Cabinet – putting our residents first
Hillingdon is a modern, transparent Council
delivering excellent local services and putting residents first.
Key to delivering this is strong and effective governance by the
Leader of the Council and his Cabinet. The Cabinet is the
Council’s leadership team, working closely with Officers. It
is chaired by the Leader of the Council and comprises 6 other
Councillors (known as Cabinet Members) who are responsible and
accountable for a range of Council services or a
‘portfolio’, e.g. finance, planning, family services
etc… On a daily basis Cabinet Members make decisions
individually on council services, take a lead on local issues and
hold regular petition hearings listening directly to residents,
seeking to resolve local issues.
Councillor Ian Edwards is the Leader of the
Council and his Cabinet designate is set out below, to be confirmed
on 12 May 2022.:
To find out more about each Cabinet
Member’s responsibilities, you can view their
delegations here.
Watching a
Cabinet meeting
Monthly, Cabinet Members meet in public for
Cabinet meetings to take the key decisions about the Borough. These
are held at the Civic Centre (currently virtually in light of the
Cabinet meetings are broadcast live to
increase resident engagement in local democracy. You can watch
Cabinet meetings live, or archived after the event, on
the Council's YouTube channel: Hillingdon London. Residents are also welcome to
attend a Cabinet meeting in person at the Civic Centre in Uxbridge.
Details of when they are held are shown on this website, but they
are usually at 7pm on the third Thursday of each month.
If you attend a Cabinet meeting you will not
be able to directly speak, present to or lobby Councillors during
the actual meeting, however, you are welcome to observe and listen
to the proceedings quietly. We encourage people to attend Cabinet
to see how Hillingdon Council is governed and decisions are made.
For any further information, use the contact details below.
If there is a particular local matter that you
wish to raise with a Cabinet Member, then we recommend you to take
part in our well established Petitions Scheme
in which thousands of residents each year participate in. You can
contact Cabinet Members by telephoning the Civic Centre on 01895
250316 or by email to: democratic@hillingdon.gov.uk
by the Cabinet
The business of the Cabinet, i.e. the
decisions it will make at meetings over the coming year are
published in advance on a rolling document called the Forward Plan.
This is updated monthly and can be
viewed here.
About a week before any Cabinet meeting
listed, an agenda is published on this website (links above)
setting out any reports under consideration by the Cabinet for the
meeting. The decisions made by the Cabinet are then usually
published the day after the meeting to view.
Cabinet will consider most items in public,
along with a public preview of confidential matters considerder in
private. For maximum transparency, the decisions made, irrespective
of whether considered in public or private, are published on this
The public has a right to make representations
about any upcoming decisions to taken in private at a Cabinet
meeting. You can do this by email to democratic@hillingdon.gov.uk
Such representations must be received by close of play Monday on
the week preceding the Cabinet meeting.