ePetition details

Wingfield Way residents' petition on yellow box junction issues on the West End Road

We the undersigned petition Hillingdon Council to provide a solution in reference to the possible traffic contraventions faced by the residents of Wingfield Way in Ruislip while trying turn right into Station Approach or West End Road towards A40.

The traffic signals at West End Road junction near the Wingfield Way operate in such a way that the rest of the traffic lights are in green in one or the other direction whilst the traffic light on the right lane on West End Road being in red (refer to Figure-A), so it is unlikely for the traffic coming out of the Wingfield Way to have clearance of traffic when looking to go right towards the West End Rroad (refer to Figure-C) or trying to enter right lane on West End Road and wait to go towards the Station Approach (refer to Figure-D).

The only window Wingfield Way residents have is when both the left & right lanes on the West End Road are in red and that's when the residents enter the box junction and wait in the right lane either to enter the West End Road towards A40 or Station Approach. For the traffic entering the box junction to turn right to the West End Road towards A40, it may not be a contravention as they are only waiting there for clearance from ongoing traffic. However for the residents trying to go towards the Station Approach and enter the box junction in red; a contravention will happen as the signal is still red and no clearance yet. Refer to Appendix-1 for one of the contravention letter received by a resident.

This situation has ended up the residents receiving fines for traffic rules contravention. This petition is on behalf of the fellow residents of the Wingfield Way and we all would like to request the Hillingdon Council and Highways Authority to provide a solution for the Wingfield Way residents and at the same time if possible suspend the fines for contravention till a solution is provided to the residents of Wingfield Way.

This ePetition runs from 10/07/2024 to 10/08/2024.

One person has signed this ePetition.

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