Agenda and minutes

Health and Social Care Select Committee - Tuesday, 25th February, 2025 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Nikki O'Halloran  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Reeta Chamdal (Councillor Adam Bennett was present as her substitute).


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Tony Burles declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 5 – Adult Social Care EIP – First Witness Session, as he was on the management board at Citizens Advice Bureau, and stayed in the room during the consideration thereof. 


Minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2025 pdf icon PDF 356 KB


It was noted that the resolution in relation to the Adult Social Care digitisation agenda item had not included specific timescales in relation to the provision of additional information.  It was agreed that any information available now should be circulated to Members outside of the meetings.  Mr Collier, the Council’s Health and Social Care Integration Manager, advised that a report was likely to be coming to the Committee in July 2025, after it had been considered by the Cabinet Member and Leader. 



1.    Mr Gary Collier forward information on the digitisation of Adult Social Care to the Democratic, Civic and Ceremonial Manager for circulation to the Committee Members;

2.    Mr Gary Collier provide a report on the digitisation of Adult Social Care for inclusion on the agenda for the meeting on 22 July 2025; and

3.    the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2025 be agreed as a correct record. 


Exclusion of press and public


RESOLVED:  That all items of business be considered in public.


Adult Social Care Early Intervention and Prevention - First Witness Session pdf icon PDF 571 KB


The Chair welcomed those present to the meeting.  Ms Kelly O’Neill, the Council’s Director of Public Health, advised that there was an interface between Adult Social Care and Public Health and health services.  Prevention had been one of the three key priorities included in the NHS 10 Year Plan which would be published later this year. 


Prevention was not just about social care but also included the social determinants of health such as housing and green spaces.  As such the services and interventions provided by various Council teams had an impact on prevention which meant that prevention sat with the decision makers / Councillors. 


It was important that effort was made to ensure that the healthiest option was the easiest option.  This would mean that people would stay healthier for longer: health was wealth and wealth was health.  As such, action was being taken to prevent a range of things including homelessness, violence against others and frailty.  Projections had shown that Hillingdon would have a significant increase in the number of people aged over 65 but that their healthy life expectancy would not be extended and they would be living with one or more long term health conditions.


Hypertension (or high blood pressure (BP)) often went undetected and could lead to stroke and cardiovascular disease which were the biggest causes of death.  Around 50% of emergency activity in the Emergency Department and 30% of GP time and unplanned care was in relation to high BP.  Approximately 4,400 residents accounted for about 50% of hospital admissions.  In addition, there were 22,465 unpaid carers in Hillingdon (29% of whom provided more than 50 hours of care each week), so it was important to keep them well.  The challenge would be to drive the economy whilst tackling hypertension. 


Concern was expressed that if there were 22,465 unpaid carers in Hillingdon and the Carers Trust provided one-to-one support for 2,867 carers, what support was available to the rest of the carers.  Mr Collier advised that the Carers Trust provided a range of initiatives to reach out to carers as well as working in communities and working with partners.  The Council had a statutory responsibility to identify carers so had been proactive in doing this.  However, not all carers wanted support.  Therefore, it was important to raise awareness of where carers could go if / when they wanted support.  


Mr Gavin Fernandes, the Council’s Assistant Director Immediate Response, advised that there had been a 4.5% increase in people aged 18-64 requiring long-term care between 2022/23 and 2023/24 and a 3% increase for residents aged 65 years and over.  Overall, there had been a 2.2% increase in the number of people aged 65 years plus requiring long-term care from 2019/20 to 2023/24 and a 13% increase for people aged 18 to 64.  Of the 3,967 people that had received Adult Social Care services between 1 April and 31 December 2024, 57% (2,256) had been aged 65 and above. 


There had been a 450% increase in the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 59.


Cabinet Forward Plan Monthly Monitoring pdf icon PDF 239 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Cabinet Forward Plan.


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Forward Plan be noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 148 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Committee’s Work Programme.  It was noted that residents had advised Councillors that Estates Team at The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (THH) were looking to develop some parts of the Mount Vernon Hospital site.  The Chair had spoken to the THH team about this matter.  It was agreed that an item be included on the agenda for the Committee’s meeting on 16 September 2025 to talk to THH about its estate as well as to other partners about the NHS estate more broadly. 



1.    NHS estates be included as an agenda item for the meeting on 16 September 2025; and

2.    the Work Programme be agreed.