Agenda and minutes

Health and Social Care Select Committee - Tuesday, 10th October, 2023 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Nikki O'Halloran  Email:


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Sital Punja (Councillor Robin Sansarpuri was present as her substitute). 


Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


There were no declarations of interest in matters coming before this meeting.


Minutes of the meeting held on 13 September 2023 pdf icon PDF 289 KB


It was agreed that the reference to "42 GPs" should be amended to "42 GP practices". 


RESOLVED:  That the minutes, as amended, be agreed as a correct record.   


Exclusion of press and public


RESOLVED:  That all items of business be considered in public. 


Hillingdon Safeguarding Partnership Annual Report 2022-2023 pdf icon PDF 172 KB

Additional documents:


The Chairman welcomed those present to the meeting. 


Ms Suzy Gladish, Head of Safeguarding Arrangements, advised that the report covered the work of the Safeguarding Partnership during 2022/2023 and detailed a vision of all rights being protected.  Although the focus at this meeting would be on safeguarding adults, it was noted that there were mirrored arrangements for safeguarding children.  Partners such as the local authority, Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) and NHS bodies had equal responsibility for safeguarding in the Borough and, as such, made up a shared Executive Leadership Board. 


It was recognised that there was a crossover between safeguarding children and safeguarding adults as children existed in families with adults and vice versa.  A summary of both areas of work had been included in the report. 


Ms Gladish advised that an external review had been undertaken which had focussed on the adult MASH (Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub) function which intended to identify whether or not the needs of specific individuals had been met.  The review found that Hillingdon had a strong partnership which was open to being scrutinised and strove to improve practice.  The partnership had strong leadership with all partners having equal responsibility and provided an environment of high support / high challenge, where difficult conversations were encouraged.


Concern was expressed in relation to the possibility that information could get lost in the system.  Ms Sandra Taylor, the Council's Director of Adult Social Care and Health, advised that all contact came through the Council's Contact Centre and was screened and reviewed by the team.  All cases were dealt with within 48 hours but those that were urgent would be dealt with immediately.  The MASH was a safety net and records were maintained, should further enquiries arise in relation to the cases of specific individuals.  This was particularly useful with regard to cases of neglect and self neglect.  Ms Taylor was confident that issues were addressed and dealt with as quickly as possible to ensure that the individuals were safe from potential harm.  Whether or not a case was subsequently closed would depend on the nature of the situation as, for example, there might be an ongoing police investigation.  The families also needed to be involved and informed. 


Ms Bukky Junaid, the Council's Assistant Director Access to Support Services, advised that the MASH was made up of social workers who had daily meetings to discuss high risk cases with Housing, MPS, CNWL, THH, Children's Services, NWL Integrated Care Board, etc.  Calls about issues that had not been on partners' mental health radar could come into the Contact Centre and a referral made direct to the relevant team who would identify the risk level and put an action plan in place.  Checks would be made to see if the individual had been previously known to partners and, if they were, the allocated social worker would be notified.  However, the team would still go through the screening and triage process even if the individual was not already known to partners. 


Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 26.


Update on the Implementation of Recommendations from Past Reviews - GP Pressures pdf icon PDF 266 KB


Consideration was given to the report.  Members were aware that the review had been undertaken before the pandemic and that, subsequently, some of the recommendations were slightly out of date.  Notwithstanding this, the Committee acknowledged that there were still significant pressures on GPs and, whilst they were happy for any future updates to be included in general health update meetings, it would be useful for reference to be made to the review recommendations where appropriate. 


With regard to GP appointments, Members asked that further information be provided on the number that were offered in person versus by telephone or virtual.  They also requested that they receive an update on the new appointment system that had been introduced and information on who patients could complain to if they were not happy.  Other GP-related issues raised at the meeting included:

  1. how many complaints received had been in relation to appointments and how quickly these issues were resolved;
  2. how many patients did not attend; and
  3. how many patients were able to see the same doctor each time they attended the practice. 


It was agreed that these GP related issues be picked up in a single meeting review on 21 February 2024. 


Members were aware that Section 106 (s106) money from planning applications was often used to improve local services.  It was agreed that officers be asked to provide a report on the use of s106 money on health-related services in the Borough and accounted for tangibly. 



  1. reference be made to the recommendations from the GP Pressures when providing health updates, where appropriate;
  2. a single meeting review be undertaken on 21 February 2024 in relation to GP-related issues;
  3. Ms Nicola Wyatt be asked to provide a report on the use of s106 money on health-related services in the Borough; and
  4. the report be noted. 


CAMHS Referral Pathway - Draft Review Recommendations pdf icon PDF 225 KB


Consideration was given to the draft recommendations for the review of the CAMHS referral pathway.  It was agreed that the draft recommendations be circulated to the witnesses that had attended the witness sessions to get their views. 


RESOLVED:  That the draft recommendations be circulated to the witnesses for their views. 


Cabinet Forward Plan Monthly Monitoring pdf icon PDF 240 KB

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RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Forward Plan be noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 144 KB

Additional documents:


Consideration was given to the Committee's Work Programme and the impact of assistive living technologies. 


RESOLVED:  That the Work Programme be noted.