Agenda, decisions and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Anisha Teji 01895 277655
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Eddie Lavery, with Councillor Becky Haggar substituting and from Councillor John Oswell, with Councillor Mohinder Birah substituting. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Councillor Steve Tuckwell declared a non-pecuniary interest in agenda item 8 Bourne Court Site, Ruislip (11891/APP/2019/3855) as he had prior involvement with residents regarding the site. He did not vote and left the room during discussion of the item. |
To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meetings Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes from the meetings held on 16 January 2020 and 22 January 2020 be approved as correct records.
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items would be considered in Part I. |
Little Britain Lake, Packet Boat Lane, Cowley - 52368/APP/2017/1844 Proposed footbridge over the River Colne at the north end of Little Britain Lake.
Recommendation: Approval Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be refused. Minutes: Proposed footbridge over the River Colne at the north end of Little Britain Lake.
Officers introduced the application, highlighted the addendum and made a recommendation for approval.
A representative on behalf of the petitioners, Baron Randall of Uxbridge, spoke in objection of the application. It was noted that intention of the bridge was to give access to environmental agencies monitoring the far side of the island. However, it was submitted that there was already access granted to the Environment Agency for them to access the island via a padlocked gate and this had been used by them previously. The Local Authority had done an excellent job around maintaining Little Britain and it was highlighted that there may be a red listed bird that would come back as that was the last place it had been seen. It was acknowledged that the bridge would be unsuitable for housing and it was unlikely that the Local Authority would develop on the land. Although the bridge would be padlocked, concerns were raised regarding the safety as there was a risk of people being able to jump across and gain access. It was questioned why this site was being looked at when there were already a number of other issues affecting residents including fly tipping, litter and it was suggested that CCTV would enhance this area further. The Local Authority was urged to withdraw their application.
Responding to questions from the Committee, it was explained that the petitioners were unsure why the bridge was being built and the Environment Agency already had access to the area. It was noted that when the application came before Committee in 2017, officers had indicated that the reason the bridge was being opened was to allow public access. The impact on the biodiversity were explored at that point. There was a concern that once the bridge was there it would open the risk to other issues in an area of good habitat such as dogs and predators that might cause harm to species already there.
Members were mindful of the recent motion that took place at a Council meeting where all parties were in agreement regarding climate change and a programme and strategy for conservation was being drawn up. The information regarding flood risks needed to be reassessed in light of the new climate change decision. There was a concern that there had been no human contact with species habitating in Little Britain which might cause harm. The application would cause ecological damage and counter the climate change motion, given that there was clear evidence of litter and abuse.
The Head of Planning reminded the Committee that the key consideration in this application was not whether there was a need but rather if the application complied with planning policies. The recommendation for approval was supported by conditions that would prevent unfettered public access and conditions 10, 11, and 13 mitigated ecological harm. This was a result of concerns regarding ecological harm that were previously raised by the Committee. ... view the full minutes text for item 110. |
Former Master Brewer Site, Freezeland Way , Hillingdon - 4266/APP/2019/3088 Construction of a residential-led, mixed-use development comprising buildings of between 2 and 11 storeys containing 514 units (Use Class C3); flexible commercial units (Use Class B1/A1/A3/D1); associated car (165 spaces) and cycle parking spaces; refuse and bicycle stores; hard and soft landscaping including a new central space, green spaces, new pedestrian links; biodiversity enhancement; associated highways infrastructure; plant; and other associated ancillary development.
Recommendation: Refusal
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be refused as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: Construction of a residential-led, mixed-use development comprising buildings of between 2 and 11 storeys containing 514 units (Use Class C3); flexible commercial units (Use Class B1/A1/A3/D1); associated car (165 spaces) and cycle parking spaces; refuse and bicycle stores; hard and soft landscaping including a new central space, green spaces, new pedestrian links; biodiversity enhancement; associated highways infrastructure; plant; and other associated ancillary development.
Officers introduced the report, highlighted the addendum and made a recommendation for refusal.
Representatives from the Ickenham Residents Association and Oak Farm Residents Association spoke in objection of the application and submitted that the proposed plans amounted to an overdevelopment of the site. The residential density level were double the acceptable levels set out in the Hillingdon development plans. The design of the development was discordant with the setting of the current location, far too tall and bulky, and would do substantial harm to the settings of the heritage assets. The development would cause insufficient parking and additional traffic. It was noted that the applicants had not shown how the development would be protected from noise and air pollution and it did not meet amenity space and sunlight standards. The proposal failed to recognise local needs and it was submitted that the GLA’s opinion of the development was “at odds” with the local plan guidance. The officer’s report was endorsed and the Committee was asked to refuse the application.
Representatives of the application addressed the Committee and submitted that the residential led mixed use scheme intended to positively regenerate the long term vacant site to deliver substantial benefits to the public. It was explained that the planning application was the outcome of over 12 months work in collaboration with officers and other stakeholders in the community. There had been consultations events, face to face meetings and leaflet drops in the surrounding areas. The scheme would include a number of benefits including sustainable regeneration of the vacant site, the creation of new residential neighbourhood providing much needed new homes, 182 affordable new homes, provision of mixed commercial uses that would promote enhanced vitality of the local centre leading to long term employment opportunities, landscaping improvements, a net gain in biodiversity, improvement in public services and an urban greening factor. The proposal would be pedestrian and cycle led. It was noted that the site in question was a challenging site however the proposed development could accommodate the more ambitious proposals as detailed in the application.
Responding to questions from the Committee, it was confirmed that the air quality impact assessment supported the site and was based upon associated traffic assessment data alongside additional monitoring as discussed with the Local Authority. The applicant had also identified mitigation in terms of damages contribution to support the scheme. The approach on how to manage air quality was explained to the Committee.
The Chairman read an email from Councillor Alan Chapman, Ward Councillor for Hillingdon East. Concerns were raised regarding the scale, height, size and density of the proposals as they were ... view the full minutes text for item 111. |
Bourne Court Site, Ruislip - 11891/APP/2019/3855 Deed of Variation to Section 106 Schedule 1 (Affordable Housing) associated with planning permission ref: 11891/APP/2018/3414, dated 17/06/19 (Redevelopment to provide 87 residential units in two blocks, together with associated access, car and cycle parking; communal and private amenity space; and landscaping) to remove the requirement for a commuted sum and replace it with an affordable housing obligation for an on-site provision with 54 shared ownership units in Block A and 33 affordable rented units in Block B.
Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation and section 106.
Minutes: Deed of Variation to Section 106 Schedule 1 (Affordable Housing) associated with planning permission ref: 11891/APP/2018/3414, dated 17/06/19 (Redevelopment to provide 87 residential units in two blocks, together with associated access, car and cycle parking; communal and private amenity space; and landscaping) to remove the requirement for a commuted sum and replace it with an affordable housing obligation for an on-site provision with 54 shared ownership units in Block A and 33 affordable rented units in Block B.
Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval and section 106.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation and section 106.
Cranford Park, Hayes - 14009/APP/2019/4088 The erection of a detached cafe building, outdoor seating area with access, and minor alterations to the listed cellars beneath, minor alterations to the listed stable block with change of use to B1, extension to the existing car park, alterations to the existing information centre building and construction of bin store including all associated external works.
Recommendation: Approval
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: The erection of a detached cafe building, outdoor seating area with access, and minor alterations to the listed cellars beneath, minor alterations to the listed stable block with change of use to B1, extension to the existing car park, alterations to the existing information centre building and construction of bin store including all associated external works.
The Head of Planning declared a non- pecuniary interest in this item and left the room during vote and discussion of the item. Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval.
It was acknowledged that this was a valuable site. Members welcomed the proposals and considered that it would be an asset to Hillingdon.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Cranford Park, Hayes - 14009/APP/2019/4090 The erection of a detached cafe building, outdoor seating area with access, and minor alterations to the listed cellars beneath, minor alterations to the listed stable block with change of use to B1, extension to the existing car park, alterations to the existing information centre building and construction of bin store including all associated external works (application for listed building consent).
Recommendation: Approval
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: The erection of a detached cafe building, outdoor seating area with access, and minor alterations to the listed cellars beneath, minor alterations to the listed stable block with change of use to B1, extension to the existing car park, alterations to the existing information centre building and construction of bin store including all associated external works (application for listed building consent).
The Head of Planning declared a non- pecuniary interest in this item and left the room during vote and discussion of the item. Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval.
It was acknowledged that this was a valuable site. Members welcomed the proposals and considered that it would be an asset to Hillingdon.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Bridge House, Uxbridge - 40050/APP/2019/1865 Section 73 application to vary the approved plans list condition of application reference 40050/APP/2017/2438 dated 01/09/2017 for (Prior Approval Application for the change of use of Bridge House, Riverview House and Waterside House from office accommodation (Class B1) to residential units (Class C3) together with ancillary car parking, cycle storage and waste and recycling storage (as amended by application reference 40050/APP/2019/3869 dated 21/01/20).
The amendments to the approved plans propose: No longer including the 6th floor of Bridge House (7 x 1 bedroom units) and allow the change in the mix of units at Bridge House from 9 x Studios and 114 x 1 bedroom units to 16 x studios, 43 x 1 bedroom units and 56 x 2 bedroom units.
Recommendation: Approval + Sec 106
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation and section 106.
Minutes: Section 73 application to vary the approved plans list condition of application reference 40050/APP/2017/2438 dated 01/09/2017 for (Prior Approval Application for the change of use of Bridge House, Riverview House and Waterside House from office accommodation (Class B1) to residential units (Class C3) together with ancillary car parking, cycle storage and waste and recycling storage (as amended by application reference 40050/APP/2019/3869 dated 21/01/20).
The amendments to the approved plans propose: No longer including the 6th floor of Bridge House (7 x 1 bedroom units) and allow the change in the mix of units at Bridge House from 9 x Studios and 114 x 1 bedroom units to 16 x studios, 43 x 1 bedroom units and 56 x 2 bedroom units.
Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval and section 106.
It was noted that this application was a prior approval.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application and section 106 be approved as per officer’s recommendation and changes in the addendum.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation and section 106.
19-22 Chippendale Way, Uxbridge - 67544/APP/2019/1978 Erection of a block of 12 No. flats comprising of 7x1 bed, 4x2 bed and 1x3 bed apartments with associated parking, landscaping, access and amenity.
Recommendation: Approval
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: Erection of a block of 12 No. flats comprising of 7x1 bed, 4x2 bed and 1x3 bed apartments with associated parking, landscaping, access and amenity.
Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval.
Clarification was sought on the storage of bicycles and this was demonstrated by officers on the plans. It was confirmed that the development was required to provide 1 percent disabled unit and as there were only 4 car parking spaces, 2 bays should be allocated to the disable unit with the remaining parking being allocated to the family unit. The Committee considered that it would be preferential to have two disabled parking bays.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation, subject to amending condition seven to include two disabled parking bays.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation, subject to amending condition seven to include two disabled parking bays.
Battle of Britain Museum and Visitor Centre, Wren Avenue, Uxbridge - 585/APP/2019/3868 Proposed landscaping improvement works including surface water flood mitigation using new rain gardens, reshaping of existing bund, new tree planting and new car park spaces with associated works.
Recommendation: Approval
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: Proposed landscaping improvement works including surface water flood mitigation using new rain gardens, reshaping of existing bund, new tree planting and new car park spaces with associated works.
Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
The Arena, Stockley Park - 37800/APP/2019/3278 Alterations to car parking and erection of 2 substations storage/plant room
Recommendation: Approval
Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: Alterations to car parking and erection of 2 substations storage/plant room.
Officers introduced the report and made a recommendation for approval.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Uxbridge Mortuary, Kingston Lane, Hillingdon - 13102/APP/2019/3950 Proposed two single storey side and rear extension to existing Mortuary Building, relocation of existing rooftop plant, new rooftop plant, shielding housing for rooftop plant, installation of roof canopy, installation of 1100mm high safety railing to the rooftop, relocation of the fence and associated works.
Recommendation: Approval Decision: RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation.
Minutes: Proposed two single storey side and rear extension to existing Mortuary Building, relocation of existing rooftop plant, new rooftop plant, shielding housing for rooftop plant, installation of roof canopy, installation of 1100mm high safety railing to the rooftop, relocation of the fence and associated works.
Officers introduced the report, highlighted the addendum and made a recommendation for approval.
It was requested that the conditions made specific reference to pollution absorbing trees.
Members moved, seconded and unanimously agreed the officer’s recommendation.
RESOLVED: That the application be approved as per officer’s recommendation, subject to the changes in the addendum and reference to pollution absorbing trees in the landscaping condition.
PART 1 - Plans for Major Applications Planning Committee |