Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Democratic Services - 01895 250636 or email:
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Reeta Chamdal with Councillor Colleen Sullivan substituting. |
Declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part I will be considered in Public and items marked Part II will be considered in Private Minutes: It was confirmed that all items were in Part 1 and would be considered in Public. |
Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent Minutes: None. |
Additional documents: Minutes:
David Reed, Licensing Officer, introduced the application for the grant of a premises licence for The Fone & Vape Off Licence, 21 Station Road, Hayes, UB3 4BD to sell alcohol Monday through to Sunday from 08:00 to 23:00. Three representations objecting to the application had been received, all of which were received from local residents and attempts at mediation had failed. The officer highlighted that no representations had been received from the responsible authorities and invited the Sub-Committee to determine the application.
Surendra Panchal, the Applicant’s Agent, addressed the Sub-Committee highlighting that the officer’s report noted that the applicant did not hold a Personal Licence at the time of the agenda publication; the Sub-Committee were informed that the applicant had now obtained a Personal Licence. The Sub-Committee heard that the Applicant was familiar with the core licensing objectives and had taken on board the concerns raised by those who had submitted representations; further to this, the Applicant would be taking measures to ensure that the licensing objectives were upheld including a staff training manual, incident log book and a refusal of sale log; additionally, a poster would be prominently displayed asking customers to leave quietly and respect neighbours. The Applicant’s Agent also emphasised that some of the matters raised in the representations related to the need for a business of this type in this location, it was highlighted that business need was not a matter for the Licensing Sub-Committee to determine.
Members queried the prospective staff arrangements and asked whether the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) would be on site at all times that alcohol was to be sold. By way of confirmation, the Applicant informed the Sub-Committee that the business would be family run by herself, as the DPS, and her husband, with two additional members of staff; the DPS would conduct one shift each day and be present most of the time that alcohol was to be sold, however it was confirmed that they would not be present at all times. It was confirmed that all staff would be trained appropriately by the DPS, with training facilitated by an external specialist to adhere to necessary regulations and would administer the ‘Challenge 25’ policy; a training logbook would also be kept. The DPS went on to clarify the ‘Challenge 25’ policy and explained that they would not be selling alcohol to customers who were intoxicated; the Applicant had worked in the trade for two years and had developed a sound knowledge in understanding when patrons were inebriated.
On the matter of CCTV, the Applicant confirmed that no alcohol would be sold if the CCTV system was not fully operational.
The Sub-Committee queried the Applicant’s target customer base highlighting that they were intending to sell a number of age restricted products, to which the Applicant explained that any alcohol or nicotine products, including vapes, were not to be sold to customers under the age of 18 and if no proof of age was supplied then the transaction would ... view the full minutes text for item 40. |