Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Wednesday, 5th August, 2015 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW

Contact: Jon Pitt  01895 277655

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


No apologies for absence were received.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent


The Chairman informed Members that item number 8 on the agenda in relation to the site of the former Unitair Centre and Wayfarer House had been withdrawn by the applicant and had, therefore, been removed from the agenda.


To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all items would be considered in Part 1 public.


The Old Vinyl Factory, Blyth Road, Hayes - 59872/APP/2015/1798 pdf icon PDF 8 MB

Construction of a 4-storey University Technical College (UTC) on 'The Picturehouse' development plot together with associated improvements, including car and cycle parking, vehicular drop-off/pick-up zone formed off Blyth Road, landscaping and the provision of an electricity substation enclosure to the front.




Construction of a 4-storey University Technical College (UTC) on 'The Picturehouse' development plot together with associated improvements, including car and cycle parking, vehicular drop-off/pick-up zone formed off Blyth Road, landscaping and the provision of an electricity substation enclosure to the front.


Officers introduced the report and referred Members to the addendum sheet

that had been circulated. It was noted that the application was a full application rather than a reserved matter. The Old Vinyl Factory site was being brought forward in separate phases of development and the current UTC proposal would replace a previously proposed cinema and ancilliary restaurant. The proposals included soft landscaping, that was considered to be well designed and had regard to the wider public realm of the local area.


The proposed educational use of the site for a UTC was supported at all levels of planning policy. The standalone application was considered to be acceptable within the wider outline consent for the development of the Old Vinyl Factory and it was noted that the Highway Department also considered the application to be acceptable.


Members asked for confirmation of where 40 staff parking spaces proposed would be situated. It was also asked whether these spaces would be allocated to particular staff and what the impact would be on local on street parking. Officers advised that parking considerations would be addressed through the legal agreement and that the parking conditions attached to the approval of the previous application were still valid, although the number of parking spaces to be provided may need to be reduced. It was requested that the wording of the recommendation, in relation to the required agreement under Section 106 of the Planning Act and/or Section 278 of the Highways Act, be revised to make reference to both traffic and parking impact. 


A full assessment of the need for parking provision would be undertaken. An initial assessment had been carried out which suggested that 51 spaces would be required, although only 40 staff parking spaces would be provided on site. This difference was due to both feedback from Transport for London and to the development of Crossrail, which it was hoped would reduce the parking requirement. The Chairman advised that the parking arrangements proposed were no different to those for other schools. It was anticipated that the UTC would develop a Green Travel Plan. However, it was not within the remit of the Council to specify that, for example, only persons who agreed to use a particular mode of transport would be employed. Any necessary mitigation would need to be considered later. In response to a Member question, it was noted that there would be 5 disabled visitor spaces on site.


In response to a Member question about ownership of the development site, it was confirmed that the owner was working with the Education Funding Agency and that the S106 agreement and UTC agreement required the agreement of both parties. The relevant Heads of Terms would ensure linkage to the development of the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 28.


Former Contractor's Compound, South of Swindon Road, Heathrow Airport - 67622/APP/2015/1851 pdf icon PDF 169 KB

Variation of conditions 3, 4 and 9 of application 67622/APP/2013/2532 which granted consent on 30/7/14 for  "Part outline, part full planning application for a proposed hotel development of up to 660 bedrooms (approximately 30,000sq.m) with ancillary cafe, bar and restaurant facilities, car parking, service access, courtyard space, landscaping and improved ground level pedestrian access including public realm improvements (all outline application) and a perimeter veil structure wrapping around the hotel buildings (in full application detail)".Variation requested for the removal of the veil and alterations to the glazing, amenity space and layout of the floors.


RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to a S106 Agreement


Variation of conditions 3, 4 and 9 of application 67622/APP/2013/2532 which granted consent on 30/7/14 for "Part outline, part full planning application for a proposed hotel development of up to 660 bedrooms (approximately 30,000sq.m) with ancillary cafe, bar and restaurant facilities, car parking, service access, courtyard space, landscaping and improved ground level pedestrian access including public realm improvements (all outline application and a perimeter veil structure wrapping around the hotel buildings (in full application detail)". Variation requested for the removal of the veil and alterations to the glazing, amenity space and layout of the floors.


Officers introduced the report and outlined the details of the application. The application was presented jointly with Agenda Item number 7, the latter application being for the erection of an elevated pedestrian walkway.


The scheme had been amended to remove the veil structure that had previously been proposed to run around the building and also to amend the conditions relating to this and the internal layout of the building. This included increased floor space and basement size.


It was noted that the Conservation Officer had provided comments in relation to landscaping at the site. These comments and the wider public realm would be addressed through the legal agreement attached to the planning applications for the site.


The Committee agreed the following verbal changes to the Recommendation section of the Officer's report:


·         Removal of Part A of Condition 19 as inclusion of this condition would amount to duplication.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report, changes to the report noted above and the addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.


Former Contractor's Compound, South of Swindon Road, Heathrow Airport - 67622/APP/2015/1854 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Erection of elevated pedestrian walkway.




Erection of elevated pedestrian walkway.


Officers introduced the report and outlined the details of the application. The application was presented jointly with Agenda Item number 6, the former application being for the variation of conditions to a previous application for a hotel and other associated development.


The application under consideration was for the erection of an elevated pedestrian walkway. This would provide access to Terminal 4 at Heathrow Airport. It was noted that the walkway would link to an existing Hilton Hotel walkway and would provide easier access to the terminal for local residents.


The proposals were considered to not have a detrimental impact on the overall character and appearance of the surrounding area and were also considered acceptable in relation to user accessibility.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put

to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report.


Site of former Unitair Centre & Wayfarer House, Great South Road, Feltham - 49559/APP/2015/1991 pdf icon PDF 6 MB

Reserved matters application for circa 14,306 sq.m commercial development (B1c, B2, B8 use classes) pursuant to planning permission reference 49559/APP/2014/334.




The item was withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant.


Unit C, Prologis Park, Stockley Road, West Drayton - 18399/APP/2015/1087 pdf icon PDF 97 KB

Change of use of Unit C to a flexible use consisting of Light Industrial (Use Class B1(c)) and/or Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) from Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) only.




Change of use of Unit C to a flexible use consisting of Light Industrial (Use Class B1(c)) and/or Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) from Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) only.


Officers introduced the report, noting that the application related to a proposed change of use. The proposals were considered to be acceptable in planning terms and the Highways Officer considered that the change of use was not likely to have a significant impact on local traffic volumes.


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report and the addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.


Senator Court, Belmont Road, Uxbridge - 68385/APP/2015/1218 pdf icon PDF 122 KB

Variation of condition 5 (Approved plans) of the Planning Inspector's decision letter dated 26/3/14 (LPA Ref. 68385/APP/2012/2398) to allow internal and external alterations to include an additional roof terrace, stair tower revisions, fenestration alterations, introduction of blade columns, amendment of external materials, removal of brise-soleil, creation of amenity space and screen on existing terrace, removal of two existing staircases to create large central stairs, small third floor infill extension, re-location of cycle facilities, additional electric charging spaces and re-configuration of landscaping.


RECOMMENDATION: Approval subject to a S106 Agreement


Variation of condition 5 (Approved plans) of the Planning Inspector's decision letter dated 26/3/14 (LPA Ref. 68385/APP/2012/2398) to allow internal and external alterations to include an additional roof terrace, stair tower revisions, fenestration alterations, introduction of blade columns, amendment of external materials, removal of brise-soleil, creation of amenity space and screen on existing terrace, removal of two existing staircases to create large central stairs, small third floor infill extension, re-location of cycle facilities, additional electric charging spaces and re-configuration of landscaping.


Officers introduced the report, explaining that the application was a variation on similar schemes that had previously been agreed by the Committee. It was noted that the application was seeking approval for an extension to an existing building.


Members expressed their support for the proposals, but concern was expressed about the resulting loss of trees and it was suggested that the Council should ensure that the lost trees were replanted. Officers advised that this had been addressed through revised conditions, as set out in the addendum. These stated that a scheme to replace three trees must be submitted to and approved in writing by the planning authority. This requirement would only be waived in the event that it could be demonstrated to the reasonable satisfaction of the planning authority that such tree planting was not feasible.


It was questioned whether trees could be planted elsewhere in Belmont Road, which was owned by the Council, in the event that it was not possible for them to be planted closer to the site. The Chairman noted that the S106 agreement in relation to the application included a Public Realm contribution of £25,000 for improvement to Uxbridge Town Centre.It would be possible for the details to be amended if agreed prior to commencement of the scheme. Accordingly, it was agreed that the Head of Planning be given authority to amend the conditions in relation to tree replacement.


The Committee agreed the following verbal changes to the Recommendation section of the Officer's report:


·         Condition 17 to be reviewed by the Head of Planning


The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.


Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report, changes to the report noted above and the addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.

Addendum pdf icon PDF 209 KB