Cabinet Decisions

Note: this search feature will only show recent Cabinet decisions primarily. Instead, please our Modern Archive below for other reports and minutes, or if you are looking for a Cabinet Member decision, you can search on the link shown below... 


Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Temporary Accommodation Leases - Longford ref: 314321/03/202421/03/2024Not for call-in
Minor Property Transactions: Voluntary Sector Lease for two local Scout Groups ref: 314221/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Corporate Fencing and Related Services Contract ref: 314121/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Planned Window Renewals at Barr Lodge and Bond Close, Yiewsley ref: 314021/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Contract for Environmental Specialist Cleaning Services ref: 313921/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Planned Works Roofing Program - Melbourne House, Yeading ref: 313821/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Social Care and Education Systems Solution ref: 313721/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Fuel Contracts for the Council's Fleet ref: 313621/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Occupational Health Services, Employee Assistance Programme and Drug & Alcohol Testing Contract ref: 313521/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Monthly Council Budget Monitoring Report: Month 10 ref: 313421/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Housing Forward Investment Programme 2024/25 and 2023/24 review ref: 313321/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Local Plan - Regulation 18 Consultation / Local Development Scheme ref: 313221/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Report from the Property, Highways and Transport Select Committee: Attaining Best Practice and Value for the Council's Highways Resurfacing Activities ref: 313121/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired
Report from the Health & Social Care Select Committee: Review of the CAMHS Referral Pathway ref: 313021/03/202403/04/2024Call-in expired