Agenda and minutes

Licensing Sub-Committee - Wednesday, 23rd November, 2022 10.00 am

Venue: Committee Room 6 - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Liz Penny  01895 250185 or Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


There were no apologies for absence.


Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest.


To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private


It was confirmed that all items of business were marked Part I and would be considered in public.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




Application to vary a Premises Licence: Dhamaka, 37 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, UB10 8DG pdf icon PDF 220 KB

Additional documents:




David Reed, Licensing Officer, introduced the application to vary a Premises Licence for Dhamaka, 37 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, UB10 8DG to extend its licensable hours and hours of provision of recorded music / live music / performance of dance until 00:00 hours from Sunday to Wednesday and until 00:30 hours from Thursday to Saturday. Eight representations objecting to the application had been received - seven from local residents and one from the Licensing Authority. The officer highlighted that no representations had been received from the Police and invited the Sub-Committee to determine the application.


Members requested clarification of the proposed opening hours. It was confirmed that the licence holder had requested an extension of one and a half hours from Sunday to Wednesday and of two hours from Thursday to Saturday.




Surendra Panchal, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Sub-Committee noting that the applicant had opened the restaurant six months previously. It was confirmed that the Applicant had obtained a Personal Licence, was familiar with the core licensing objectives and wished to promote them robustly. There had been no reports of nuisance, crime or breaches in respect of the premises. The restaurant was family-oriented and the additional hours applied for were to accommodate private functions at the premises. The Applicant’s Agent also emphasised that some of the matters raised in the representations related to parking and noise emanating from the air conditioning unit both of which were planning matters and were not matters for the Licensing Sub-Committee to determine. The Sub-Committee heard that, to address the concerns of local residents, the Applicant would install a noise limiter, ensure doors and windows were closed when music was playing and implement a dispersal policy to ensure customers left the premises quietly and respectfully. Alcohol would only be served to seated customers. It was confirmed that a training manual, incident book and refusal book would be in use at the premises. CCTV signs and numbers for local cab services would be clearly displayed. All staff would be fully trained and a Section 57 notice would be displayed indicating who was in charge in the absence of the Designated Premises Supervisor. It was noted that no objections had been raised by the Police.


The Applicant, Mr Panish Kumar Mahajan, advised the Sub-Committee that he wished to work with local residents to address their concerns.


In response to their queries, Members heard that staff at the premises would be trained to ensure customers would not be served if inebriated. The Manager was very experienced having worked for 9/10 years in the industry.


At the request of the Sub-Committee, the Applicant indicated on the floor plan the area where dancing would take place (a small, controlled area to the back of the restaurant near the kitchen). Tables and chairs would be removed to accommodate this but sofas would remain. Members heard that the maximum capacity of the restaurant for seated customers was 90 but bookings did not exceed 75-80 to ensure  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.