Agenda and minutes

CABINET - Thursday, 23rd September, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Mark Braddock  Senior Democratic Services Manager

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


All Members were present.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Cllr Mills declared a personal interest in Item 16 (minute 189) as Chairman of Governors at Ruislip High School and remained in the room during discussion on the item.


Cllr Seaman-Digby declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Items 5 and 6 (minutes 198 and 179) as he lived in the Conservation Area. He left the room during discussion on the items.


To confirm the minutes of the previous meeting held on 15 July 2010 pdf icon PDF 188 KB


The minutes of the previous meeting were confirmed.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in public and that the items of business marked Part 2 in private


This was confirmed.


Conservation Management Plan for Eastcote House Buildings and Gardens pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1)                 Welcomes the Conservation Management Plan for the site;


2)                 Authorises officers to investigate the relocation of the Eastcote Billiards Club, with a further report to Cabinet in December to discuss the findings;


3)                 Instructs officers to draft a detailed, prioritised and costed schedule for urgent works to the stables, dovecot and walled garden; to form the basis of a Capital Release Report for £150,000 from the HIP for this work and;


4)                 Authorises officers to proceed with a Part 1 Application to the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) for the refurbishment, conversion and interpretation of the listed buildings and park at Eastcote House Gardens, for community use.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet were informed that the buildings had been in Council ownership for many years and were in need of significant repair work.  Additionally, that the tenants of the Stables, the Eastcote Billiards Club, were no longer able to carry out maintenance to the building, and its intermittent use and derelict appearance encouraged vandalism in the gardens. 


Cabinet therefore agreed that urgent repairs were necessary to the listed structures, and up to £150,000 would be allocated in principle from the Council’s Hillingdon Improvement Programme for these works. Cabinet also agreed to apply for external funding to the Heritage Lottery Fund for a longer term solution.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to proceed with this project and thereby the buildings and walled garden would fall into such disrepair that they would be unusable and present a health and safety risk to the public.


Officers to action:


Charmian Baker / Sarah Harper, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Cheney Street - extension to Eastcote Village Conservation Area pdf icon PDF 95 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


  1. Approve, for public consultation, the proposed extension to the existing Eastcote Village Conservation Area, as illustrated in the map included in Appendix 1.


  1. Instruct officers to undertake a period of consultation of 6 weeks with all ward Councillors, local residents, owners and other interested groups within the proposed area and to report the outcome of the consultation to the Cabinet meeting in December 2010.


  1. Approve the revised eligibility criteria for the designation of Conservation Areas and Areas of Special Local Character included in Appendix 3.


Reasons for decision


As part of the Council’s rolling review of the Borough’s Conservation Areas, and following a request for designation, Cabinet agreed the officers’ re-assessment of Cheney Street and proposed its inclusion within Eastcote Village Conservation Area. Before making a final decision, Cabinet agreed a period of six weeks for public consultation.


Alternative options considered and rejected.


Cabinet could have not agreed to Cheney Street’s inclusion, which potentially could have compromised the quality of designated areas within the Borough and consistency with current guidance.


Officers to action:


Nairita Chakraborty and Sarah Harper,

Planning, Environment and Community Services


Pan-London emergency planning arrangements - amendment to the Gold Resolution and procedures for mutual aid pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet, on behalf of the London Borough of Hillingdon:


  1. Adopt the Addendum to the Gold Resolution in Appendix A
  2. Agree the Memorandum of Understanding for Mutual Aid in Appendix B


Reason for decision


Cabinet agreed the adoption of the amended Gold Resolution and Memorandum of Understanding for Mutual Aid which would establish on a London-wide basis a clear, updated and consistent framework for London boroughs to use when responding to potentially pan-London emergency situations.


Alternative options considered and rejected


The critical decision was the Addendum to the Gold Resolution. If Cabinet had not adopted the Addendum, in a pan-London emergency it could have frustrated London local authority efforts to work effectively together (only if all other London boroughs had passed the Addendum bar Hillingdon).


Officer to action:


Mark Braddock, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office


Revisions to Chapter 4 'Educational Facilities' of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Additional documents:




That Cabinet:


1.                  Notes the comments received during the consultation period;


2.                  Approves the amendments made to the consultation draft Chapter 4 ‘Educational Facilities’ of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document as set out in paragraphs 17 and 22 of this Cabinet report;


3.                  Adopts the revised Chapter 4 ‘Educational Facilities’ of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document for the purposes of development management;


4.                  Grants delegated authority to the Corporate Directors of Planning, Environment and Community Services and Education and Children’s Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Members for Planning and Transportation and Education and Children’s Services, to approve any minor amendments or corrections of a factual nature, to Chapter 4 ‘Educational Facilities’ of the Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document before it is formally published, and also to make any further revisions, if required as a result of any relevant revisions to GLA or Hillingdon population projections affecting child yields.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet had previously agreed that Chapter 4 ‘Educational Contributions’ of the adopted Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (July 2008), which contained child-yield statistics based on 2001 Census data, should be updated and issued for public consultation. Cabinet noted that the proposed revisions to Chapter 4 took account of the increase in child yields, to ensure that the scale of contributions sought from planning obligations for educational facilities from new development would be appropriate. Cabinet therefore adopted the revised document.


Alternative options considered and rejected.


Cabinet could have decided not to adopt the document, which would have restricted the Council’s ability to ensure that the scale of contributions sought from planning obligations for educational facilities from new development was appropriate.


Officers to action:


James Gleave – Planning, Environment & Community Services

Terry Brennan - Education and Children’s Services


Common London Permit Scheme for the management of street works and road works pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet approves the adoption of the Common London Permit Scheme (LoPS) by the Council as part of an overall review of the management of street works and road works in Hillingdon.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that the scheme had already been implemented in many London Boroughs and that whilst it did not have a statutory obligation to adopt the scheme, after an assessment by officers it would give the Council more power and resources to control ‘street works’ carried out by utility companies (and other organisations wishing to carry out street works).


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have deferred the adoption of the Scheme or continued to operate under existing legislation.


Officer to action:


James Birch, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Monitoring - Month 4 2010/11 Revenue and Capital Monitoring pdf icon PDF 353 KB




That Cabinet:


  1. Note the forecast budget position for revenue and capital as at Month 4.
  2. Note the treasury update at Appendix B.
  3. Approves the virement of £874k released funds for the Primary Capital Programme from E&CS to the Major Construction Team in PECS.
  4. Approves the £252k increase in Section 106 capital budget in PECS to include recently allocated schemes.
  5. Approve the virement of £160k from HRA Pipeline Sites Phase 1 to HRA Extra Care Sites Phase 1 (Triscott House)
  6. Rescinds its decision dated 26 June 2010 to award a 3-year contract to Network Design & Support Limited at a total cost of £629k for the supply of the Novell licences for ICT Directory Services, File Hosting and Email also for the support and maintenance of this infrastructure for 3 years.
  7. Endorses the action being taken to prepare the corporate grants programme for 2011/12 as set out in the report.
  8. Agree to the appointment of interim staff at a cost of £318k as set out in Appendix C which are all funded from ringfenced DoH grant.
  9. Instruct the Director of Planning, Environment and Community Services to approve all non-emergency highways revenue expenditure in agreement with the Leader of the Council.


Reasons for Decision


The reason for the monitoring recommendation was to ensure the Council achieved its budgetary objectives. The report informed Cabinet of the latest forecast revenue and capital position for the current year 2010/11, including work being undertaken on the corporate grants budget. Cabinet also agreed some changes to capital budgets, interim appointments and approved some virements.


In addition, Cabinet agreed to rescind the award of a 3-year contract to Network Design & Support Limited for ICT Directory Services, File Hosting and Email services due to the increased need for savings in the council's ICT Department.


Alternative options considered and rejected




Officer to action:


Paul Whaymand, Finance and Resources



Monitoring - Quarterly Planning Obligations Financial Report pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Additional documents:




That the Cabinet notes the updated financial information attached to the report.


Reasons for decision


Circular 05/05 and the accompanying best practice guidance requires local planning authorities to consider how they can inform Members and the public of progress in the allocation, provision and implementation of obligations whether they are provided by the developer in kind or through a financial contribution. Cabinet noted the report which detailed the financial planning obligations held by the Council and what progress had, and was, being made.


Alternative options considered and rejected


To not report to Cabinet.  However, Cabinet believed it was an example of good practice to monitor income and expenditure against specific planning agreements.


Officer to action:


Nicola Wyatt, Planning and Community Services



Building Control - The Building (Local Authority Charging) Regulations 2010 pdf icon PDF 308 KB




The Cabinet:


  1. Agrees to the Replacement Scheme as outlined at Appendix A;


  1. Agrees that the Replacement Scheme and any subsequent amendments to the Replacement Scheme be included in the authority’s annual schedule of fees and charges.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that The Building (Local Authority Charges) Regulations 2010 came into force on the 1st April 2010 and provided the legal framework for the setting of any new charging scheme in order to recover costs for carrying out Building Control functions.  Cabinet therefore adopted the Replacement Scheme to allow the Council to continue charging for the Building Control applications.


Alternative options considered and rejected


If Cabinet had not adopted the scheme it would have removed the Council’s right to charge for Building Control functions.  


Officer to action:


Ian Inniss, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Extension of the agreement for architectural and cost planning services for the refurbishment and expansion of libraries




That Cabinet agrees to extend the contractual arrangements with Mackenzie Wheeler and Gleeds for a further two years to deliver the libraries refurbishment and enhancement programme.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet was pleased with the branding and design of its Library buildings as part of its pioneering Library refurbishment programme. Cabinet therefore agreed the continued use of both Mackenzie Wheeler (Architect) and Gleeds (Quantity Surveyor) to ensure Phase 3 works complement those already completed in the first two phases of the programme.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have not extended the current agreements and re-tendered for the services, however Cabinet recognised the expertise and knowledge gained by both companies involved in this key project.


Officers to action:


Alan Dalton & Mohamed Bhimani, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



West London Home Care Framework Agreement




That Cabinet:


  1. Approve the council’s use of the West London Alliance Homecare Framework Agreement via an access agreement with Hammersmith & Fulham and each selected provider we wish to purchase services from. 


  1. Approve that officers offer a contract to OLM (along with other west London boroughs) to carry out limited professional re-negotiation of a number of high value specialist residential contracts, where this will be financially beneficial to the council.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that individual members of the West London Alliance would have to seek their own authority’s approval to use the Framework Agreement via the access agreement and therefore approved Hillingdon’s participation.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decided not to enter into the framework agreement for accessing home care services. However, it agreed that the financial advantage of doing so were clearly in the Council’s interests.


Officer to action:


Paul Feven, Adult Social Care, Health and Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Teenage Parents Services - award of contract




That Cabinet notes the report and agree the award of contract to Look Ahead Housing and Care Limited for a new building-based service for 12 teenage / young parents plus 5 units of floating support for £283,848 for 3 years.


Reasons for decision


Cabinet noted that the contracts for existing teenage parent housing-related support services in the Borough were coming to an end and therefore agreed to continue with a replacement service.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have decommissioned the services, but this could have left vulnerable residents without support.


Officer to action:


Barry Newitt, Adult Social Care, Health and Housing


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



Appointment of consultants in support of a planning application and design for the Ruislip High School additional form of entry and Sixth Form Centre




1) That the Cabinet authorises the appointment of a multi-disciplinary team of consultants to deliver architectural, quantity surveying/cost consultancy, M&E and structural consultancy, CDM coordinator and surveys to enable the submission of a detailed planning application and the subsequent development of the Ruislip High School sixth form of entry and Sixth Form Centre to completion as follows;


a)         Scott Brownrigg     Architects & Contract Administrator     £98,000

b)        Thompson Cole     Quantity Surveyor                                      £21,240

c)         Hunters                     CDM Coordinator                                       £ 5,000

d)        Surveys, testing, planning application                         £10,000


2) That Cabinet notes that approval to use S106 to fund the costs should be sought.


Reason for decision


Cabinet agreed to the appointments above for the development of the design up to the submission of a detailed planning application, the development of the designs to enable tenders for the work to be obtained from suitably qualified contractors and the subsequent completion of the project.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have not appointed these professional consultants which would have delayed the project and potentially incur additional costs.


Officer to action:


Bill King, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.



South Ruislip Library Site




That the Cabinet authorises:


  1. The award of a Building Contract for the construction of a new library, adult education premises and ten apartments on Site A to Rydon Construction. Building Contract figure to be under the current budget figure of £3,147, 534.


  1. Officers to conclude an analysis of received construction tender on Site B with Rydon Construction to arrive at a construction cost for developing site B, which is to be reported to Cabinet in due course for a decision.  


  1. That Site B be market tested to ascertain the current market value of Site B.


Reason for decision


Cabinet approved the most economically advantageous tender to award a building contract to develop Site A and agreed a market test to ascertain the value of Site B in pursuance of the Councils objective to build upon this site a new Library and Adult Education Premises.


Alternative options considered and rejected


Cabinet could have not approved the contract or market testing which would have delayed the project.


Officers to action:


Eileen Nicholson, Planning, Environment and Community Services


Exempt Information


This report was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.


Urgency Provisions


This report had been circulated less than 5 working days before the Cabinet meeting and was agreed by the Chairman to be considered as urgent.









The meeting closed at 7:40pm






These Cabinet decisions were not called-in by the Executive Scrutiny Committee and therefore come into effect 5pm Thursday 30th September 2010.


Changes to proposed decisions:


Officers should note that the Cabinet added a new recommendation 9 to Item 10 (minute 183) in respect of authorisation for highways revenue expenditure.