Agenda and minutes

Petition Hearing - Cabinet Member for Planning and Transportation - Wednesday, 26th May, 2010 7.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 3a - Civic Centre, High Street, Uxbridge UB8 1UW. View directions

Contact: Nadia Williams 

No. Item


To confirm that the business of the meeting will take place in public.


It was confirmed that the business of the meeting would take place in public.


To consider the report of the officers on the following petitions received.


Furzeham Road, West Drayton - Petition Requesting Residents Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 2 MB


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Residents had not previously been in favour of any parking management scheme.
  • Due to surrounding roads becoming part of the West Drayton/Yiewsley Parking Management Scheme, considered that they had no option but to request for Furzham Road to be included in the scheme.
  • Forced to request for the scheme to be extended to Furzham Road for fear of severe parking pressures, as a result of restricted parking in surrounding roads.
  • Concerned that residents with drop-down kerbs would lose parking spaces once the scheme was introduced.


Councillors Anita MacDonald and Paul Buttivant attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillors in support of the petitioners, and suggested that:


·        There would be a knock-on effect resulting in increased numbers of vehicles being parked in Furzeham Road as a result of surrounding roads being included in the West Drayton/Yiewsley parking Management Scheme

·        That, as such schemes had been expanded in Heathrow Villages, this had resulted in pushing parking pressures onto surrounding areas.


Officers advised that there were parking schemes which would allow residents to park across drop-down kerbs. That introduction of a parking management scheme would allow for resident parking only; but that parking permit would be required during the times when the scheme was in operation.  It was noted that only the first permit would be free of charge and any subsequent permits would be chargeable.


The Cabinet Member commented that there were no limits to the number of permits that could be purchased, so long as the permits were registered to residents living in the household. The Cabinet member advised that that he would attach a third recommendation instructing officers to review the parking programme to include Furzeham Road in the scheme earlier than 6 – 12 months time, depending on the progress of the current programme.




That the Cabinet Member noted the petition and;


  1. Met and discussed with petitioners their concerns with parking in Furzeham Road.


  1. Asked officers to include Furzeham Road in the subsequent review of the West Drayton/Yiewsley Parking Management Scheme Zone WD1 and to include this within the forward programme.


  1. Instructed officers to review the parking programme to include Furzeham Road in the scheme earlier than 6 – 12 months time, subject to the progress of the current programme.



Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns and, if appropriate, to include Furzeham Road in the subsequent review of the new West Drayton/Yiewsley Parking Management Scheme.


Alternative options considered


None because the petitioners have made a request to be included within the proposed West Drayton/Yiewsley Parking Management Scheme Zone WD1.



Relevant Ward:

West Drayton



Merrimans Corner, Hillingdon - Petition Requesting a "Stop and Shop" Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 3 MB


Councillor Mo Khursheed attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor in support of, and on behalf of the petitioners. The following concerns and suggestions were raised:


  • Petitioners (local shop keepers) were concerned about the lack of parking  restrictions
  • That three cars were parked in the shopping parade (with just 6 parking spaces) for a period of two weeks
  • Due to the proximity to Heathrow Airport, and the bus stop just in the area, commuters regularly parked their cars to catch the bus to the airport
  • Gave concerned about loss of trade as customers drive on to the other parade of shops when they are not able to park, especially when it is raining
  • Suggested that the bus stop being so close by encouraged people to park their cars and catch the bus
  • Suggested that Community shops should be supported and action should be taken to encourage residents to use local shops


The Cabinet Member concurred with the Ward Councillor and agreed that local shop keepers should be supporters in order to try and protect community shops.




That the Cabinet Member:


1.         Met and discussed with petitioners the problems they were         experiencing with parking.


  1. Asked officers to add the request for a “Stop & Shop” parking scheme in the Merrimans Corner shopping parade to the Council’s overall programme and carry out informal consultation with shopkeepers as resources permitted.

Reasons for recommendation


As it is not clear whether the petition was signed by shopkeepers in the parade, the Council will need to carry out its own consultation to establish the level of support a parking scheme would receive from business occupiers.


Alternative options considered


None as the petitioners have asked for a “Stop & Shop” parking scheme.


Relevant Ward:




Grove Road and Moor Park Road, Northwood - Petitions Requesting Parking Controls pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Requested a residents’ parking scheme in Grove Road similar to the scheme operated in Sandy Lodge Way
  • Requested consideration of a one hour waiting restriction ban from Monday to Friday between 1pm and 2pm
  • Requested an additional 1 hour ban during late evenings to prevent taxis and late night parking
  • Suggested that parents parking inconsiderately when they dropped off and collected their children at St Martins School created even further parking problems
  •   Commuter parking, together with parents parking in respect of St Martins’ School often caused real parking problems at the top of Moor Park Road
  • Concerns were raised about commercial vehicles regularly parking in front of the homes of residents close to Moor Park Road and Grove Road.


The Cabinet Member commented that:


  • Petitioners should be aware that any restricted parking imposed would be enforceable on commuters as well as residents
  • The Residents Parking Permit scheme would enable residents to park at any time on their roads, so long as their vehicles were registered to their home addresses
  • There were no restrictions on the number of permits that residents could apply for (the first would be free, with a charge for any subsequent permits applied for)
  • The Council would not introduce any parking scheme without

      an agreement from the majority of residents, and this would be done    through the consultation process

  • Officers should also include the Close in the consultation process
  • Possible solutions should be included in the consultation on prospective schemes




That the Cabinet Member:


1.      Discussed with petitioners about their concerns with parking in their roads and if they have a preferred course of action to address this issue.


2.      That subject to 1 above asked officers to add the request to the Council’s programme and consult with residents of Grove Road, Moor Park Road and the Close


3.      That residents should note that the Council was legally required to carry out consultation and the decision to carry out any Parking Management scheme would depend on the response of the preferred option indicated by the majority. 


Reasons for recommendation


It is not clear from the petitions on whether the residents are asking to become part of Northwood Residents Permit Parking Scheme or prefer waiting restrictions on both sides of the respective roads.


Alternative options considered

These were explored in discussion with the Cabinet Member at the petition evening.


Relevant Ward:



High Street, Harlington - Petition Requesting Control Parking pdf icon PDF 3 MB


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Residents expressed concerns that the recent extension of the Heathrow Parking Management scheme had resulted in increased parking in the High Street.
  • That parking problems had been exasperated by people parking their cars and transporters on the High Street with ‘for sale’ signs. This meant that when families visited, they had no place to park.
  • The area was regularly used by commuters to park their cars and holiday makers would sometimes park theirs for two weeks.
  • Residents advised that fire engines would be hindered from driving along the High Street, due to the severe parking problems.
  • It was suggested that the parking issue had also transferred into St Paul’s Close.
  • Residents advised that there was a ‘dead end’ over the Hayes Fly-Over which made it easy for people to not only park their cars, they also littered the area.
  • It was suggested that the ‘no litter’ signs were ignored and people urinated in the area. Vandalism and fly tipping occurred on a regular basis.
  • Residents requested a parking management scheme that would allow for residents’ parking only and should not allow for non-residents parking at any time.


Councillor June Nelson attended the meeting and spoke as Ward Councillor in support of the residents. Councillor Nelson concurred with the residents and indicated that she had experienced taxi drivers urinating in the area, which she said was detrimental to the residents living in the area. Councillor Nelson asked the Cabinet Member to bring parking in line with the neighbouring areas.


The Cabinet member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and responded that the Council did not install parking in areas; request for parking management had to come from residents.  The Cabinet member added that residents would be consulted and given an outline of different schemes. Only when residents are happy with a scheme following consultation would Implementation proceed. It was noted that officers would be instructed to liaise with the Safer Neighbourhood Team with a view to increasing patrol in the area to try and reduce the issue of public nuisance.


Resolved – that the Cabinet Member:


  1. Considered the petitioners’ request and discussed with them their concerns with parking outside their homes.


  1. Asked officers to include this part of Harlington in the subsequent review of the recent extension to the Heathrow Parking Scheme included in the forward programme.


  1. Instructed officers to raise the issues highlighted about public nuisance with the Safer Neighbourhood Team.

Reasons for recommendation


To allow the Cabinet Member to discuss with petitioners their concerns with parking and if appropriate to include this section of Harlington within the subsequent review of the most recent extension to the Heathrow Parking Scheme.

Alternative options considered


The petitioners have requested controlled parking and although this can be addressed by the introduction of waiting restrictions, it is more likely the residents want to park outside their homes but are precluded from doing so at present due to non-residential parking.


Relevant Ward:

Heathrow  ...  view the full minutes text for item 6.


Albert Road and Keith Road, Hayes - Petitions concerning the Proposed Residents Parking Scheme pdf icon PDF 4 MB


The following concerns and suggestions were raised at the meeting:


  • Residents suggested that there should be parking restriction from 2pm to 4pm at the top end of Keith Road and a Parking Management Scheme introduced at the bottom end of Albert Road.
  • It was noted that the Church did not fall into any of these categories except that Parents dropping their children to the Mother and Toddler groups had been asked by the Church to avoid parking in front of residents’ drives.
  •  Residents raised concerns about severe parking problems at the corner of Keith Road and Albert Road and requested that urgent action was needed in this area.
  • It was noted that the parking problems were caused mainly by commuters and the parking issues were having a major impact on residents.
  • It was acknowledge that parking restrictions from 2pm to 4pm would not be a suitable resolution to the parking problems for all residents, but that it would work for the Church.
  • Residents were keen to know whether there was any flexibility to 9am to 5pm scheme.


Councillor Mo Khursheed attended the meeting and spoke as a Ward Councillor and stated that priority should be given for a parking scheme in Albert Road and Keith Road. Councillor Khursheed added having discussed the issue with residents; the consultation process was needed to be progress so that some measure could be implemented as soon as possible.


The Cabinet Member listened to the concerns of the petitioners and advised that the Council would only introduce a scheme that was acceptable to the majority of residents through the consultation process. It was emphasised that the one hour parking restrictions (either in the morning or in the afternoon) would affect all residents on the street but that the Residents’ Permit scheme would only affect non residents (people who did not live on the street).




That the Cabinet Member:


  1. Met and discussed with the petitioners their concerns with parking in Albert Road and Keith Road


  1. Asked officers to include the petition request and the outcome of discussions above in the forthcoming report incorporating all representations received from statutory consultation on the proposed parking scheme for Keith Road and Albert Road, Hayes.


  1. Instructed officers to contact the lead petitioners to invite them to attend the site in order to discuss the options available. Following on form this, for officers to proceed with the consultation process.

Reasons for recommendation


Following statutory consultation on parking proposals, all comments received must be considered by the Council before a final decision.  A report will subsequently be drafted detailing these comments which can include these petitions together with the outcome of discussions with the Cabinet Member at the petition evening.

Alternative options considered


To control parking on street, the Council have powers to introduce Residents Permit Parking Schemes or waiting restrictions.  These alternatives were put to the residents of Albert Road and Keith Road who preferred the introduction of permit parking.  A petition however from the Elim Christian  ...  view the full minutes text for item 7.