were no declarations of interests notified.
To confirm that all items marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and that any items marked Part 2 will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items on the agenda were marked as Part 1 and would be considered in public.
To agree the Minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2011 Minutes: The minutes of the meeting held on 6 October 2011 were agreed as an accurate record of the meeting and signed by the Chairman.
Review 1 - Witness Session 3 Minutes: The Chairman welcomed the following Councillors (Cllr) and Officers:
· Cllr John Hensley · Cllr Eddie Lavery · James Rodger, Head of Planning · Boe Williams-Obasi, Senior Manager, Corporate Landlord
Cllr Markham explained that the aim of this witness session was to focus on the Planning aspects in relation to Telecommunications masts and equipment.
Members asked the witnesses what they believe the issues were with respect to the Planning and what might be the solutions.
Cllr Lavery advised that alleged health issues had no influence on planning decisions relating to telecommunication masts. He suggested that one of the growing concerns of residents was the fact that the equipments were getting larger and bulkier resulting in visual intrusion and clutter. The cabinets at 2metres wide and 6ft tall and adding more than one on the basement was becoming a growing concern, as these were appearing on pavements where residents were already struggling to walk on.
Cllr Lavery said that currently there was little evidence on applications to show that alternative sites had been investigated and that such evidence would be welcomed to show that other sites were being investigated. Evidence to show that more mast share and share of cabinet space would also be welcomed otherwise there would be an increase in the pavements continuing to be cluttered. Many of the cabinets appeared to be green and large and out of character on some high streets and suggested that it would be good to see cabinets that reflected and sensitive to the area. Cllr Lavery expressed grave concern that the size of the new cabinets were getting larger and larger.
Members asked whether choosing the design of the cabinet was something that the Planning Committees would consider.
Cllr Lavery said that there was a good range of alternative designs in the pre-application process where operators could be guided but there was no middle position at present, as submitted applications must be either accepted or turned down. There was no variation at present regardless of the point at which decisions on the applications were made.
During discussion the following points were made:
Annual Safety at Sports Ground Report - Committee Update Minutes: The Committee noted the Annual Safety at Sports Grounds update report.
Resolved – That the Annual Safety at Sports Grounds update report be noted. |
Minutes: Members asked to see the following reports scheduled for February 2012 in the Cabinet Forward Plan:
Transportation and Recycling.
The Committee agreed the Forward Plan.
Work Programme 2011/12 Minutes: Resolved
The Committee agreed the Work Programme for 2011/12.
Any Other Business Minutes: The Chairman welcomed and thanked Councillors George and Judith Cooper for attending the meeting in respect of the report from the town twinning working party, which was due to be considered by Cabinet on 24 November 2011. The report had been circulated for information to Committee Members prior to the meeting, as RESPOC had initiated the original review into town twinning.
It was noted that RESPOC was happy with the report requested that the Committee’s appreciation of the diligence and hard work of the working party be conveyed to Cabinet.
Councillor George Cooper responded that the working party was grateful to RESPOC for giving them the opportunity to gather the views of various witnesses and feedback from representatives of the twinned authorities involved.
Resolved – That RESPOC thanks the working party for their diligence in preparing this report and wholeheartedly support the recommendations made.