Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Mark Braddock - email: / Telephone: 01895 250470  Cabinet Secretary / Senior Manager, Democratic Services

Link: Watch a LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Councillor Richard Lewis sent his apologies for the Cabinet meeting.


Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting


No interests were declared by Members present.


To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting pdf icon PDF 152 KB


The decisions and minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 18 May 2017 were agreed as a correct record.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private


This was confirmed.


Heathrow expansion and air quality Government consultations pdf icon PDF 157 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.    Notes the contents of the report.


2.    Endorses the joint response that has been submitted by the London Boroughs of Hillingdon, Richmond, Wandsworth and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead in relation to the previous Government's consultation on the Draft Airports National Policy Statement as set out in Appendix 1. 


3.    Endorses this Council's individual response that has been submitted in relation to the previous Government's consultation on the Draft Airports National Policy Statement as set out in Appendix 2.  


4.    Endorses the joint response that has been submitted by the London Boroughs of Hillingdon, Richmond, Wandsworth and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead in relation to the previous Government's consultation on UK Airspace Policy as set out in Appendix 3. 


5.    Endorses the joint response that has been submitted by the London Boroughs of Hillingdon, Richmond, Wandsworth and the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead in relation to the previous Government's consultation on Tackling Nitrogen Dioxide in our Towns and Cities as set out in Appendix 4. 


6.    Affirms this Council's commitment, working either alone, or in conjunction with its partner authorities and others, to take all necessary action, including the commencement of further legal challenges, to oppose the Government's proposals to expand Heathrow Airport and it agrees that delegated authority be given to the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Residents Services and the Borough Solicitor to formally implement any actions directed by the Leader of the Council.    


Reasons for decision


Cabinet endorsed recent consultation responses to the UK Government on its proposals surrounding Heathrow expansion and air quality, including joint responses with other affected boroughs detailing the devastating impact that this would have on local communities. It was noted that the robust representations made as to why Heathrow expansion should not go ahead would also assist in any necessary further legal proceedings.


Alternative options considered and rejected


The Council could have decided not to respond to the various consultations. However, this was not considered to be a feasible alternative due to the very significant impacts that Heathrow expansion would have on the Borough and its residents. 


Officers to action:


Raj Alagh, Borough Solicitor


Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.



Children, Young People and Learning Policy Overview Committee - Review of the Council's relationships with Academies and Free Schools pdf icon PDF 111 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman of the Children, Young People and Learning Policy Overview Committee, Councillor Jane Palmer, presented the finding of the Committee’s review to Cabinet, which were warmly endorsed.




That Cabinet:


A.   Welcomes the Committee's findings from their review into the Council’s current and future relationship with Academies and Free Schools;


B.   Agrees the following recommendations from the Committee for implementation by officers, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Services:


Policy Overview Committee Recommendations

1.    That the Council provides clear contact details for all school enquiries, including giving consideration to providing a single point of contact to all schools.


2.    That officers look at further ways to build on the good relationship between the Council and the Regional Schools Commissioner.


3.    That where there are specific attainment and progress concerns at various Key Stages, the Children, Young People & Learning Policy Overview Committee advises that the Council and schools work together to continue to ensure that there are clear and accountable plans in place.


4.    That the Council strongly encourages all school governing bodies to have in place satisfactory induction and continuous professional development arrangements for new and existing governors/trustees.


5.    That the Council continues to assist schools with the conversion transition to an Academy school and continues to support existing Academy Trusts where new schools join their Trust.


6.    That the Council works with Hillingdon Schools to revise the school improvement framework effective from September 2017 in light of the changing role of the Local Authority in education.

Reasons for decision


Cabinet considered the report of the Committee and welcomed the proactive work undertaken to progress educational outcomes across all schools. Cabinet noted the feedback gained which provided a valuable insight for any future transformation of education service provision locally. Cabinet endorsed the practical and supportive recommendations which it considered would fit neatly into the way the Council's role and schools were changing.


Alternative options considered and rejected


The Cabinet could have decided to reject some or all of the Committee’s recommendations.


Officers to action:


Dan Kennedy – Residents Services (implementation)

AnishaTeji – Chief Executive’s Office (monitoring)


Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.



Dynamic Purchasing System for Homecare and Outreach Services pdf icon PDF 125 KB




That Cabinet:


1.    Authorises the establishment of a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) in conjunction with the Hillingdon Clinical Commissioning Group for Adults’ and Children’s Home Care and Outreach Services.

2.    Authorises officers to procure spot care packages by “calling off” (sourcing) from the Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS).


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed to the creation of a Dynamic Purchasing System which would facilitate the availability of a range of good quality providers to meet the assessed homecare and outreach needs of Hillingdon's residents. It would also support continuity of care as people's needs changed over time.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have considered individual spot purchase placements on an ad hoc basis or established a traditional framework agreement. Both options were discounted due to the resource and lack of flexibility inherent in such arrangements.


Officers to action:


Tony Zaman – Social Care

Sally Offin - Finance


Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.



Quarterly Planning Obligations Monitoring pdf icon PDF 117 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet notes the updated financial information.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted the report which detailed the financial planning obligations held by the Council and what progress had, and was, being made.


Alternative options considered and rejected


To not report to Cabinet. However, Cabinet believed it was an example of good practice to monitor income and expenditure against specific planning agreements.


Officer to action:


Nicola Wyatt, Residents Services



Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.



Budget 2016/17 Outturn pdf icon PDF 477 KB




That Cabinet:


1.    Note the outturn budget position as at March 2017 (Month 12), including release of Development and Risk Contingency & Priority Growth funds into Directorate Operating budgets as outlined in Tables 4 and 5.

2.    Note the Treasury Management update as at March 2017 at Appendix E.

3.    Continue the delegated authority up until the July 2017 Cabinet meeting to the Chief Executive to approve any consultancy and agency assignments over £50k, with final sign-off of any assignments made by the Leader of the Council. Cabinet are also asked to note those consultancy and agency assignments over £50k approved under delegated authority between the 20th April 2017 and 22nd June 2017 Cabinet meetings, detailed at Appendix F.

4.    Approves the rephasing of £13,560k of HRA Capital Budgets from 2016/17 into future years as per Appendix C, alongside the rephasing of a net £3,429k of 2017/18 HRA Capital Budgets into subsequent years.

5.    Approves the rephasing of £15,978k General Fund Capital Budgets from 2016/17 into future years as per Appendix D, alongside rephasing of a net £4,856k from 2017/18 into future years.

6.    Approves a virement of £660k Inspiring Shopfronts funding to the Gateway Hillingdon programme to support a new Gateway Initiative at Eastcote Town Centre.

7.    Approves the proposed amendments to the Council's Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme effective from 1 April 2018 for public consultation, to align the scheme with recent changes to Housing Benefit regulations.

8.    Approves acceptance of gift funding in relation to Planning Performance Agreements on major developments within the Borough in accordance with the provisions of Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003, in respect of application: COMAG site, West Drayton (up to £23,500).

9.    Ratify the decisions taken by the Leader of the Council and relevant Cabinet Members, which would ordinarily be reserved to the Cabinet, as set out in Appendix H

10.In respect of the Council’s response to the Grenfell Tower Fire in London:


a)    Ratifies a decision taken by the Leader of the Council on 20 June 2017 to authorise the purchase of fire doors from Gerda at a cost of circa. £2.2m using existing capital funds in order to protect and safeguard council properties and residents.

b)   Notes that the Leader of the Council may decide to make further use of his exceptional powers in the Constitution to ensure the Council is taking every step possible to reassure and ensure that residents are safe and secure in their homes, following the aftermath of this terrible incident.

c)    Agrees that the Deputy Chief Executive and Corporate Director of Residents Services, in consultation with the Leader of the Council, be delegated all necessary authority from the Cabinet required to carry out any actions or changes to housing fire safety related services, works, policies and procedures and to incur any necessary expenditure to give effect to this within available budgets.

d)   Agrees that a comprehensive update report be presented to Cabinet in due course on the actions the Council has taken to keep both Members and local residents reassured and well informed.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet was informed of the out-turn revenue, capital and treasury position from the previous financial year 2016/17. Members welcomed the sustainable financial position the Council was in.


Cabinet made a range of other decisions in relation to the Council's budget. It ratified some interim decisions taken by the Leader of the Council along with the re-phasing of budgets into future years. Cabinet allocated monies to fund a new Gateway Initiative at Eastcote Town Centre, made amendments to the Local Council Tax Reduction Scheme to align it with recent changes to housing benefit and accepted some gift funding in respect of a major site in the Borough.


Cabinet also made some additional decisions in respect of the Council’s fire safety works following the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower in London, regarding ongoing work to safeguard housing properties and ensure the safety of residents.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Paul Whaymand, Finance Directorate


Classification: Public


The report and any background papers relating to this decision by the Cabinet are available to view on the Council's website or by visiting the Civic Centre, Uxbridge.



Award of Contract: Care and Wellbeing Service in Extra Care




That the Cabinet:


1.    Accept the tender from Carewatch Care Services Ltd for the provision of Care and Wellbeing Service in extra care at a contract price of up to £17,566k (£3,513k pa) that comprises of:

a)    the Core Service at the value set out in the report;

b)   two intermediate care flats in extra care at the value set out in the report;

c)    the Flexi Service to meet assessed need, at the estimated value in as set out in the report.


2.    Accepts the tender from Carewatch Care Service Ltd for a period of five years starting in 2017 and with the option to extend for a period of up to two further years. 


Reasons for decision


Cabinet agreed to appoint a provider following a competitive tender process to deliver a care and wellbeing service to the tenants of the Council’s four extra care sheltered housing schemes, which included the two new schemes due to open in 2018.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Gary Collier - Social Care


Classification: Private


Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Award of Contract: Replacement of Windows to Council owned Houses and Bungalows




That the Cabinet agrees to accept the tender from Specialist Building Products Limited T/A Plastal for the replacement of windows to 178 Council owned houses and bungalows to the value of £503,873.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet gave approval to move forward with a contract to undertake window replacement for 178 Council owned houses and bungalows, which would improve health, safety and security for residents.


Alternative options considered and rejected


To undertake temporary repairs which was considered neither practical nor financially viable.


Officer to action:


Gary Penticost, Residents Services


Classification: Private


Whilst the Cabinet's decisions above are always made public, the officer report relating to this matter is not because it was considered in the private part of the meeting and contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Any other items the Chairman agrees are relevant or urgent


No additional items were considered by the Cabinet.


The meeting closed at 19.30pm.




For all decisions: Meeting after Cabinet, the Executive Scrutiny Committee did not call-in any of the Cabinet's decisions. These can therefore be implemented from 5pm, Friday 30 June 2017 upon the expiry of the scrutiny call-in period, unless notified otherwise.


The officers to implement the decisions are indicated in the minutes.



Addendum pdf icon PDF 137 KB

Additional recommendations approved by the Cabinet on Item 9, Budget Outturn Report in relation to Fire Safety.


Councillors and meetings