Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Friday, 28th January, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: VIRTUAL - Live on the Council's YouTube channel: Hillingdon London. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services - 01895 250636 or email: 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting




To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items would be heard in Part I.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




Application for the grant of a Premises Licence: Reis Restaurant, 85 High Street, Ruislip HA4 8JB pdf icon PDF 130 KB

Additional documents:


Introduction by Licensing Officer


Mark McDermott, Licensing Officer at the London Borough of Hillingdon, introduced the report and photographs relating to the application for a new premises licence for Reis Restaurant, 85 High Street, Ruislip HA4 8JB. A background and chronology of events was provided.


An application was made to authorise the sale of alcohol on Sundays to Thursdays from 10:00 to 00:00 hours and on Fridays and Saturdays 10:00 to 02:00 hours. Regulated entertainment indoors (provision of live music, recorded music and dance performances), Sundays to Thursdays from 23:00 to 00:00 hours and Fridays and Saturdays from 23:00 to 02:00 hours. Late night refreshment on Sundays to Thursdays from 23:00 to 00:00 hours and on Fridays and Saturdays from 23:00 to 02:00 hours.


The application also sought an extension to the above hours for licensable activities until 05:00 hours on New Year Eve. Closing times Sunday to Thursday from 10:00 - 00:00 hours and Friday to Saturday 10:00 - 02:00 hours


Three representations had been received; from a local resident, the Licensing Authority, and the Anti-Social Behaviour Team. Although engagement between all three parties was encouraged, an agreement had not been reached.


A recommendation was made to grant the licence but with a reduction of hours as suggested by the Responsible Authorities adding additional conditions as deemed appropriate to uphold the licensing objectives.This was ultimately a matter for the Committee’s determination.


Representations by Applicant and Applicant’s representative


The Applicant – Mr Senel Tursun and the Applicant’s representative- Mr Mahir Kilic –addressed the Committee.


As a background to the application, an explanation of the layout of the premises was provided to the Committee. It was highlighted that the premises would be used as a restaurant not as a pub or a bar.


The Committee was informed that the application was subject to three representations and the Applicant had proposed conditions to promote the Licensing Objectives.


An amendment to the application was made with the proposed hours for sale of alcohol and regulated entertainment indoors (provision of live music, recorded music and dance performances), Sundays to Thursdays from 23:00 to 23:00hours and Fridays and Saturdays from 23:00 to midnight. Late night refreshment would remain as the original hours requested as Sundays to Thursdays from 23:00 to 00:00 hours and on Fridays and Saturdays from 23:00 to 02:00 hours. It was noted that there would only be live music, recorded music and dance performances on rare occasions.


It was acknowledged that there would be some noise to neighbouring properties but not more than what was expected from a high street property. To provide further reassurances, the Applicant would arrange a noise acoustic assessment, and this would be shared with the Responsible Authorities and Licensing Officer. 




The Legal Advisor confirmed that amendments to the application could be made and the Committee was advised to consider the application based on all the representations made before it today.


In response to Member questions, it was noted that the outside element of the application  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5.