Agenda, decisions and minutes

Major Applications Planning Committee - Wednesday, 11th May, 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Kiran Grover  01895 250693

Link: Watch LIVE or archived broadcast of this meeting here

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence had been received from Councillor Jazz Dhillon, with Councillor John Oswell substituting.



Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting


Councillor Curling was a Governor of Harefield Academy and declared this as a non-pecuniary interest with reference to item 6 and remained in the room for that item.


Councillor Higgins declared an interest in item 6 and left the room for that item.


To sign and receive the minutes of the previous meeting on 12 April 2016 pdf icon PDF 120 KB


The minutes of the meeting held on 12 April 2016 were agreed.


Matters that have been notified in advance or urgent




To confirm that the items marked in Part 1 will be considered in public and those items marked in Part 2 will be heard in private


It was confirmed that all agenda items were Part I and would be heard in public.



Ash Grove Open Space, Ash Grove, Harefield - 71704/APP/2016/1038 pdf icon PDF 184 KB

The erection of a new single storey youth centre with double height sports hall, landscaping works, replacement playground, modified vehicular crossover, car parking, external lighting, fencing, demolition and replacement of four garages and ancillary works.


Recommendation: Approval


The application was approved, subject to additional conditions.


Ash Grove Open Space, Ash Grove, Harefield - 71704/APP/2016/1038 (Agenda Item 6)


The erection of a new single storey youth centre with a double height sports hall, landscaping, replacement playground, modified vehicular crossover, car parking, external lighting, fencing, demolition, replacement of four garages and ancillary works.


Officers introduced the report, and, noting the addendum, provided an

overview of the application. The application sought full planning permission for the erection of a single-storey Young People's Centre with double height sports hall, car parking, landscaping, and associated development at Ash Grove Open Space in Harefield. The scheme also sought to demolish and rebuild four garages close to the entrance of the site.


The Young People's Centre was to provide holiday and after school sessional activities for young people from the local area aged between 8 and 19. The applicant had advised that the young population of Harefield had steadily increased over recent years such that there were now approximately 1,500 persons within this age group living in the village. The proposed new centre would enable a greater and wider range of services to be offered from a purpose built facility.


It was suggested that the Young People's Centre would provide:


·         Safety and security for young people

·         Daytime, afternoon and evening clubs

·         Purpose built adaptable space for a range of learning programmes / workshops

·         Equipment such as pool and table tennis tables

·         Storage to accommodate resources and equipment

·         Confidential space to offer additional support to those who need it

·         A place for young people to take ownership and a positive role within the community.


It was noted that there were already eight Young People's Centres within the Borough. The development was considered by Officers to comply with current local and national planning policies, the London Plan and

approval was recommended.


The Lead Petitioner and their Representative made the following points:


·         The people of Harefield should have been asked where they wanted the Youth Centre to be built.

·         Ash Grove was densely populated and was surrounded by housing.

·         Locals used the area and it was important especially for children.

·         Harefield already had an underused youth centre and it was not clear why another one is needed.

·         Loss of the park, which was used daily by residents as a public green area meant a lot to residents as an integral part of their life quality.

·         The proposal was contrary to the Government's recently publicised desire to conserve green open spaces.

·         Local children use the playground everyday - there will no longer be anything for smaller children to play on.

·         The remaining grass was too small so residents would need to exercise their dogs elsewhere. This was unfair to the elderly and mobility impaired.

·         There would be an increase in traffic and congestion.

·         Insufficient parking and drop-off/pick-up provision for parents and visitors - Parking in the area is already at saturation point and this would add to congestion on the narrow roads.

·         There was limited access for vehicular traffic.

·         The use of the south entrance for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 72.


Kingsway House, Horton Road, Yiewsley - 70438/APP/2015/4424 pdf icon PDF 168 KB

Erection of a part 4 part 5storey block of 34 new residential units, with

associated car & cycle parking and amenity space, involving the demolition of the existing commercial buildings(outline application).


Recommendation: Approval


The application was deferred.



Officers introduced the report, and, noting the addendum, provided an

overview of the application. The application was for the erection of a part 4, part 5 storey block of 34 new residential units, with associated car & cycle parking and amenity space, involving the demolition of the existing commercial buildings.


Councillors noted that very little information had been provided and they needed more detail and information to ensure that they met Council standards and to approve the plan.


It was proposed and seconded, and upon being put to a vote was unanimously agreed to defer the item.


RESOLVED That: the item be deferred.


The committee has requested that the applicant be asked to provide further information on the following:


1. Amenity space provision to demonstrate compliance with minimum standards

2. Vehicle tracking, particularly for refuse vehicles


Further clarification is also required on:

3. Clarify overlooking distances to Building B and Bignell House

4. Clarify whether contributions towards health provision should be sought











Addendum pdf icon PDF 100 KB