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Contact: Liz Penny - 01895 250185 Please enter via main reception and visit the security desk to sign-in and collect a visitor's pass. You will then be directed to the Committee Room.
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items of business were marked Part I and would be considered in Public. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
Application for a Grant of a Premises Licence - Quillrise Ltd Additional documents: Minutes: Introduction by the Licensing Officer:
Mr Steve Dormer, Licensing Officer at the London Borough of Hillingdon, introduced the report and the addendum relating to an application for a Grant of a Premises Licence at the premises formerly known as The William Jolle Public House in Northwood Hills. The applicant was Quillrise Ltd.
The Sub-Committee was informed that four representations had been received from local residents in respect of this application. Additional Conditions had been sought by the licensing authority to enable the four licensing objectives to be met by the applicants. Members were informed that the applicant had subsequently satisfied the licensing authority by agreeing and offering further conditions; the representation from the responsible authority had therefore been withdrawn. Copies of the conditions had been circulated to those present at the hearing.
Mr Dormer advised the Sub-Committee that the Licensing Officer’s recommendation was to grant the licence consistent with the hours applied for by the applicant. Two additional conditions were recommended:-
1) Customers shall not be permitted to leave the building with open containers. 2) Music shall not be played during the wind down period.
Members were informed that, in July 2018, the Licensing Sub-Committee had granted a premises licence to Compliance Direct Ltd. The licence granted had allowed for the sale of alcohol up until 01.00 with half an hour drinking up time on Fridays and Saturdays. Said licence had recently been transferred to Quillrise Ltd and variation to the Designated Premises Supervisor had also been completed. The Licensing Sub-Committee was advised that the applicant could choose to operate this licence, in conjunction with the new licence being applied for, should the latter be granted.
Representation by the Applicant:
Mr Charlie Merrett spoke on behalf of the applicant stating that Quillrise Ltd had an excellent history having operated in 18 different authorities; they were currently operating in 8 authorities with 20 licences. Mr Merrett confirmed that Quillrise Ltd had never had a licence reviewed or revoked. The Sub-Committee was informed that the licence being applied for mirrored that of the Misty Moon public house in Northwood. It was confirmed that the hours being applied for were as detailed on pages 24 and 25 of the agenda pack.
It was confirmed that, as illustrated in the map set out in the addendum document, there would be one window and one door to the front of the premises. There were no windows to the side and no windows or doors to the rear. Visitors would access and leave the premises via the door to the front only. The Sub-Committee was advised that all four objectors lived in roads to the rear of the public house; this would mitigate any potential impact on them. It was reported that the conditions proposed were adequate to meet all the licensing objectives and Quillrise had a good management style. Councillors were informed that Quillrise had no knowledge of the existing licence when they submitted their own application. It was noted that the proposed opening hours ... view the full minutes text for item 46. |