Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Charles Francis 01895 556454
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence and to report the presence of any substitute Members Minutes: Apologies were received from Cllr Kuldeep Lakhmana substitute Cllr Peter Curling.
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes:
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 15 February 2012 Minutes: The minutes of 15 February 2012 were agreed as an accurate record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked in Part I will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: All items were considered in Part 1.
Population flows (and the impact on Housing Services) - Background report Minutes: The Policy Officer introduced a background report which provided information about changes in the population of Hillingdon.
Key points arising from the report included:
Population Data and Analysis
· Office for National Statistics · Greater London Authority · Hillingdon Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
Limitations of the Data
Hillingdon’s Population 2010
Hillingdon’s Population – Projections
Birth Rates
Age Structure
Population in Hillingdon Wards and Constituencies
Population flows (and the impact on Housing Services) - Witness Session 1 Minutes: Nigel Minto, Head of Housing and Planning, London Councils attended the meeting and provided a presentation on population flows and the impact on housing services from a pan London perspective.
The following points were noted:
London Councils research • Looked at the period between 2013 – 2016 and explored the implications for existing workless households in London of Universal Credit cap changes • The research looked at over 200,000 Housing Benefit (HB) records in London from 12 Boroughs, used HB information from a further 12 boroughs. • The sample covered over 70% of workless households to assess the impact of the cap in London
The London numbers - Findings • Over 130,000 households were impacted by either London Housing Allowance (63,000) or UC (70,000) caps • Two-thirds of those affected by UC cap face shortfall of over 10% – One-in-six, face loss of over 30% • The UC cap disproportionately impacts on larger families – Over 40% of couples with three children face loss greater than 10% • Average loss across London £105 per week • The Levels of tenants moved into unaffordability ranged from 33% (Brent) to 10% (Lambeth) • In Hillingdon 17,704 records assessed, 2,580 (15%) applicants were expected to find their homes unaffordable • Hillingdon 28th out of 33 boroughs in terms of the extent that claimants will find their accommodation unaffordable • Boroughs which have least affordability near Hillingdon included: – Hounslow (19%) – Ealing (20%) – Brent (33%)
Estimating the impact on boroughs • Initial estimates suggest average of £306 (33%) per capita loss arising from inner London to outer London migration • 25% of children live in overcrowded homes • Full time child care on average £22,1100 pa • Predicted to be 70,000 shortfall on school places in London
In response to the 18 key questions cited in the review scoping report, the Committee were informed:
• What population flow is happening? – This was ongoing at the moment. • Where is population flow happening? – Across London as a whole. This is not always a clear inner/outer London split. • Who is moving? – A range of households but this will increasingly be larger households. • Why are people moving?- Of their own choice to avoid the change in housing benefit/UC. To secure cheaper or more appropriate accommodation because they are being ‘moved’ by boroughs. Or because their landlord is compelling them to move. • Are large families adversely impacted? – Yes • What is the impact of this population flow on housing demand? At this stage it is too early to say ... view the full minutes text for item 15. |
Additional documents: Minutes: Members considered a copy of the latest Forward Plan covering March to May 2012.
Resolved –
Minutes: This is a standard item.
Resolved –
That the timetable of meetings and proposed work programme for 2011/12 be noted