Agenda and minutes

CABINET - Thursday, 14th September, 2023 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Mark Braddock - email: 


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Susan O’Brien and Councillor Eddie Lavery.


Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting


No interests were declared by Cabinet Members present.



To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting pdf icon PDF 548 KB


The decisions and minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 27 July 2023 were agreed as a correct record.



To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private


It was confirmed that the reports on the agenda, as marked public and private, would be considered as shown.



Hillingdon's 0-19 yrs Core Offer to Children, Young people and their Families pdf icon PDF 512 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet: 


1.    Notes the findings, considers the responses from the comprehensive public consultation and has due regard to the Equalities Impact Assessments which have informed the proposed final Family Hubs strategy;


2.    Notes the findings, considers the responses from the comprehensive public consultation and has due regard to the Equalities Impact Assessments which have informed the proposed option for the delivery of childcare in the early years nurseries;


3.    Agrees the Family Hub Strategy as set out in Appendix A for implementation from October 2023;


4.    Agrees the use of council assets for the delivery of Family Hub services as set out in Table 1 of the report and agrees the children’s centre sites that are surplus to requirements and will close with no reduction in service as set out in Table 2 of the report;


5.    Agrees to enable the continued delivery of childcare at Nestles Avenue, South Ruislip and Uxbridge Early Years Centres by securing an alternative provider(s) from the childcare market, as set out in this report;


6.    Agrees to receive a further report back to determine future provision for the nurseries;


7.    Agrees to support the development of the childcare market in Hillingdon to manage sufficiency in line with the new Early Education entitlements effective April 2024.


Reasons for decision


In March 2023, Cabinet had agreed to commence a 12-week public consultation on the draft Family Hub Strategy and the future of the children centres, along with a second public consultation to seek residents’ views on options for the delivery of childcare in the Council’s early years nurseries.


On the proposed new Family Hub delivery model, the Leader of the Council outlined the rationale for establishing them, referencing the experience of the Council’s first family hub at the Civic Centre which was opened a year or so ago.


It was remarked that families wanted to be able to access integrated help early and locally, and that it was important for public services to identify early needs to prevent such needs escalating and also to be able to sign-post families to a broader support services.


The findings of the independent review of children's social care in 2022 and an Ofsted thematic inspection were noted, along with Government policy which was to establish family hubs in each local authority area to deliver the start for life and healthy child programmes. It was noted that the Council was ahead of Government policy on this, having already established a family hub.


The Leader explained that the new family hubs would provide a single point of access, would be grounded in local communities and would provide a range of core and flexible services through a hub-and-spoke model, with the expected provision of a broader range of professional services than presently provided by the current children's centres. It was noted that the consultation on the new model of family hub provision was undertaken by an independent organisation, and whilst a number of respondents had opposed the closure of the children's centres identified in the report, the consultation also showed strong support for the overall idea of family hubs and the range of proposed services to be delivered from them, particularly by families with children with special education needs or disabilities.


The Leader affirmed the Council’s commitment to deliver the new hubs and to monitor this, invited a request by the Children, Families and Education Select Committee to review its implementation in 2024/25.


In respect of the public consultation on the future of the Council’s three early years centres, it was noted that since the matter had previously been considered by Cabinet, the Government had announced the expansion of the entitlement to free nursery places, which was expected to increase demand. As the scale of demand of this was unknown, the Leader explained that it would not be appropriate to close the centres at this time and that the best route forward would be to seek alternative providers to continue nursery provision at the centres and that a further report would be brought back to Cabinet to make a decision on this.


Cabinet duly considered the responses to the two consultations, their findings and also the equalities impact assessments undertaken and in considering all relevant factors, agreed to approve the recommendations in the report.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided to maintain the current model of children centre service delivery, but considered that this would not be in the best interests of residents, not responsive to their changing needs or reflect national policy.


On the early years centres, the Leader of the Council explained that another option would have been to increase the fees for them, but that it was considered for the Council to deliver a full cost recovery model and remove the current subsidy, parental fees would need to be increased substantially which would have resulted in them being higher than the market rate.


Relevant Select Committee

Children, Families & Education

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

Claire Fry / Sandra Taylor


Adult Services & Health


Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Older People's Plan update pdf icon PDF 461 KB




That the Cabinet notes the activities underway across services and with partners to support older people in Hillingdon.  


Reasons for decision


Cabinet received an update on its activity to support for older people, noting the adoption of a new Council Strategy in 2022 which had now embedded this work within its aims and objectives.


The Cabinet Member for Health and Social Care welcomed the Council’s engagement with older residents and organisations, in particular through the Older People’s Assembly.


Some of the key activities were outlined, in particular the success of the falls prevention and education programme for strength and balance, where over 170 residents had attended workshops and over 2500 toolkits distributed. The Cabinet Member also noted the popular tea dances, the telecareline service which would be developed digitally further, advice to older people which had enabled them to claim £1.3m in benefits and the continued work to be a dementia friendly borough.


The Cabinet Member stressed the mission to ensure older people are listened to support is given so they can live healthy and active lives. Thanks were paid to the Health and Social Care Select Committee who had also reviewed the report.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Relevant Select Committee

Health & Social Care

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

N/A for noting only

Officer(s) to action

John Wheatley


Central Services


Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Hillingdon's Youth Offer & Delivery Model pdf icon PDF 382 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet:  


1.    Considers the findings and overall positive response from the consultation which has informed the final proposed Youth Offer for Hillingdon.


2.    Agrees to the implementation of a new Youth Offer and delivery model in Hillingdon as detailed in the Youth Offer Vision (Appendix 1).


Reasons for decision


Following Cabinet’s decision in March 2023 to consult on a new Youth Offer and the way it was delivered across the Borough, Cabinet noted the positive findings from the consultation.


The Leader of the Council remarked how the existing provision through built youth centres had become increasingly dated with attendance of young people between 10 and 19 years at a low.


It was explained that the new youth offer proposed was to take activities out of the purpose built buildings into the community, as requested by young people, and delivered in a range of facilities and spaces, including open spaces, libraries and community buildings. The aim of which was to expand accessibility and improve the range of activities on offer and to increase the number of people using the service. It was further noted that the current delivery by two teams would be merged into a single team under streamlined management in-line with the Council’s operating model.


Cabinet, therefore agreed the new Youth Offer. Cabinet also agreed to the delivery of it through the repurpose of existing facilities, use of new sites and locations, and the closure of existing static youth centre sites as set out in the report.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet considered that continuing with the existing model of youth service provision in Hillingdon was not a viable option to meet its statutory responsibilities or to provide more accessible services to young people and the right support to them.


Relevant Select Committee

Children, Families & Education

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

Kathryn Wyatt / Julie Kelly


Children’s Services


Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Options for the future ownership and operations of Uxbridge Golf Course and Haste Hill Golf Course * pdf icon PDF 849 KB




That the Cabinet authorises the Corporate Director of Place to consider options for the future ownership and operations of the Uxbridge Golf Course and Haste Hill Golf Course, to be undertaken by officers of the Property Services Team, and to bring forward a report to a future Cabinet meeting to consider these and any recommendations for a decision.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet received a report regarding both Uxbridge Golf Course and Haste Hill Golf Course. The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport explained that both courses were currently operating at a substantial loss and considered it was not appropriate for residents to continue to subsidise the sport, a point supported by the Leader of the Council. Furthermore, to enhance the golf offer further and to remain competitive, a significant capital investment by the Council would be needed to bring them up to standard.


The Cabinet Member clarified that no decision would be made at this time on the future of the courses, and that Cabinet would await a fuller report to make a decision on the matter at a subsequent meeting.


Alternative options considered and rejected


None at this stage, and whilst general options were put to Cabinet, it was agreed to receive a further report on the matter to a subsequent meeting.


Relevant Select Committee

Property, Highways and Transport

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

James Raven / Perry Scott




Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.


*Urgency - In accordance with the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, the Chairman of the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee was notified under Rule 15 of the Rules on Access to Information in the Constitution (General Exception to give advance notice of key decision) that it was impracticable to give public notice of this matter on the Forward Plan.




Proposals for commissioning of services from the voluntary sector pdf icon PDF 829 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet:


1.    Agrees to the direct award of the Integrated Carers Support Contract to the Hillingdon Carers Consortium for a period of up to 18 months from 1st October 2023 at a total cost of £1,114,548.50 with a further £19,000 from the Integrated Care Board for 24/25 being under review.

2.    Notes the update confirming that 3 organisations will receive their final payment for 23/24 as set out in paragraph 14.

3.    Notes the transfer of the responsibility of the service provision of 2 organisations to the Council’s Place Directorate as set out in paragraph 16.

4.    Agrees, in principle, that to protect service delivery during the transition that contracts be commissioned via a direct award for a period of up to 12 months for the groups set out in paragraph 17 below from 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025. That specifications and contract payments be developed in discussion with relevant internal and external stakeholders.

5.    Agrees to a series of fully open and competitive tenders to follow the periods of direct award contracts set out in recommendation 4. The tenders will result in longer term contracts which reflect identified service needs and opportunities for collaboration and transformation.

6.    Delegates approval of contract awards to organisations, once the specifications and contract values are known, to the Leader of the Council and relevant Cabinet Member (Health and Social Care or Children, Families & Education) as appropriate or the Corporate Director of Adult Services and Health where in accordance with the Council’s Procurement Standing Orders.


Reasons for decision


The Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the report, which marked exciting development in the partnership between the Council and the established voluntary sector in Hillingdon. The Cabinet Member explained the change to a commissioning approach with such organisations, which would better channel the Council’s investment to a wider group of residents.


As part of the transition to this, the Cabinet Member proposed the extension of Integrated Carers Support Contract to build upon the work already established, along with a 12-month period for the other organisations listed in the report to develop their partnership with the Council.


The Leader of the Council welcomed that this would open new doors for the voluntary sector to expand support services. Cabinet, therefore, agreed to progress a commissioning model and, as part of the move to this, approved an interim contractual arrangements for relevant voluntary organisations.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have continued with the historic approach to direct grant funding, but considered this would lead to reduced support for residents and a likely increase in demand on Council services.


Relevant Select Committee

Finance & Corporate Services

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

Sarah Baker




Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Housing Forward Investment Programme 2023/24 - interim report pdf icon PDF 349 KB




That the Cabinet:


1)    Agree the HRA Works to Stock Programme and specific planned works to the housing stock for the remainder of the 2023/24 financial year, as set out in the report.


2)    Delegate to the Corporate Director of Place, the authority to:


a)    Utilise existing internal or external framework agreements or develop new LBH framework agreements for Cabinet approval, to enable the effective delivery of appropriate works, tenders and contracts.

b)   Approve project specific works completed using an approved LBH Framework or Term contract.

c)    Release capital funds for the specific works, as set out in the programme and strictly within approved budgets;

d)   Agree minor variations to specific projects within the programme, subject to agreement from the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport;

e)    Make any other operational decisions required to implement the works agreed by the Cabinet.


3)    Agree that relevant portfolio Cabinet Members receive quarterly summary updates, on progress delivering the programme providing capital releases and also capital spend to-date for monitoring purposes. Furthermore, any contracts entered into by the Corporate Director, via framework agreement, exceeding £500k be reported to Cabinet for information as part of the budget monitoring report.


4)    Agree, that any variations to the overall programme or approved programme budget be reported to Cabinet for approval in the first instance.


5)    Agree to receive a similar report annually in March to agree the forward HRA programme of works for the ensuing financial year and also to review works delivered from the previous financial year.


Reasons for recommendations


The Cabinet Member for Finance introduced the report, which sought to address governance and control arrangements for the Works to Stock Programme for council housing valued at £29m, to both upgrade tenants’ homes, make them more energy efficient and deal with other priorities such as the removal of damp.


Cabinet agreed special delegated authority to the relevant Corporate Director in order to streamline the delivery of these operational works, authorise their capital spend and to agree contractual matters within approved Framework Agreements and term contracts, subject to oversight by Cabinet Members.


Cabinet, therefore, agreed the work programme for the remained of the financial year and also agreed to receive a report in March annually, to look-back at delivering the previous year’s programme and agree the ensuing year’s.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided to keep the status quo with the current level of delegated authority or could have amended the specific works programme of works.


Relevant Select Committee

Property, Highways and Transport

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

Gary Penticost




Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Monthly Council Budget Monitoring Report: Month 3 pdf icon PDF 742 KB




That the Cabinet:


  1. Note the budget monitoring position and treasury management update as at June 2023 (Month 3) as outlined in Part A of this report.
  2. Approve the financial recommendations set out below:

a)    Approve acceptance of £50k additional grant funding from Transport of London for a comprehensive study of the London Borough of Hillingdon’s Cycle Infrastructure.

b)   Approve acceptance of £78k grant funding from the Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs (Defra) for costs associated with the delivery of new post-Brexit port health authority functions at the Heathrow Imported Food Office.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet was informed of the forecast revenue, capital and treasury position for the current year 2023/24 to ensure the Council achieved its budgetary and service objectives.


The Cabinet Member for Finance updated Cabinet on the national economic position, which he noted had created a challenging environment for local authorities, citing the recent bankruptcy of Birmingham City Council. Whilst inflation had fallen, it had had a damaging impact on the economy and had stayed longer than originally forecast, whilst central Government funding to local government had been reduced in real terms.


In respect of Hillingdon’s budget position, the Cabinet Member considered it to be realistic and robust through managing costs via budgetary controls and maintaining debt at sustainable levels, so the Council was resilient to financial pressures. It was noted that the budget had adapted to absorb staff pay awards, and along with other pressures, and the projected of use earmarked reserves, the Council was projecting a position of £41.3m of total reserves by the end of the financial year. It was the Council’s objective to retain and build the Council’s reserves, notwithstanding economic pressures and the Council’s programme of savings would assist in this direction.


The Cabinet Member informed Cabinet of the position of the capital programme which was indicating an underspend largely due to capacity constraints in the construction centre causing delays in delivery of key projects. It was further noted there was no change in the Dedicated Schools Budget from the last monitoring report.


Cabinet received an update on the Housing Revenue Account and made a number of other financial related decisions including the acceptance of grants for a study into the Borough’s cycle infrastructure and post-Brexit functions at the Imported Food Office at Heathrow Airport.


The Leader of the Council thanked the Cabinet Member for his stewardship of the Council’s finances.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Relevant Select Committee

Finance & Corporate Services

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

Decisions 2 a-b can be called-in by 5pm, Friday 22 September 2023.

Officer(s) to action

Andy Evans




Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.





Outcome of consultation on re-banding of parking penalty charge notices pdf icon PDF 670 KB




That the Cabinet:


1.    Considers the consultation responses received;

2.    Authorises the Corporate Director of Place to submit an application to London Councils, the Mayor of London and the Secretary of State for Transport, to change the parking Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) tariff from Band B to Band A;

3.    Delegates authority to the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services, to make any further necessary decisions to implement the change in PCN Banding if the consent of the Secretary of State is granted.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that in April 2023, the Council had launched a consultation on plans to tackle an increase in parking non-compliance in the Borough by increasing the deterrent effect of penalty charge notices (PCN) and moving them from Band B to A.


The Leader of the Council explained the proposal to move to Band A, noting that in the period prior to after Covid-19, the number of penalty charge notices issued by the Council had increased by 29%, which, in many ways, demonstrated that the lower charge was not acting as a sufficient deterrent.


The Leader remarked on the outcome of the consultation and whilst noting that there were objections to the proposed band change, regarded that there was a wider public interest in maintaining safe highways and the free flow of traffic which was why the Council was recommending the change. Cabinet, therefore agreed the proposal and noted the necessary submissions that would need to be made, and further acknowledged that an upcoming wider London review of the charging bands could in fact, negate the need for the Council’s application altogether.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to apply to change the PCN banding.



Relevant Select Committee

Residents’ Services

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

Beth Rutherford / Richard Webb




Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Public Preview of matters to be considered in private pdf icon PDF 386 KB




That Cabinet note the reports to be considered later in private and Part 2 of the Cabinet agenda and comment on them as appropriate for public information purposes.


Reasons for decision


The Leader of the Council introduced the report which provided a public summary of the matters to be discussed in the private part of the Cabinet meeting later, increasing the Council’s transparency.


Alternative options considered and rejected


These were set out in the public Cabinet report.


Relevant Select Committee

As set out in the report

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

This matter is not for call-in, as noting only.

Officer(s) to action

Mark Braddock


Central Services


Public - The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.




Property at The Grange, Rickmansworth Road, Northwood




That the Cabinet:


1.    Declares that The Grange, Rickmansworth Road, Northwood HA6 2RB is surplus to requirements, the Property is shown edged red on Plan A.

2.    Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in The Grange to the current tenant at the value and terms as detailed in the report.

3.    Delegates all future decisions regarding this disposal to the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in conjunction with the Corporate Director of Place.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed to the disposal and sale of The Grange Country House, Rickmansworth Road, Northwood, a Grade II listed building which was currently let on a commercial lease for use as a wedding venue.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet considered the alternative options as set out in the confidential report.



Relevant Select Committee

Property, Highways and Transport

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

James Raven




Private - Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it in accordance with Section 100(A) and paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (A) to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




Property at Arundel Road & Wallingford Road, Uxbridge




That the Cabinet:  


Arundel Road:


1)    Declares that the land at Arundel Road Uxbridge UB8 2RP is surplus to requirements, the Property is shown shaded orange on Plan A.

2)    Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in the land at Arundel Road.

3)    Authorises the sale of the Property on the open market.


Wallingford Road:


4)    Declares that the land at Wallingford Road Uxbridge UB8 2FG is surplus to        requirements, the Property is shown shaded red on Plan B.

5)    Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in the land at Wallingford Road.

6)    Authorises the sale of the Property on the open market.


For both sites


7)    Delegates all future decisions regarding this disposal to the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in conjunction with the Corporate Director of Place.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed the disposal and sale of two sites at Arundel Road and Wallingford Road in Uxbridge, which were both are on industrial estate land and semi-redundant in use.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet considered the alternative options as set out in the confidential report.


Relevant Select Committee

Property, Highways and Transport

Expiry date for any scrutiny call-in / date decision can be implemented (if no call-in)

5pm, Friday 22 September 2023

Officer(s) to action

James Raven




Private - Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it in accordance with Section 100(A) and paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12 (A) to the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended).




Any other items the Chairman agrees are relevant or urgent



*report published under urgency provisions



No additional items were considered by the Cabinet.


The meeting closed at 7:39pm.



Internal Use only*

Implementation of decisions & scrutiny call-in


When can these decisions be implemented by officers?

Officers can implement Cabinet’s decisions in these minutes only from the expiry of the scrutiny call-in period, unless otherwise stated above, which is:


5pm, Friday 22 September 2023


However, this is subject to the decision not being called in by Councillors on the relevant Select Committee. Upon receipt of a valid call-in request, Democratic Services will immediately advise the relevant officer(s) and the Cabinet decision must then be put on hold.


Councillor scrutiny call-in of these decisions

Councillors on the relevant Select Committee shown in these minutes for the relevant decision made may request to call-in that decision. The call-in request must be before the expiry of the scrutiny call-in period above.


Councillors should use the Scrutiny Call-in App (link below) on their devices to initiate any call-in request. Further advice can be sought from Democratic Services if required:


Scrutiny Call-In - Power Apps (secure)



These decisions have been taken under The Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.


This Cabinet meeting was also broadcast live on the Council’s YouTube channel here for wider resident engagement.


Please note that these minutes and decisions are the definitive record of proceedings by the Council of this meeting.


If you would like further information about the decisions of the Cabinet, please contact the Council below:

Democratic Services: 01895 250636

Media enquiries: 01895 250403