addition to formal reviews and information items carried out by the
Committee, Members also participate in visits to frontline services
within the remit of the Select Committee. These visits provide an opportunity to meet with staff and gain
a better understanding of the work they do thereby enabling Members to identify and improve the quality of
potential future review topics.
To view recent site visits by the Select Committee click
To undertake the overview and scrutiny role in
relation to the following Cabinet Member portfolio(s) and service
Cabinet Member for Residents’ Services
Community Safety, Licensing, Standards and Enforcement
Planning & Regeneration
Housing policy, homelessness & tenancy management
Green Spaces, Sport & Culture
Waste Services
Statutory Crime and
Disorder Scrutiny
This Committee will act as a Crime and
Disorder Committee as defined in the Crime and Disorder (Overview
and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009 and carry out the bi-annual scrutiny
of decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the
discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and
disorder functions.
Duty of partners to
attend and provide information
The Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny)
Regulations 2009 permits this Select Committee to make a
request in writing for information to bodies who form the local
Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (Safer Hillingdon
Partnership), which includes the Police. The Committee should
scrutinise the work of the partnership at least once a year and may
also require the attendance before it of an officer or employee of
a responsible authority or of a co-operating person or body in
order to answer questions. The Committee may not require a person
to attend unless reasonable notice of the intended date of
attendance has been given to that person.
This Committee will also act as lead select
committee on the monitoring and review of the following
cross-cutting topics:
Climate Change
Local impacts of Heathrow expansion
Local impacts of High Speed 2
Community Cohesion