ePetition details

Petition for the installation of CCTV cameras at the junction of The Rise, Devon Way and Dorset Way.

We the undersigned petition Hillingdon Council to install CCTV cameras at the junction of The Rise, Devon Way and Dorset Way in Hillingdon.

Hillingdon Residents, the recent spate of burglaries, criminal damage, thefts and vandalism on our once quiet streets has prompted this petition. The huge increase in crime in our area effects everyone, especially our more vulnerable neighbours.

Over the last 18 months, we have faced:
• House break-ins and burglaries.
• Confidence tricksters preying on our elderly neighbours.
• Vandals smashing windows.
• Car thefts and damage.
• Thieves using Dorset Way as a blind spot to dump stolen cars and goods.

We ask you to sign this petition for Hillingdon Council to install CCTV cameras at the junction of The Rise, Devon Way and Dorset Way in Hillingdon.

We know that the installation of CCTV cameras will:
• Prove an excellent deterrent and naturally reduce crime in our area.
• Also provide vital evidence for the police to catch and prosecute criminals.

Please sign this petition to help make change!

This ePetition ran from 17/04/2024 to 15/05/2024 and has now finished.

2 people signed this ePetition.

Privacy of personal data in petitions: Hillingdon Council has an established petition scheme, used by local residents, where they can seek to influence decisions made in their local area. The handling of petitions falls under the “public task” legal requirement for processing personal data under the Data Protection Act 2018, necessary for activities that support or promote democratic engagement. On receipt of a petition, the Council will process the personal data within solely for the purpose of considering it as part of the Council’s Petition Scheme and our public democratic process for Councillors and Council Officers to respond to the issue(s) raised in your petition and hear your views. For more information, please read the Council’s Privacy Notice and the Petition Scheme which Democratic Services has published on the Council’s website at www.hillingdon.gov.uk/petitions