Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services 01895 250636 or email (recommended):
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: There were no apologies for absence. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting PDF 114 KB Minutes: RESOLVED: That the minutes of the meeting held on 23 February 2022 be approved as a correct record. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items would be considered in public. |
Land at Newyears Green Lane and Breakspear Road South - 76870/APP/2021/4237 PDF 90 KB Request for approval of Plans and Specifications under condition imposed by Schedule 17 to the High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Act 2017 for a site 299,165.4m2 for the placement of excavated HS2 material arising from HS2 works to form 2 no. mounds (i.e. western and eastern mound), fencing (location only), the diversion of an ordinary watercourse to facilitate the western mound, creation and associated drainage in the form of swales, culverts, and a pond.
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Officers introduced the application and delivered a presentation outlining the proposals for a 16-metre-high western mound and an 18-metre-high eastern mound to be constructed adjacent to Newyears Green Lane using excavated materials from the nearby HS2 development.
Officers highlighted that the proposals were twofold, in that the Committee were considering the method for construction and the final end use and restoration of the development. Officers were generally happy with the methods for construction. The Committee were informed that, due to the gradient of the prospective mounds, they would not be designated for agricultural use. Officers had raised concerns around the long-term land use of the mounds and in the way of efforts to achieve a positive land use, had negotiated that a footpath be installed leading to the top of the western mound; this mound would eventually come under the ownership of the local authority. Discussions were ongoing with HS2 as to the long-term ownership and use of the eastern mound. The application was recommended for approval, subject to the condition outlined in the officer’s report; further to this it was noted that the condition was initially proposed by HS2 Ltd, then slightly amended by officers, and agreed by both parties.
Members queried the methods of construction and sought assurances over the stability of the mounds given the increased long-term likelihood of inclement weather. Officers informed the Committee that they were happy with the phased approach within the construction method statement submitted with the application which outlined the compacted nature of the mounds. It was also highlighted that, once complete, there would be a period of up to five years whereby HS2 Ltd would be gatekeepers of the site before any final handover takes place. Officers also assured Members that the proposed flooding and water runoff mitigation measures were deemed to be sufficient in handling any increased risk of flooding to Breakspear Road South.
By way of clarification around the biodiversity corridors, the Committee were informed that HS2 were required to design a “no net loss” scheme in terms of biodiversity. Discussions were ongoing as to the exact details of what this would look like in relation to the application in front of Members. With regard to the proposed condition in relation to the restoration of the land, Members were minded to have the details of the scheme of restoration come back to the Committee once known.
The Committee raised concerns whether the site, being located next to Newyears Green Lane landfill site, had been subject to contamination as the landfill site was known to be a contaminated area. Additionally, concerns were raised in relation to potential contamination of the Ickenham water source. It was noted that the Environment Agency, as the lead regulator on protection of the water environment, had raised no objection with the application and had not identified any increased contamination risk associated with the proposals; further to this Members were informed that the HS2 Act 2017 had designated the land to be tipped and it was ... view the full minutes text for item 101. |
Out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council: Outline planning application with all matters reserved except for principal points of access for the redevelopment of the former landfill site to comprise a data centre development (B8 (Data Centre)) of up to 163,000 sqm (GEA) delivered across 3 buildings. The scheme includes site wide landscaping and the creation of Parkland. The data centre buildings include ancillary offices, internal plant and equipment and emergency back-up generators and associated fuel storage. The development may also include cycle and car parking, internal circulation routes, soft and hard landscaping, security perimeter fence, lighting, earthworks, District Heating Network, sustainable drainage systems, ancillary infrastructure and a substation.
Recommendation: Objection Minutes: Officers introduced the item as an out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council in relation to a proposed data centre development at the Woodlands Park Landfill site. Members attention was drawn to the addendum which outlined additional comments received by the air quality officer regarding issues associated with the proposed diesel powered backup generators and the impact they would have on Hillingdon residents. Officers therefore proposed a third objection be raised with regard to air quality matters with the aim being that Buckinghamshire County Council would be encouraged to negotiate alternative cleaner technologies with the developer.
Officers also noted that correspondence had been received from the agent for the application suggesting that they thought officers had not appropriately considered the district heat network aspect of the proposal in their broader considerations and recommendations to the Committee. With regard to this, officers highlighted page four of the addendum outlining that, whilst it was not specifically referenced in the Committee report, officers had considered these matters in forming their recommendation and concluded that the district heating network aspect did not outweigh the harm of the development, and that the recommendation to object to the proposals remained. Officers went on to highlight the Green Belt and Design factors stated in the report as reasons for recommending that the Committee object to the proposals.
Councillor Keith Burrows, Ward Councillor Uxbridge South, was present for this item and addressed the Committee; key points raised included:
Officers highlighted that the potential Section 106 receipts noted on page three of the addendum were significant, however as the determining authority, Buckinghamshire County Council would be entitled to the costs. It was noted that, should Buckinghamshire’s recommendation be in favour of the proposals, Hillingdon would seek to negotiate a quantum of the money received due to the impact on Hillingdon residents. It would not be immediately clear how the money could be used to alleviate harm caused to residents if the development were to go ahead. Members and officers were in agreement that the harm caused to Hillingdon residents was sufficient to outright object to the proposals, although the Committee sought to add an informative noting that, should Buckinghamshire’s recommendation be in favour of the development, Hillingdon would request to be included in any discussions around air quality contributions.
Members concurred with officers’ recommendation to object to the proposals and discussed whether noise emanating from the backup generators could be added as a further reason for ... view the full minutes text for item 102. |
Out of Borough consultation for Buckinghamshire County Council: Construction and operation of a 57MW battery storage facility, landscaping, fencing, and extension and widening of internal site access track.
Recommendations: Objection Minutes: Officers briefly introduced the item as an out of Borough consultation closely related to the previously heard data centre development item situated at Woodlands Park Landfill site. It was noted that the use of the site would be a battery storage facility. In a similar manner to the previous item, officers recommended that the Committee object to the proposals on grounds of design and inappropriate development within Green Belt land. Due to the nature of the battery storage facility, it was highlighted that there would be no grounds for objecting to the proposals on matters of air quality.
The officer’s recommendation was moved, seconded, and when put to a vote, unanimously agreed.
RESOLVED: That the Council raise an objection to the proposed development. |