Agenda and minutes

Children, Families and Education Select Committee - Tuesday, 18th June, 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Ryan Dell  Email:

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies were received from Councillor Rita Judge with Councillor Tony Burles substituting.



Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting





Minutes of the previous meetings dated 18 April 2024 pdf icon PDF 524 KB


Members noted that they had some questions relating to the review item, which they would come back during that item.


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the previous meeting be agreed.



Minutes of the AGM (09 May 2024) pdf icon PDF 97 KB


RESOLVED: That the minutes of the AGM be agreed.




To confirm that the items of business marked as Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked as Part II will be considered in Private


Minutes of the Corporate Parenting Panel pdf icon PDF 366 KB


Members highlighted the Local Offer; a follow-up on the Ofsted notice of need for improvement; and the tentative agreement regarding Council Tax for care experienced young people, and asked if updates could be received following the meeting. These would be looked into.


RESOLVED: That the Children, Families and Education Select Committee noted the minutes of the Corporate Parenting Panel




Membership of the Corporate Parenting Panel 2024-25 pdf icon PDF 161 KB

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Members considered the report and confirmed the membership of the Corporate Parenting Panel for 2024-2025.


RESOLVED: That the Children, Families and Education Select Committee:


1.    Appoint Councillors Nick Denys, Heena Makwana and Jan Sweeting to be the permanent Elected Members on the Panel on the basis of political balance (2 Con: 1 Lab);


2.    Appoint Councillors Becky Haggar OBE, Peter Smallwood and Tony Gill to be named substitutes on the basis of political balance (2 Con: 1 Lab); and


3.    Upon the recommendation of the Chair of this Committee, to confirm Councillor Nick Denys as the Chair of the Corporate Parenting Panel and Councillor Heena Makwana as the Vice-Chair.



Persistent absenteeism review - witness session 3 pdf icon PDF 160 KB

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The Chair welcomed the witnesses and thanked them for giving up their time to contribute to the review. The Chair outlined that the Committee was undertaking a major review into the issue of persistent absenteeism, and the purpose of the witness session.


Ms Surjeet Johra, Principal of Wood End Park Academy (primary school) addressed the Committee:

·         Wood End Park Academy was part of a Multi Academy Trust (MAT)

·         Colleagues in other schools in the trust had all seen a rise in persistent absenteeism (this included schools in other boroughs)

·         Discussions had taken place between schools to try to find solutions to persistent absenteeism

·         Headteachers had found that issues were evident even before young people started school. There were instances where parents were not ensuring that their children attended nursey regularly, for example

·         Partnership working with parents from an earlier time in their children’s education would be really helpful, so that parents can get a positive and well-rounded view of education and how useful it can be

·         Getting children registered to nursery was one thing, but ensuring regular attendance was another, as it was not statutory

·         Once parents were in the pattern of children being at home during nursery years, this pattern continued into reception and further to Year 6

·         Earlier intervention would be helpful

·         In terms of the cohorts of children who may be more susceptible to persistent absenteeism, this was linked to parents who may be more vulnerable themselves

·         The use of family support workers to create connections between parents and school may be useful


Ms Karen Quantrell, Attendance Officer at Haydon (secondary) School, addressed the Committee:

·         Haydon School was a large school with a vast catchment area

·         Haydon School also had an issue with persistent absenteeism, mainly due to a lack of parental engagement

·         There were also students with potentially undiagnosed ASD (autism spectrum disorder) or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)

·         There were lots of absences due to mental health

·         It was very difficult to get a quick turnaround of getting students into school


Members thanked the witnesses for attending.


Members asked for the current rate of absenteeism in the witnesses’ schools, and how this compared to last year and pre-COVID.


Ms Johra advised that:

·         In Wood End Park Academy, the rate was currently about 18%.

·         There had been a significant rise last year

·         Fellow Principals in the Trust had noticed the impact of COVID

·         Lockdowns had appeared to make parents value education slightly less than previously

·         Parents had not been in the position before when they were able to have their children at home and not be penalised for it, so due to COVID there was a sharp rise in persistent absenteeism

·         Wood End Park Academy’s rate of persistent absenteeism was slightly above the national average and most schools in the Trust were at about 25%

·         The Trust had worked collectively on this and the CEO had commissioned their own research and so now all schools in the Trust were seeing a reduction in persistent absentees

·         Wood  ...  view the full minutes text for item 10.


Forward Plan pdf icon PDF 239 KB

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Members considered the Forward Plan.


RESOLVED: That the Children, Families and Education Select Committee noted the Cabinet Forward Plan.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 141 KB

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Officers provided an update on the Work Programme.


·         On in-year admissions, there was a provisional date of September 2024

·         On the SEND Sufficiency Strategy, there was a provisional date of September 2024. This would be added to the Forward Plan for a Cabinet Member Decision expected in October/ November 2024

·         On a report into targeted services, this had been narrowed down into early help services and support for low-income families. There was a provisional date of July 2024 for this

·         On alternative provision, this was confirmed for November 2024 to tie in with the update on the SEND Strategy

·         On engagement with schools, this would require Members to narrow down specifically what they would like from this. There was an early provisional date of February 2025 for this

·         On higher education, this would require Members to narrow down specifically what they would like from this. There was an early provisional date of February 2025 for this


On higher education, Members highlighted the Council’s new Civic Partnership with Brunel University London. There were elements of this relating to health and well-being, economy and skills. There was also the possibility of discussing what further education colleges were providing, and partnerships between further education colleges, higher education settings and schools. Further topics could include accessing higher education, and support given to access higher education. Brunel could act as a gateway into higher education.


On engagement with schools, Members noted the difficulties in obtaining feedback from schools on the current and previous major review topics. A private item on engagement could focus on how the Council can improve or facilitate easier contact between itself and schools. It was noted that in the first instance the Committee could ask officers how they engage with schools via a briefing note which could help to develop an item on this. It was further noted that the potential audit of schools through the major review could also facilitate this.


Members raised the possibility of an item on helping young people with additional needs to access extra-curricular activities (for example sports or Scouts/ Guides groups). This could include working with local organisations to help to promote and access activities. This could focus on young people from low-income families or those with disabilities. The Chair noted that it may be worthwhile waiting until after the upcoming update on the Youth Offer and Delivery Model (which was provisionally scheduled for November 2024).


RESOLVED: That the Children, Families and Education Select Committee considered the report and agrees any amendments.