In addition to formal reviews and information items carried out by the Committee, Councillors on this committee also participate in visits to frontline services. These visits provide an opportunity to meet with residents, staff, contractors and partners and gain a better understanding of the work they do thereby enabling the Committee to add real value to its important scrutiny work. You can see pictures of them below:
To view recent site visits by the Select Committee click here
Portfolio(s) |
Directorate |
Service Areas |
Cabinet Member for Community & Environment |
Place |
Green Spaces (incl. Woodlands, Colne Valley) |
Crematorium Services |
Waste Services |
Flooding & watercourses
Environmental Projects (incl. Chrysalis, Street Champions, Alleygating & Ward Budgets) |
Climate Change (incl. air quality) – cross-cutting brief |
Homes and Communities |
Library Services |
Theatres, Museums & Cultural Services |
Leisure Services and Centres |
Community Safety & Community Cohesion (incl. CCTV) |
Trading Standards, Environmental Health & Licensing (incl. Safety of Sports Grounds) |
Imported Food Office |
Anti-Social Behaviour and Localities |
Street Scene Enforcement |
Parking & Parking Enforcement |
Emergency Response |
Adult Services & Health |
Mortuary |
Cabinet Member for Planning, Housing & Growth |
Place |
Planning Services (incl. planning policy, building control, planning enforcement, specialist planning & conservation areas) |
Regeneration (incl. town centres, master planning) |
Economic Development (incl. growth strategy, business engagement, inward investment & worklessness) |
Local Impacts of Heathrow Expansion (cross cutting brief) |
Local Impacts of High Speed 2 (cross-cutting brief) |
Homes & Communities |
Housing Strategy & Commissioning (incl. housing policies & standards, assessment of housing stock size & condition and the commissioning of housing stock repairs and housing stock acquisitions) |
HRA Strategy and delivery plan (operational delivery in Place and Cabinet Member for Corporate Services & Property) |
Housing Management (incl. tenancy management) |
Housing Options and Homeless Prevention |
Private Sector Housing |
Statutory Crime and Disorder Scrutiny
This Committee will act as a Crime and Disorder Committee as defined in the Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations 2009 and carry out the bi-annual scrutiny of decisions made, or other action taken, in connection with the discharge by the responsible authorities of their crime and disorder functions.
Duty of partners to attend and provide information
The Crime and Disorder (Overview and Scrutiny) Regulations?2009 permits this Select Committee to make a request in writing for information to bodies who form the local Crime and Disorder Reduction Partnership (Safer Hillingdon Partnership), which includes the Police. The Committee should scrutinise the work of the partnership at least once a year and may also require the attendance before it of an officer or employee of a responsible authority or of a co-operating person or body in order to answer questions. The Committee may not require a person to attend unless reasonable notice of the intended date of attendance has been given to that person.
Support officer: Liz Penny, Democratic Services Officer. Email: epenny@hillingdon.gov.uk
Email: epenny@hillingdon.gov.uk