Agenda and minutes
Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Danielle Watson Democratic Services Officer: 01895 277488
Note: Meeting will start at 7pm or at the rising of the North Planning Committee
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Brian Stead with Cllr Raymond Graham substituting. |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: Cllr Peter Curling declared a pecuniary interest in item 5 as he was an employee of Brunel University, and left the room during the consideration thereof.
Cllr Ian Edwards declared non-pecuniary interests on items 10 and 11 as he was a trustee of the neighbouring occupier and remained in the meeting and took part in the decision of this item. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: The Chairman highlighted that a petition had been received in support of item 5 of the published agenda. |
To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered inpublic and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items would be considered in Part 1 public.
Application for Extension of Time to Implement Outline Application for Brunel University Master Plan proposals (ref:532/APP/2002/2237) comprising erection of 48,064 sq.m of new academic floorspace, 69,840 sq.m of new student residential accommodation, ancillary floorspace and infrastructure, provision of 645 additional parking spaces, improved access from Kingston lane, new access from Cowley road, highway improvements to Cleveland road, improved pedestrian and cycle routes, landscaping and environmental improvements (involving demolition of 18,600 sq.m of existing floorspace).
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Application for Extension of Time to Implement Outline Application for Brunel University Master Plan proposals (ref:532/APP/2002/2237) comprising erection of 48,064 sq.m of new academic floorspace, 69,840 sq.m of new student residential accommodation, ancillary floorspace and infrastructure, provision of 645 additional parking spaces, improved access from Kingston lane, new access from Cowley road, highway improvements to Cleveland road, improved pedestrian and cycle routes, landscaping and environmental improvements (involving demolition of 18,600 sq.m of existing floorspace).
Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.
This application sought approval for a new planning consent to replace outline planning permission which had previously been approved in 2004. It was noted that the application was for an extension of time only, with no changes to any other aspects of the development approved in 2004. Members noted that staff and student numbers were to remain the same; the implementation of the outstanding academic floor space would lead to no additional vehicular trips, but would lead to improved teaching conditions at the University.
Members noted that the student residential accommodation approved in 2004 had been fully completed; however, an element of the academic floor space remained outstanding which equated to approximately 20,000 sq/m. Members noted that the application would allow sufficient time for the University to prepare and submit the remaining reserved matters applications, to enable the completion of the redevelopment of the Uxbridge Campus.
Members noted that since the outline planning permission was granted in 2004, the applicable policy framework had changed in certain areas. However, a review of the current policy had indicated that there have been no significant changes affecting the scheme and the proposals remained policy compliant.
Petitioners supporting the application were in attendance but did not wish to speak.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.
Harefield Grove, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield - 28301/APP/2013/3104 Conversion of majority of historic main house into single dwelling unit, alteration and conversion of existing east and west wings and southern part of main house into 15 residential units and conversion of 'stable building' into 4 residential units. Demolition of glazed link and canopy including outbuilding to south. Restoration of historic landscape including reinstatement of garden wall, retention of cottage house, conversion & extension of existing conservatory and adjacent building to form single dwelling, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding/store to form single dwelling house and construction of new house with garage to the southeast linked with garden wall reinstatement and reinstatement of former entrance lodge as two dwelling units. (Full Planning Application amended scheme).
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Conversion of majority of historic main house into single dwelling unit, alteration and conversion of existing east and west wings and southern part of main house into 15 residential units and conversion of 'stable building' into 4 residential units. Demolition of glazed link and canopy including outbuilding to south. Restoration of historic landscape including reinstatement of garden wall, retention of cottage house, conversion & extension of existing conservatory and adjacent building to form single dwelling, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding/store to form single dwelling house and construction of new house with garage to the southeast linked with garden wall reinstatement and reinstatement of former entrance lodge as two dwelling units. (Full Planning Application amended scheme).
Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.
Members noted that full planning permission and listed building consent had been sought for the conversion of the original house to residential use; the conversion of the 1980's office wings and stable block from offices to residential apartments; reinstatement of entrance lodge house as 2 dwelling units; retention and refurbishment of the Cottage House; conversion and extension of existing conservatory and adjacent building into a single dwelling unit; conversion and extension of the southern outbuilding into a single dwelling house with garage; construction of a new house with garage to the southeast; demolition of glazed link and canopy including out building to the south and restoration of historic landscape, including reinstatement of garden wall, together with associated parking. The proposal included the demolition of an existing greenhouse, wall, gardener's store and garage.
Members noted that 64 surrounding occupiers had been consulted. 6 representations have been received (2 in favour and 4 against). The scheme constituted appropriate development in the Green Belt and the revised scheme had addressed a number of planning concerns, relating to previously refused schemes on this site, relating to the character, appearance and settings of the listed buildings, the ecological and landscape impacts.
It was not considered that the limited demolition and the new build element of the proposal would affect the listed building or its setting. It was considered that highway, ecological and flood related issues had been satisfactorily addressed, whilst the long term maintenance of the listed buildings and historic grounds could be secured by conditions and a legal agreement.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.
Harefield Grove, Rickmansworth Road, Harefield - 28301/APP/2013/3105 Conversion of majority of historic main house into single dwelling unit, alteration and conversion of existing east and west wings and southern part of main house into 15 residential units and conversion of 'stable building' into 4 residential units. Demolition of glazed link and canopy including outbuilding to south. Restoration of historic landscape including reinstatement of garden wall, retention of cottage house, conversion & extension of existing conservatory and adjacent building to form single dwelling, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding/store to form single dwelling house and construction of new house with garage to the southeast linked with garden wall reinstatement and reinstatement of former entrance lodge as two dwelling units. (Listed Building Consent Application amended).
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Conversion of majority of historic main house into single dwelling unit, alteration and conversion of existing east and west wings and southern part of main house into 15 residential units and conversion of 'stable building' into 4 residential units. Demolition of glazed link and canopy including outbuilding to south. Restoration of historic landscape including reinstatement of garden wall, retention of cottage house, conversion & extension of existing conservatory and adjacent building to form single dwelling, conversion and extension of existing outbuilding/store to form single dwelling house and construction of new house with garage to the southeast linked with garden wall reinstatement and reinstatement of former entrance lodge as two dwelling units. (Listed Building Consent Application amended).
Officers introduced the report and outlined details of the application.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report.
Northwood School, Potter Street, Northwood - 12850/APP/2014/4492 Demolition of the existing Northwood School buildings and facilities and erection of a new three-storey six form of entry secondary school and single storey sports hall with associated facilities including playgrounds; sports pitches; car parking; landscaping; the creation of a pupil pick-up/drop-off area with access via Pinner Road; the provision of a secondary vehicular access via Potter Street; and ancillary development.
Recommendation: Approva Minutes: Demolition of the existing Northwood School buildings and facilities and erection of a new three-storey six form of entry secondary school and single storey sports hall with associated facilities including playgrounds; sports pitches; car parking; landscaping; the creation of a pupil pick-up/drop-off area with access via Pinner Road; the provision of a secondary vehicular access via Potter Street; and ancillary development.
Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.
This application sought full planning permission for the complete redevelopment of the Northwood School site to provide a new six form of entry school capable of accommodating up to 1080 pupils. Members noted that the proposals would involve the demolition of the existing school buildings and the provision of a new three-storey school building and linked sports hall, with associated ancillary facilities such as artificial sports pitches, playing field and car parking.
Officers explained that the existing school buildings were in need of modernisation and were of extremely limited architectural merit. Accordingly, it was considered that the proposed development would enhance the visual amenities of the school site and surrounding area. The proposed school buildings would be well separated from surrounding properties and subject to appropriate conditions it would have no unacceptable impacts on the amenity of neighbouring residential occupiers by way of dominance, loss of light, loss of privacy or noise.
The proposal was supported by a detailed Transport Assessment and provided for mitigation measures to reduce its impact on the local highway network. The Council's Highway Engineer had reviewed this information in detail and confirmed that the proposed development would be acceptable in terms of traffic impact, pedestrian and highway safety.
Members noted that the proposal was considered to comply with relevant UDP and London Plan policies and, accordingly, it was recommended that delegated powers be given to the Head of Planning and Enforcement to approve the scheme, subject to the appropriate referrals to the GLA and the Secretary of State.
Local Ward Councillors also spoke in support of the proposals and made the following comments:
· Residents in Northwood were in favour of the proposals. · The school was in need of desperate repair. · The proposals would benefit pupils and future generations to come. · An additional 180 school places would be created. · Local residents did have some concerns regarding traffic and parking. · Parking and traffic would be reviewed in neighbouring roads. · There was no floodlighting proposed which has pleased the local community. · Overall the local community was pleased. · Northwood Hills did not have car park like other areas in the Borough. · Hoped that consideration would be given to the access points. · The local area was being regenerated and the school would complement the area. · Concerned that Sport England was not supporting the proposals when the proposals were beneficial.
The Head of Planning and Enforcement informed Members that the Council disagreed with Sport England's negative comments concerning this proposal which were perhaps technically incorrect. Members noted that Northwood School was one of the smallest ... view the full minutes text for item 156. |
555 Stonefield Way, Ruislip - 70454/APP/2015/383 Demolition of an existing industrial building and the construction of a 3 storey industrial unit (use class b1b) and pedestrian link to unit 4 bradfield road with ancillary warehouse and office space and car parking.
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Demolition of an existing industrial building and the construction of a 3 storey industrial unit (use class b1b) and pedestrian link to unit 4 Bradfield road with ancillary warehouse and office space and car parking.
Officers introduced the report and outlined details of the application.
The application sought full planning permission for the redevelopment of the site to provide a three storey industrial building and pedestrian link to the adjacent building of Unit 4 Bradfield Road (Use Class B2b) (total floor area of 4,480sqm together with car parking to the front.
26 local neighbours, businesses and local amenity groups had been consulted in February 2015. One letter was received, raising concern regarding the impact that construction may have on the local highway and that a condition should be attached requiring repairs where damage occurs. Members noted that it was not possible to secure such a condition on the permission but there were provisions within the Highways Act 1980 to deal with such matters. The comment also raised concern regarding traffic generation as an issue which had been assessed and was considered acceptable.
Members noted that the development was appropriately designed within the context of the industrial location and it was not considered that the development would lead to such a significant increase in traffic that refusal could be justified on highway grounds. The proposal is considered to comply with relevant Local Plan and London Plan policies and was subject to the completion of a S106 Legal Agreement.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report.
Former West Drayton Police Station, Station Road, West Drayton - 12768/APP/2014/1870 Demolition of the existing Police Station, outbuildings and concrete hardstandings, part retention of the listed walls and the construction of 12 semi detached houses, together with a 4 storey block of 31 flats, a with associated car and cycle parking and access road.
Recommendation: Approval
Minutes: Demolition of the existing Police Station, outbuildings and concrete hardstandings, part retention of the listed walls and the construction of 12 semi detached houses, together with a 4 storey block of 31 flats, a with associated car and cycle parking and access road.
Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.
Planning permission was sought for residential development involving the demolition of all the existing buildings on the former West Drayton Police Station Site and the erection of a 4 storey block at the front of the site containing 31 flats, with 6 pairs of 3 storey semi detached houses at the rear of the site, together with associated car parking, access and landscaping.
The entire site was located within the West Drayton Green Conservation Area and within an Archaeological Priority Area. Drayton Hall, which abuts the site to the north, was a Grade II Listed building.
Members noted that the principle of housing on the site was acceptable given that the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime had disposed of the site on the basis that it was surplus to its requirements and replacement facilities were being provided in the vicinity, which adequately met the policing needs of the local population. In addition, the site had been marketed since 2013, but no community based operators had expressed an interest in acquiring the site for these purposes.
106 surrounding property owners/occupiers had been consulted 6 letters have been received objecting to the proposal mainly on the grounds of inadequate services in the area and impact on residential amenity. The proposed scheme would be within the London Plan density guidelines, providing good internal and external living space. The proposed layout would not have an adverse impact on the living conditions of surrounding occupiers in terms of over dominance, loss of privacy and loss of daylight/sunlight.
It was considered that the scale and layout of the proposed development would be compatible with sustainable residential quality, having regard to the specific Conservation Area constraints of this site. The proposed sustainability measures would enable a reduction in CO2 emissions and the provision of on-site renewable energy. Given the applicant's agreement in principle to provide renewable energy measures as part of the development, it was considered that this matter could be dealt with by a suitable planning condition in the event of planning permission being granted.
There were no adverse impacts upon ecology or archaeology and highway and pedestrian impacts were considered to be acceptable. The application was therefore recommended for approval, subject to conditions and a S106/278 Agreement. Members agreed to amend the heads of terms to state 35% affordable housing.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.
Former West Drayton Police Station, Station Road, West Drayton - 12768/APP/2014/4071 Alterations to the garden wall situated in the rear area of the former police station site including: existing bricked up opening to be re-opened; formation of two new openings to match existing opening; formation of new inner wall; and formation of a rooflight (Application for Listed Building Consent).
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Alterations to the garden wall situated in the rear area of the former police station site including: existing bricked up opening to be re-opened; formation of two new openings to match existing opening; formation of new inner wall; and formation of a rooflight (Application for Listed Building Consent).
Officers introduced the report and referred members to the addendum sheet that had been circulated.
The rear of the site had been used as a car park since the 1960's and was mainly hard surfaced and bordered by high boundary fencing and a listed wall. Part of the southern boundary was formed by existing out buildings. The front boundary with Station Road was planted with large conifer trees. Trees on the site and nearby were not protected by TPO but were afforded protection by virtue of their location within the West Drayton Conservation Area.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the officer's report and addendum sheet circulated at the meeting.
West Drayton Station, Station Approach, Yiewsley - 31592/APP/2015/186 Application under Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act 2008 for the approval of Plans and Specifications associated with the construction of a new footbridge with stairs and lift shafts to platforms 2/3 and 4/5; construction of a new station extension, covered walkway and footbridge; new entrance canopy; lift shaft; extensions to platforms 2/3 and 4/5 including new platform lighting and installation of new station lighting and associated minor works.
Recommendation: Approval Minutes: Application under Schedule 7 of the Crossrail Act 2008 for the approval of Plans and Specifications associated with the construction of a new footbridge with stairs and lift shafts to platforms 2/3 and 4/5; construction of a new station extension, covered walkway and footbridge; new entrance canopy; lift shaft; extensions to platforms 2/3 and 4/5 including new platform lighting and installation of new station lighting and associated minor works.
Officers introduced the report and outlined details of the application.
The principle of the development had been established under the Crossrail Act 2008, however Schedule 7 required the Local Planning Authority to approve details in relation to construction of a new footbridge with stairs and lift shafts to platforms 2/3 and 4/5; construction of a new station extension, covered walkway and footbridge; new entrance canopy; lift shaft; extensions to platforms 2/3 and 4/5 including new platform lighting and installation of new station lighting and associated minor works.
These construction arrangements would contribute to improving the linkages within London and the overall regeneration objectives of the area in compliance with London Plan (July 2011) Policies, and it was recommended that the Plans and Specification submission for permanent works under Crossrail Act 2008, Schedule 7 be approved.
Officers informed Members that the station would have step free access which would be accessible from both access points of the Station which included Warwick Road and Station Road.
The recommendation for approval was moved, seconded and on being put to the vote was unanimously agreed.
Resolved - That the application be approved as per the officers' report.