Agenda, decisions and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Tuesday, 29th March, 2022 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  01895 250636 or email (recommended):

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting




None however Councillor Phillip Corthorne reminded the Committee of his involvement with agenda items 6 and 7 due to his previous role as Cabinet Member.


To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting pdf icon PDF 127 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting on 9 March 22 were approved.


RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meeting on 9 March 22 were approved.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent






To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that agenda items 6 – 9 were marked Part I and would be considered in public.



Land At Austin Road, Hayes - 76550/APP/2021/4499 pdf icon PDF 31 MB

Hybrid planning application seeking OUTLINE permission (with all matters reserved) for residential floorspace (Class C3) including demolition of all existing buildings and structures; erection of new buildings; provision of a community centre (up to 140sq.m of Use Class F2(b) floorspace); new pedestrian and vehicular access; associated amenity space, open space, landscaping; car and cycle parking spaces; plant, refuse storage, servicing area and other works incidental to the proposed development; and FULL planning permission for Blocks A and B comprising 80 residential units (Class C3); new pedestrian and vehicular access; associated amenity space and landscaping; car and cycle parking; refuse storage, servicing area, and other associated infrastructure to include temporary highways and landscaping works.


Details: Comprising a maximum of 500 residential units and (Use Class C3) and 140sq.m of community floorspace (Use Class F2(b)) at ground floor in a series of buildings ranging in height from 2 to 12 storeys with associated access and car parking for 113 vehicles and 912 cycle parking, landscape and amenity areas and associated servicing.


Recommendations: Approve + Sec 106



RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per the officer’s recommendation.





Hybrid planning application seeking OUTLINE permission (with all matters reserved) for residential floorspace (Class C3) including demolition of all existing buildings and structures; erection of new buildings; provision of a community centre (up to 140sq.m of Use Class F2(b) floorspace); new pedestrian and vehicular access; associated amenity space, open space, landscaping; car and cycle parking spaces; plant, refuse storage, servicing area and other works incidental to the proposed development; and FULL planning permission for Blocks A and B comprising 80 residential units (Class C3); new pedestrian and vehicular access; associated amenity space and landscaping; car and cycle parking; refuse storage, servicing area, and other associated infrastructure to include temporary highways and landscaping works.


Details: Comprising a maximum of 500 residential units and (Use Class C3) and 140sq.m of community floorspace (Use Class F2(b)) at ground floor in a series of buildings ranging in height from 2 to 12 storeys with associated access and car parking for 113 vehicles and 912 cycle parking, landscape and amenity areas and associated servicing.


Officers introduced the application and highlighted the addendum that detailed amendments to the proposed conditions in the report and a new condition around play area details. A verbal update was also provided on the TFL contribution and Members were informed that a financial contribution request of £144,400 towards off-site Bulls Bridge Junction improvement, subject to scheme viability, was justified as part of GLA stage 2 sign off. A recommendation for approval and section 106 was made.


Delegated authority was requested by The Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to redraft the head of term in relation to parking permits.  The Committee was advised that the scheme delivered significant benefits including new affordable homes, new public spaces and a layout that created a safe and welcoming environment.


During Member discussions, questions were raised around the amount of delegated authority requested by officers and the absence of LED/energy efficient lights. Clarification was also sought on the displacement of the community centre displacement and loss of parking on Crown Close.


In response to Member questions, officers confirmed that although the heads of term were specific, delegated authority had been requested in relation to the parking permits heads of terms and to make changes to conditions or heads of terms after the stage 2 Mayoral referral. With respect to parking permits it was stated that whether they include Council car parks for instance has in the past been something officers have requested delegated authority to agree final wording; officers would like to do further work post Committee on the parking permit heads of terms final wording with the Councils legal officer. It was also confirmed that condition 19 in respect of landscaping could be strengthened to include LED/energy efficient lighting.


In regard to the interim displacement of the community centre, it was explained that an interim arrangement would be in place for a short period. The centre was well used by residents for a variety of reasons including homework clubs and as a regeneration hub.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 109.


Land At Avondale Drive, Hayes - 76551/APP/2021/4502 pdf icon PDF 27 MB

Hybrid planning application seeking OUTLINE permission (with all matters reserved) for residential floorspace (Class C3) including demolition of all existing buildings and structures; erection of new buildings; new pedestrian and vehicular accesses; associated amenity space, open space, landscaping; car and cycle parking spaces; plant, refuse storage, servicing area and other works incidental to the proposed development; and FULL planning permission for Block A comprising 30 residential units (Class C3); new pedestrian access; associated amenity space and landscaping; cycle parking, refuse storage, and other associated infrastructure.


Details: Comprising a maximum of 240 residential units in a series of buildings ranging in height from 2 to 10 storeys with associated access and car parking for 68 vehicles and 440 cycle parking, landscape and amenity areas and associated servicing.


Recommendations Approve + Sec 106



RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per the officer’s recommendation.



Hybrid planning application seeking OUTLINE permission (with all matters reserved) for residential floorspace (Class C3) including demolition of all existing buildings and structures; erection of new buildings; new pedestrian and vehicular accesses; associated amenity space, open space, landscaping; car and cycle parking spaces; plant, refuse storage, servicing area and other works incidental to the proposed development; and FULL planning permission for Block A comprising 30 residential units (Class C3); new pedestrian access; associated amenity space and landscaping; cycle parking, refuse storage, and other associated infrastructure.


Details: Comprising a maximum of 240 residential units in a series of buildings ranging in height from 2 to 10 storeys with associated access and car parking for 68 vehicles and 440 cycle parking, landscape and amenity areas and associated servicing.


Officers introduced the application and highlighted the addendum that detailed amendments to the proposed conditions in the report. A verbal update was also provided on the TFL contribution and Members were informed that a financial contribution request of £51,000 towards off-site Bulls Bridge Junction improvement, subject to scheme viability was justified as part of GLA stage 2 sign off. A recommendation for approval + section 106 was made.


Delegated authority was requested by the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the head of term in relation to parking permits, amendments to condition 17 (landscaping) to include LED/energy efficient lighting, condition 27 (overheating strategy) to include overheating in the communal areas and an informative in relation to the food waste strategy.  The Committee was advised that the scheme delivered significant benefits including new affordable homes, new public spaces and a layout that created a safe and welcoming environment.


Members considered that the proposed developments would deliver improvements and it was noted there was a great level of support for this application with over 90% of consultees in favour.


In response to Member questions regarding flood risks, it was explained that condition 29 sufficiently covered any matters in relation to flood risks. The Committee welcomed the fact that there were more larger family units in the development.


Subject to the verbal updates, the additional information in the addendum, delegated authority to the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the head of term in respect of parking permits, amendments to conditions to include LED/ energy efficient lighting, overheating in communal areas and an informative around the food waste strategy, the officer’s recommendation, was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per officer’s recommendation, subject to the verbal update, additional information in the addendum and the following:


a.    delegated authority to the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the parking permits head of term.

b.    an amendment to condition 17 to include LED/energy efficient lighting.

c.    an amendment to condition 27 to control heating within communal areas.

d.    an informative around the food waste strategy. 

e.    amendment to HoT x) Tfl contribution of £51,000.



Keith House, North Hyde Road, Hayes - 27189/APP/2021/2782 pdf icon PDF 22 MB

Demolition of the existing warehouse and re-development of the site to provide a mixed-use development, comprising flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class E(g)(ii) and (iii)) and 376 no. Shared-Living units (Sui Generis) with associated landscaping, amenity, parking and revised vehicle and pedestrian access.


Recommendations: Approve + Sec 106



RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per the officer’s recommendation.



Demolition of the existing warehouse and re-development of the site to provide a mixed-use development, comprising flexible commercial floorspace (Use Class E(g)(ii) and (iii)) and 376 no. Shared-Living units (Sui Generis) with associated landscaping, amenity, parking and revised vehicle and pedestrian access.


Officers introduced the application and highlighted the addendum that made reference to a brochure circulated to Committee Members ahead of the meeting. Verbal updates were also provided on food waste as this needed to be added to the landscaping condition. A recommendation for approval + section 106 was made.


The Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration clarified that the brochure submitted to Members prior to the meeting made reference to both planning and non planning information. Members were advised to only place weight on the planning benefits of the scheme as set out in the report. It was also noted that the scheme was supported by the Hayes Town Centre partnership.


Delegated authority was requested by the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the heads of term in relation to parking permits.


In relation to Member questions around ensuring compliance with occupancy standards. The Legal Advisor added that head of term iii was linked to the tenancy agreement which required leases only being granted to single individuals. The legal agreement also contained a provision to allow site visits, with notice, to ensure compliance with obligations. Enforcement proceedings could be taken against any breaches.


In response to Member questions, further information was also provided on the loss of industry space and the community investment programme.


Subject to the verbal updates, the additional information in the addendum, delegated authority to the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the head of term in respect of parking permits, amendments to conditions to include LED/ energy efficient lighting, overheating in communal areas and food waste and an informative on the food waste strategy, the officer’s recommendation, was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per officer’s recommendation, subject to the verbal updates, additional information in the addendum and the following:


a.    delegated authority to the Deputy Director of Planning and Regeneration to make amendments to the parking permits head of term.

b.    amendments to condition 11 to include LED/energy efficient lighting and food waste.

c.    an amendment to condition 25 to control heating within communal areas.

d.    an informative around the food waste strategy. 



Stanford House, 9 Nestles Avenue, Hayes - 51175/APP/2022/390 pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Deed of variation to Section 106 legal agreement associated with planning permission ref. 51175/APP/2020/2543 dated 25-01-22 (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a building up to 11 storeys comprising residential accommodation, associated landscaping, access, car parking and cycle parking.


Detailed description:  To provide 103 residential units (2 x studio, 57 x 1-bed, 31 x 2-bed and 13 x 3-bed)) to vary the affordable housing offer.


Recommendations: Approval


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per the officer’s recommendation.



Deed of variation to Section 106 legal agreement associated with planning permission ref. 51175/APP/2020/2543 dated 25-01-22 (Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to provide a building up to 11 storeys comprising residential accommodation, associated landscaping, access, car parking and cycle parking.


Detailed description:  To provide 103 residential units (2 x studio, 57 x 1-bed, 31 x 2-bed and 13 x 3-bed)) to vary the affordable housing offer.


Officers introduced the application and made a recommendation for approval.


The Committee welcomed the provision of three-bedroom units and 100% affordable housing.


The officer’s recommendation, was moved, seconded and unanimously agreed.


RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.


Addendum pdf icon PDF 207 KB