Agenda and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 7th January, 2014 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Chalres Francis  01895 556454

No. Item


Apologies for Absence




Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




To sign and receive the minutes of 20 November 2013 pdf icon PDF 269 KB


Were agreed as an accurate record.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


All items were considered in Part 1.


262-270 Field End Road, Eastcote - 18454/APP/2013/2449 pdf icon PDF 359 KB

Change of Use of Offices (Use Class B1) to Residential (Use Class C3) to comprise 12 x 2 bedroom flats, 13 car parking spaces and amenity space.


Recommendation: Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Change of Use of Offices (Use Class B1) to Residential (Use Class C3) to comprise 12 x 2 bedroom flats, 13 car parking spaces and amenity space.


Officers introduced the report and directed Members to the changes set out in the addendum.


Discussing the application, the Committee requested that officers make a number of changes to the report. These included adding the standard Condition relating to gateways so that this incorporated comments about users’ ability and emergency use, adding an informative to Condition 9, amending Condition 5 for consistency regarding illumination and also  removing 'Public Realm' from Head of Term 2 A (v) as set out below:


Add the following condition: 

Prior to the commencement of the development, details of the operation of the main access way gate by disabled persons, and manual operation of any gates in the event of power failure shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  Thereafter the secure access arrangements shall be installed in accordance with the approved details and maintained so long as the development remains on site. 


In order to ensure the development achieves an appropriate level of accessibility in accordance with Policy 3.8 of the London Plan (July 2011).


Add the following informative:


You are advised that in discharging the details pursuant to condition 9, the Council will expect at least 1 car parking space to be provided to each unit.


Amend condition 5 by deleting the last sentence in the body of the condition.


Remove the word 'Public Realm' from Head of Term 2 A (v)


It was moved seconded and on being put to the vote unanimously agreed that the application be approved subject to the changes set out in the addendum and the minute above:



Resolved -


That the application be Approved as per officer recommendation, addendum and changes set out above.



Airport Bowl, Bath Road, Harlington - 38807/APP/2011/3120 pdf icon PDF 913 KB

Application to extend the life of existing planning permission (ref. 38807/APP/2008/3493 dated 16/03/2009): Redevelopment of site to provide a 5-star luxury hotel (560 rooms), a conference and ballroom facility, a new 20-lane bowling centre, car parking, landscaping and associated works (including demolition of existing Airport Bowl premises and car park).


Recommendation:  Approval subject to a referral to the GLA and Legal Agreement


Application to extend the life of existing planning permission (ref. 38807/APP/2008/3493 dated 16/03/2009): Redevelopment of site to provide a 5-star luxury hotel (560 rooms), a conference and ballroom facility, a new 20-lane bowling centre, car parking, landscaping and associated works (including demolition of existing Airport Bowl premises and car park).


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes as set out in the addendum.


Discussing the application, the Committee requested that the wording of Conditions 18 and 19 be replaced with updated wording. In addition, that Condition 12 be amended by deleting the last sentence for consistency and that the scheme be referred to the Greater London Authority as set out below:


Replace the wording of conditions 18 and 19 as follows:


The site shall only be used for the delivery and the loading or unloading of goods between the hours of 0700 and 2200, Monday to Saturday, and not at all on Sundays Public or Bank Holidays.



In the interests of residential amenity and to comply with policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).


The bowling alley shall only be used between the hours of 0700 and 2330.



In the interests of residential amenity and to comply with policy OE1 of the Hillingdon Local Plan: Part Two Saved UDP Policies (November 2012).


Amend condition 12 by deleting the last sentence of the body of the condition.


Scheme to be referred to GLA


It was moved seconded and on being put to the vote unanimously agreed that the application be approved subject to the changes set out in the addendum and the minute above:


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per officer recommendation, addendum and changes set out above.




42-46 Ducks Hill Road, Northwood - 49987/APP/2013/1451 pdf icon PDF 397 KB

Redevelopment of site to provide 10 detached 5 and 6 bedroom houses with roofspace accommodation and double garages with roofspace accommodation, with associated access, parking and landscaping (involving demolition of 3 detached houses)


Recommendation:  Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Redevelopment of site to provide 10 detached 5 and 6 bedroom houses with roofspace accommodation and double garages with roofspace accommodation, with associated access, parking and landscaping (involving demolition of 3 detached houses)


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes as set out in the addendum.


Discussing the application, the Committee raised concerns about the timing of the removal of the centre traffic island and the possible road safety implications of this, if a replacement island was delayed. A series of additional points were also raised which concerned the use of the garden room and distance of the closet dwelling to the proposed development.


In response, Officers confirmed that an informative could be added to ensure the traffic island would be added as part of phased proposals to ensure no road safety issues arose. In relation to the garden room, Officers confirmed that Condition 21 could be amended to ensure the building could only be used for off street parking and uses which were ancillary to the main dwelling. With respect to the distance of the closest dwelling, Officers confirmed that this had been measured as 16.5 metres and although this was less than the usual 21 metres, there was sufficient screening from existing vegetation to ensure there would be loss of privacy. The changes are set out below:


Add an informative:


'You are advised that in relocating the traffic island (pedestrian refuge), the Council will expect this to be done in a phased manner which ensures that at all times there is an island, and pedestrian safety is not compromised while the refuge is moved.'


Amend condition 21 as follows:


'The proposed garage/garden room buildings shall only be used for off street parking and purposes ancillary to the use of the main dwellinghouse. An area adequate for parking of a motor vehicle shall be retained within the building for the life of the development and used for no other purpose.'


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote unanimously agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per the officer recommendation, addendum and the changes set out above.




Units 1-4 Ruislip Retail Park, Victoria Road, Ruislip - 31853/APP/2013/3176 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Variation of Condition 11 of planning permission ref. 43510/APP/2000/2485 dated 14/03/2003 to remove the restrictions on the sale of goods that can be sold from Unit 3 and vary restrictions on the goods that can be sold from Units 1, 2 and 4.


Recommendation:  Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Variation of Condition 11 of planning permission ref. 43510/APP/2000/2485 dated 14/03/2003 to remove the restrictions on the sale of goods that can be sold from Unit 3 and vary restrictions on the goods that can be sold from Units 1, 2 and 4.


Officers introduced the report.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote unanimously agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per the Officer recommendation.



Unit 3 - Ruislip Retail Park, Victoria Road, Ruislip - 43510/APP/2012/3179 pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Removal of Condition 6 of planning permission ref. 43510/APP/2010/1979 dated 10/02/2011 to allow the sale of any goods within Use Class A1 from Unit 3.


Recommendation:  Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Removal of Condition 6 of planning permission ref.43510/APP/2010/1979 dated 10/02/2011 to allow the sale of any goods within Use Class A1 from Unit 3.


Officers introduced the report.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote unanimously agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per the Officer recommendation.




The Kings Arms PH, 109 Coldharbour Lane, Hayes - 10954/APP/2011/1997 pdf icon PDF 351 KB

Erection of part 2, part 3, part 4 storey building comprising basement parking, mixed use at ground level (430 square metres of non-food retail space and 4 residential units) and a further 17 residential units above ground level (21 residential dwellings total), as well as associated landscaping and refuse storage areas.


Recommendation: Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Erection of part 2, part 3, part 4 storey building comprising basement parking, mixed use at ground level (430 square metres of non-food retail space and 4 residential units) and a further 17 residential units above ground level (21 residential dwellings total), as well as associated landscaping and refuse storage areas


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


During the course of discussions, the Committee proposed that Condition 13, related to the control of basement noise spikes should be deleted and  Condition 16 should be amended for consistency as set out below:


Amend condition 16 by deleting the last sentence of the body of the condition.


Delete condition 13


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be unanimously approved.


Resolved –


That the application be Approved as per officer recommendation and the changes set out above




Units 1623 and 1685 Stockley Close, West Drayton - 51458/APP/2013/2973 pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Redevelopment of site to provide industrial units for B1(c), B2 and/or B8 uses with associated access, parking, landscaping and ancillary works.


Recommendation:  Approval subject to a Legal Agreement


Redevelopment of site to provide industrial units for B1(c), B2 and/or B8 uses with associated access, parking, landscaping and ancillary works


Officers introduced the report and highlighted the changes set out in the addendum.


Referring to the extensive addendum, the Committee noted that the Environment Agency had removed its objection, subject to the approval of the additional documentation received. On this basis, Officers proposed that the resolution of the report should be amended to reflect this new information.


In relation to the conditions mentioned in the report, the Committee proposed that Condition 6 (floodlighting) should be amended for consistency. The Committee noted that refuse storage had been integrated into the scheme but queried whether or not any provision had been made for cycle storage. In response, Officers confirmed that the scheme had not made any provision for this but, given the size of the scheme, spaces for 3 motor cycles was appropriate. The following changes were proposed:


Amend resolution and Environment agency have responded and no further information is awaited.


Add a condition requiring parking space for 3 motor bikes.


Amend condition 6 by deleting the last sentence.


It was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote agreed that the application be approved.


Resolved –


That the application be approved as per officer recommendation, addendum and the changes set out above.




Addendum pdf icon PDF 269 KB