ePetition details

Extra parking within Drayton garden Village,outside permitted spaces

We the undersigned petition Hillingdon Council to To lift the ban on no parking within the streets of Drayton Garden village - there should be, at least, a scheme to allow visitors and second car owners if they display permits per residence.

Now the flats are inhabited, Paradigm and Bellway developers have employed a car parking management company to issue permits and restrictions to parking elsewhere in the village unless a resident.

Firstly, for us who have a second car, Drayton Garden Village (DGV) was ideal initially, with the ample space around the roads and lay-bys where we could park nearby, as well as space for when we have visitors come. Now, no one can park within the village without a permit in an allocated space which is a big change since we offered to buy.

They should at least provide visitor permits to residents which allow them to have visitors park without issue whilst they visit on the roads within the DGV complex. This was the case until recently, as it now means that I, with my second car, and any visitors we have, have to park outside the village complex and walk in as all the roads now have parking notices and restricted permanently.

On reaching 20 signatures it will be formally considered by the Council and relevant Cabinet Member. Local ward Councillors will also be made aware of the petition. The Council's Democratic Services Team will keep the lead petitioner updated on progress.

This ePetition ran from 11/06/2018 to 09/09/2018 and has now finished.

3 people signed this ePetition.

Privacy of personal data in petitions: Hillingdon Council has an established petition scheme, used by local residents, where they can seek to influence decisions made in their local area. The handling of petitions falls under the “public task” legal requirement for processing personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018, necessary for activities that support or promote democratic engagement. On receipt of a petition, the Council will process the personal data within solely for the purpose of considering it as part of the Council’s Petition Scheme and our public democratic process for Councillors and Council Officers to respond to the issue(s) raised in your petition and hear your views. For more information, please read the Council’s Privacy Notice and the Petition Scheme which Democratic Services has published on the Council’s website at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/petitions