Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 556454 - or email us at
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: None. |
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that the item would be considered in public.
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: No matters had been notified in advance or were urgent. |
Application for a Temporary Street Trading Pitch Licence Additional documents:
Minutes: Introduction by the Regulatory Services Officer
Claire Freeman, Regulatory Services Manager introduced the report relating to an application for Temporary Street Trading Pitch licence for the period of 28 November 2015 to 24 December 2015. The Committee was informed the application was for a pitch measuring six metres by three metres to be situated adjacent to their existing permanent Flower Stall pitch, with a two metre gap between the two stalls. This was requested for a limited period prior to Christmas for the sale of Christmas trees.
The Committee's attention was drawn to the addendum sheet which had been circulated to all parties in advance of the meeting. This set out the following corrections to the published agenda:
Appendix 1 - Photographs of Uxbridge Station Flower stall and surrounding area Appendix 2 - Scale map showing area around Uxbridge Station Flower stall and all street furniture Appendix 3 - Ariel photo of Uxbridge Station forecourt area Appendix 4 - Additional contextual information in relation to Cllr Graham's representation Appendix 5 - Additional supporting background information Appendix 6 - Additional scale map, showing 3 metre gap Appendix 7 - Plan of the ariel elevation of the permanent flower stall structure
As the Highways Service had confirmed the grant of the licence would not cause undue interference to pedestrians, Officers recommended the Licensing Sub-Committee grant the licence in full, as applied for.
The Licence Applicant
Mr Cradduck (the applicant) attended the meeting and explained he had been trading in Uxbridge for the last 25 years and the temporary street trading licence was for the sale of Christmas trees which was granted last year in the same location.
Referring to the information in the Officer report, he confirmed that one complaint had been received relating to the display exceeding its licensed area but this had been resolved informally with the Council. Commenting on the appearance of the pitch, he confirmed that fellow businesses in Uxbridge had been complimentary and supportive of his business which created a festive atmosphere in the High Street. He explained that his local delivery service was welcomed by elderly residents and also those customers which were reliant on public transport.
In relation to some concerns which had been raised about sight lines and access around the pitch, he confirmed he had been in contact with Regulatory Services and adjusted the layout of the pitch so better access was achieved. Mr Cradduck circulated a revised Plan. Mr Cradduck offered to extend a 2 metre gap to a 3 metre gap between the permanently licensed pitch and the temporary Christmas tree pitch. Mr Cradduck confirmed it was in his best interests that shoppers and the Local Authority welcomed his business.
Adam Stitson from the Anti-Social Behaviour Investigations Team confirmed that his Department supported the application. In response to a Committee question, he confirmed that if the pitch was thought to exceed its pitch footprint, a representative of the ASBIT would measure the pitch to ensure compliance.
Gurmeet Matharu from ... view the full minutes text for item 7. |