Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions
Contact: Mark Braddock - email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies were received from Councillor Susan O’Brien and Councillor Jane Palmer.
Declarations of Interest in matters before this meeting Minutes: No interests were declared by Cabinet Members present.
To approve the minutes of the last Cabinet meeting PDF 496 KB Minutes: The decisions and minutes of the Cabinet meeting held on 22 June 2023 were agreed as a correct record.
To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private Minutes: The Leader of the Council explained to the Members of the Public present the status of the reports to be considered and it was confirmed that the reports on the agenda, as marked public and private, would be considered as shown.
Strategic Climate Action Plan PDF 664 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Notes the progress made in the Strategic Climate Action Plan.
2. Approves the 2023/24 priorities identified in this report.
Reasons for decision
Cabinet received a progress update on the Council’s Strategic Climate Action Plan which set out 6 corporate commitments and 9 key themes. Cabinet also agreed the priorities for the new financial year.
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services explained an important part of the work was to establish a clear line of base data to measure improvements over time. It was noted that the Plan set out the improvements to the Council’s infrastructure, in particular the Civic Centre, to reduce it’s carbon footprint to help meet the Council’s 2030 net zero target. The Cabinet Member highlighted a 43.8% reduction in electricity usage since 2018, the investment in the housing stock to improve thermal efficiency and plans to enhance the Borough’s electric vehicle charging infrastructure and also the purchase of electric fleet vehicles where appropriate.
The Leader of the Council noted the timeliness of the report and welcomed the Council’s focus on actual reduction in real energy use, rather than purchasing energy from a renewable supplier.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Appropriation of land at the former Yiewsley Swimming Pool and Falling Lane, Yiewsley PDF 589 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Having considered the consultation responses, approves the appropriation of the Site (subject to compliance with all necessary legal requirements) in exercise of statutory powers to appropriate for planning purposes, exercising powers under S122 of the Local Government Act for the planning purposes of facilitating redevelopment having regard to the Equalities Impact Assessment, for residential and other community uses pursuant to section 226 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
2. Approves the use of powers to override easements, restrictions and other rights in respect of the Site pursuant to section 203 of the Housing and Planning Act 2016 (the 2016 Act) following the grant of planning permission for the proposed development.
3. Resolve that the area of Land at the former Yiewsley Swimming Pool and Falling Lane, Yiewsley shown edged [red] on the plan at Appendix 1 (the Site) is no longer required for the open space purposes for which it is currently held.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport explained the purpose of the report which was to appropriate Land from public open space to planning purposes, which would facilitate the redevelopment of the sites to provide community facilities and a significant number of residential units for social housing.
Cabinet agreed the recommendations in the report having considered the statutory consultation responses received and the Equalities Assessment.
The Leader of the Council remarked that there was delegated authority for determining the matter, but it was instead brought to Cabinet for fuller transparency.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet considered other options as set out in the public report.
Hillingdon Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy PDF 198 KB Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet approves the Hillingdon Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy and key actions as set out in Appendix A.
Reasons for decision
In response to an increased demand for public EV charging, Cabinet agreed a new Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Strategy to increase and manage EV charging across the Borough.
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport noted that the Strategy had been developed over time, to move the Borough forward in a moderate way to provide charging facilities on land owned by the Council. This would include the upgrade of existing charging points in the short-term and in the medium to long-term further off-street charging points. The Cabinet Member remarked that technology in this area was changing fast, so the Council had decided not to rush too quickly to install infrastructure that may turn out to be obsolete in the future.
The Leader of the Council noted a BBC programme the previous night on the topic and explained that the Council’s position installing new vehicle infrastructure technology would always be based on a business case approach. The Leader welcomed the proposal to form a partnership with a supplier, so that the Council would retain a degree of control on the infrastructure provided and also so there would not be a monopoly of provision locally with a single supplier.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Alternative options considered by the Cabinet were set out in the public report.
Public Spaces Protection Order 2023 PDF 400 KB Additional documents:
Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Considers the public consultation responses and subsequent PSPO amendments set out in the report and Appendix 1;
2. Has regard to the contents of the Equalities Impact Assessment in Appendix 2 and;
3. Approves the finalised Public Spaces Protection Order in Appendix 3 for publication.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services noted the amendments made following feedback from the public consultation on updated Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs), which were to add new powers to tackle car meets/street races and on the use of amplification equipment in green spaces. The Cabinet Member noted other issues raised in the consultation that would be covered by alternate powers.
Having considered the consultation responses received, along with the Equalities Impact Assessment, Cabinet agreed the updated PSPO for the next 3 years.
The Leader of the Council welcomed the value of public consultation, where feedback from residents had enabled the Council to strengthen its decision.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet noted that alternative options to manage anti-social behaviour in public spaces were limited due to available enforcement legislation.
Monthly Council Budget Monitoring Report: Month 2 PDF 520 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Note the budget monitoring position and treasury management update as at May 2023 (Month 2) as outlined in Part A of this report. 2. Approve the financial recommendations set out below: a. Approve a contribution of £30k to the Mayor’s Charity from revenue generated from sales of resident deposits at textile banks within the authority. b. Approve acceptance of £11k grant funding from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to cover systems related costs arising from the requirement to comply with legislative changes. c. Approve a contract extension with Oxygen Finance Ltd for the provision of the Hillingdon Council’s early payment programme for the period to December 2027.
Reasons for decision
Cabinet was informed of the forecast revenue, capital and treasury position for the current year 2023/24 to ensure the Council achieved its budgetary and service objectives.
The Cabinet Member for Finance outlined the national economic position which he noted had created a challenging environment for local authorities, in particular that inflation had been longer lasting than projected, and in part due to public sector pay increases. The Cabinet Member highlighted how such matters had impacted heavily on the cost of living for households and businesses alike.
The Cabinet Member explained the need to be prudent with such early forecasting of the year’s budget position, but commented that the Council’s financial performance remained robust and resilient. It was noted that the budget had adapted to absorb the additional expected costs of pay awards, and along with the projected of use earmarked reserves, the Council was projecting a position of £41.3m of total reserves by the end of the financial year. The importance of retaining and building the Council’s reserves was re-iterated and the programme of savings to assist with was on well on track and would expand going forward.
The Cabinet Member welcomed that the Council was able to borrow at competitive interest rates for its capital programme, where needed. It was noted that the position of the Dedicated Schools Budget was challenging, due to the increase in costs from out-of-borough special needs placements and an increase in Educational & Health Care Plans during the pandemic. It was welcomed that the measures agreed with the Department for Education to tackle the budget were generally on track and the Council’s investment in additional SEND places would further drive down costs materially.
Cabinet received an update on the Housing Revenue Account and made a number of other financial related decisions including a contribution to the Mayor’s Charity, a minor grant acceptance and award of contract for the provision of an early payment programme.
The Leader of the Council welcomed the Council’s plans to maintain sound financial management given the national economic position.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Public Preview of matters to be considered in private PDF 386 KB Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet note the reports to be considered later in private and Part 2 of the Cabinet agenda and comment on them as appropriate for public information purposes.
Reasons for decision
The Leader of the Council introduced the report which provided a public summary of the matters to be discussed in the private part of the Cabinet meeting later, increasing the Council’s transparency.
Alternative options considered and rejected
These were set out in the public Cabinet report.
Electric Vehicle Charge Point (EVCP) Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet: 1. Accept the tender from APCOA Parking (UK) Limited to supply, install, maintain and operate electric vehicle charge points installed in Council owned properties throughout the borough for use by the public or, where properties are not open to the public, by Council owned vehicles and at the estimated value of £8,432k. 2. Approves the Council’s preferred option for the award to be based on tendered option C (50% Council / 50% Supplier) funded. 3. Accepts the initial contract period of five years from September 2023 4. Furthermore, agrees that this includes the provision to extend the contract for a further ten year (at five-year increments) period (fifteen years in total), delegating approval of any extension to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Place. 5. Authorises the Corporate Director of Place, in consultation with the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport to make any further decisions required in respect of progressing electric vehicle charging points.
Reasons for decision
Cabinet accepted a tender to enable a partnership with a contractor for the delivery of a scalable EV charge point infrastructure in line with the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure strategy agreed earlier by Cabinet at the meeting. The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport outlined the terms of the contract.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet could have decided not to respond to the forecast increase in EV use and not to appoint a contractor to support EV infrastructure growth locally.
Managed Service for the Supply & Distribution of Materials for the In-House Repairs Team Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet agrees:
1. To award a contract to Huws Gray Ltd. for the provision of a managed service for the supply & distribution of materials for the in-house repairs team to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a three-year period from 1 October 2023 to 30 September 2026 and at the estimated value of £1.2m per annum.
2. Furthermore, that this includes the provision to extend the contract for two years, subject to the approval of the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Place.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport moved the recommendations in the report, which Cabinet agreed, for a new contract for a tailored material supply service to maximise the efficiency of the work of the Council’s in-house council housing repairs team. This followed a competitive tender exercise.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Short-term Care Home Beds Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet accepts a single tender from Halton Services Limited for the provision of a block contract at Parkfield House Nursing Home at a total cost for 2023/24 of £612,000 for the provision of:
1) Eight nursing care home beds to the London Borough of Hillingdon for the period 03 April 2023 to 31 March 2024 at a total cost of £499,200 (£9,600 per week).
2) Two nursing care home beds to the London Borough of Hillingdon for the period 08 May 2023 to 31 March 2024 at a total cost of £112,800 (£2,400 per week).
Reasons for decision
The Leader of the Council moved the recommendations in the report, which Cabinet agreed, for a tender to enable the Council to continue to secure nursing beds at Parkfield House Nursing Home to support timely discharge of patients from hospital who required short-term continued support in a care home setting and had nursing needs.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Passenger Lift Maintenance, Service and Repairs Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Accept the tender from RJ Lifts Group Ltd for the provision of passenger lift maintenance and repairs for corporate and housing properties for a period of 3 years from 1 November 2023 to 31 October 2026 and at the value of £123k per annum; and
2. Agree that this includes the provision to extend the contract for a further 2-year period (5 years in total), delegating approval of any extension to the Leader of the Council and Cabinet Member for Property, Highways & Transport, in consultation with the Corporate Director of Place.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport explained the important of good lift maintenance and moved the recommendations in the report, which Cabinet agreed, for a new contract for the passenger and good lifts service, repair and maintenance for all the Council’s housing and corporate properties. This followed a competitive tender exercise.
Alternative options considered and rejected
None, as there were statutory requirements for regular inspections of lifts.
Provision of Pest Control Services Contract Minutes: RESOLVED:
That Cabinet agree to extend the current contract with John O’Conner (Grounds Maintenance) Ltd for the provision of Pest Control services to the London Borough of Hillingdon for a two-year period from 1st November 2023 to 31st October 2025 and at a cost of £640k for the period.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services moved the recommendations in the report, which Cabinet agreed, to extend the current contract for a professional pest control service. It was noted that this would be used by different teams across the Council and costs subject to demand.
Alternative options considered and rejected
House Extension & New Build Programme Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
1. Approve the Housing Extra Bedroom Programme to extend 2 properties (85 Manor Waye and 273 Long Drive, Ruislip) in the current housing stock from 3 to 4 bedroom properties to meet current housing requirements;
2. Approve the Housing Extra Bedroom Programme to extend and refurbish to DFG Standards, 46 Great Central Avenue, Ruislip in the current housing stock from 1 bedroom to 2 bedroom property to meet current housing requirements;
3. Approve the General Need New Build scheme to build a 4-bedroom house on land adjacent to 140 Rowan Road and to set the rent to the applicable London Affordable Rent (LAR) rate;
4. Approve the appointment of The Ewang Practice Ltd at a cost of £674k to carry out works to New Build Land Adjacent to 140 Rowan Road, West Drayton, UB7 7UE, extend and refurbish to DFG Standards 46 Great Central Avenue, Ruislip, HA4 6UF and extend 85 Manor Waye, Uxbridge, UB8 2BG and 273 Long Drive, Ruislip, HA4 0HT;
5. Approve a budget virement from the HRA Unallocated Acquisitions and Development Budget of £364k to the HRA New Build 140 Rowan Road budget; and
6. Agree to the total capital release request of £862k from Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Budgets:
a. Housing Extra Bedroom Programme for the costs and associated fees (£350k) to extend 2 properties (85 Manor Waye and 273 Long Drive, Ruislip) and extend and refurbish 1 property (46 Great Central Avenue); and b. New Build Programme for the costs and associated fees (£512k) to construct a new build 4-bedroom detached dwelling on land adjacent to 140 Rowan Road.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport outlined the Council’s house extension and new build programme which would also support those with disabilities living more independently in their own homes. Cabinet, therefore, agreed to extend three Council housing properties to provide an additional bedroom each to meet demand. Cabinet also awarded a contract for a project to build a new 4-bed home on Rowan Road in West Drayton.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet considered alternate house building proposals, as set out in the report.
Property Disposals - Carew Road & Chester Road, Northwood Minutes: RESOLVED:
That the Cabinet:
Carew Road
1. Declares that the vacant three bed residential property known as 9a Carew Road Northwood HA6 3NJ is surplus to requirements; the Property is shown edged red on plan A. 2. Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in 9 Carew Road Northwood together with the three-bedroom conversion known as 9a Carew Road with the current leaseholders to be offered a right of first refusal. 3. Authorises the sale of the Property on the open market, the method of sale to be by auction, subject to prevailing market conditions.
Chester Road
4. Declares that the vacant ground floor flat at 45 Chester Road Northwood HA6 1BG is surplus to requirements, the Property is shown edged red on plan B. 5. Authorises the sale of the freehold interest in 45 Chester Road, Northwood together with the two-bedroom ground floor flat with the current leaseholders to be offered a right of first refusal. 6. Authorises the sale of the freehold interest of the Property on the open market, the method of sale to be by auction, subject to prevailing market conditions.
For both sites
7. Delegates all future decisions regarding this disposal to the Corporate Director of Place, in conjunction with the Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport.
Reasons for decision
The Cabinet Member for Property, Highways and Transport moved the recommendations in the report, which Cabinet agreed, to declare two vacant flats used as Council housing surplus to requirements and also progress the associated sale of 2 properties in Northwood.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Cabinet considered a range of alternative options as set out in the confidential report.
Any other items the Chairman agrees are relevant or urgent Minutes: No additional items were considered by the Cabinet.
The meeting closed at 7:27pm.