ePetition details

Yiewsley Park Recreation Ground Local Plan: Part 2

We the undersigned petition Hillingdon Council to retain the lawful covenant protecting Yiewsley Park from any future development, to keep the whole site’s current green chain status.

Yiewsley Recreation Ground was conveyed to the then Yiewsley Urban District Council on the 21st December 1926 from the Governors of Saint Thomas’s Hospital. It was promised by the Yiewsley Urban District Council that (a) “The whole of the said piece of land shall forthwith be dedicated and forever maintained as an open space for public use and recreation”. (b) “No buildings other than lodges bandstands lavatories cricket pavilions refreshment rooms shelters sheds and buildings of a like nature shall at any time be erected on any part of the said piece of land without the previous consent of the county council it being understood that such consent will only be granted in the case of buildings intended to be used for the purposes of ancillary to the enjoyment of the said piece of land as an open space for public use and recreation”.

Yiewsley Residents ask that the law is respected. Yiewsley Park is an important part of the green chain a strategic protection to maintain Hillingdon’s clean air space. Hillingdon’s EB44 Open Space Strategy 2011-2026 states that “High quality parks and public spaces create economic, social and environmental value. They are also highly valued by local people”. EB44 Point 3.2.3 includes Yiewsley as a Priority for action area where “current level of provision and the current population there is insufficient open space to meet the proposed quantity standard.” The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government core principle National Planning Policy Framework states: “Green infrastructure can improve public health and community wellbeing by improving environmental quality, providing opportunities for recreation and exercise and delivering mental and physical health benefits. Green infrastructure also helps reduce air pollution, noise and the impacts of extreme heat and extreme rainfall events.”

Yiewsley Residents ask the council to protect this precious green space in accordance to Hillingdon’s EB44 Open Space policy, the National Planning policy and for the respectful needs of this deprived and underserved local community ground which has had tennis courts removed, bowling greens deserted, and the well utilised swimming pool demolished. All these needed, community facilities taken away despite petitions to retain them. Yiewsley Residents now expect the council to honour the 7,000+ petitioners who successfully prevented the park from being developed by Tesco in 1998.
We ask that the council statement “Hillingdon is committed to investing in its staff and dedicated to serving the local community" be honoured. Yiewsley local community beneficiaries of the running covenant protest that the whole site remain “forever recreational”.

On reaching 100 signatures it will be formally considered by the Council and relevant Cabinet Member. Democratic Services Team will keep the lead petitioner updated on progress.

This ePetition ran from 19/07/2018 to 19/09/2018 and has now finished.

175 people signed this ePetition.

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