Venue: Committee Room 5 - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Mark Braddock Senior Democratic Services Manager
No. | Item |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Cllr Scott Seaman-Digby |
Declarations of Interest in matters coming before this meeting Minutes: None. |
To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 16 April 2009 Minutes: The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. |
To confirm that the items of business marked Part 1 will be considered in Public and that the items marked Part 2 will be considered in private Minutes: Items 5-9 & Item 16 on the agenda were considered in public. Items 10-15 on the agenda were considered in private. |
Additional documents: Minutes: The Chairman of the Residents’ & Environmental Services Policy Overview Committee presented a report on approach to CCTV in the Borough. Cabinet thanked the Committee for their in-depth report and agreed to refine the Committee’s recommendations slightly to better reflect the views of residents, improved Member accountability and the administration’s priorities.
That Cabinet:
a) To re-launch the CCTV Steering Group with a clear Member lead, with the aim of bringing the Council and local private and public sector agencies together, to renew its terms of reference and to set out the CCTV Strategy and policy for the borough as a whole.
b) To endorse the work of the Joint Council / Police Prioritisation Panel, which decides the detailed location of new cameras with local agencies using demographic crime statistics under Terms of Reference to be set by the CCTV Steering Group;
c) To improve communication and consultation between the partners to ensure the best use of the CCTV system;
d) To develop a co-ordinated approach to ensure that all new permanent installations of CCTV cameras around the borough are compatible with the council CCTV control room;
e) To explore the extent to which the CCTV cameras could be used to detect ‘enviro-crimes’ including parking offences, fly tipping, littering, and other environmental issues;
f) That the CCTV Strategy produced by the Steering Group is kept under regular review by the Cabinet Member for Improvement, Partnerships and Community Safety and endorsed periodically by the Executive.
g) The Cabinet Member for Improvement, Partnerships and Community Safety will be responsible for the strategic development, the implementation of CCTV policy and the budget for development of CCTV in the borough. The Cabinet Member for Environment should retain responsibility for the operation of the CCTV Service and for the use of CCTV for parking, traffic and environmental issues.
h) With regard to recommendations to expand and modernise a multi-function CCTV control room in the Civic Centre to create additional capacity for adding more cameras; and to investigate and develop wireless technology in relation to CCTV; Cabinet should delegate Officers to investigate the feasibility of these proposals, report back to the Cabinet Member.
Reasons for the decision
The recommendations are aimed at building upon Hillingdon’s approach to the delivery of a comprehensive CCTV strategy. Improved CCTV services will contribute to residents’ satisfaction and the aim of making Hillingdon a safer borough for all. These will also benefit from improved Control Room infrastructure and technology.
Alternative options considered and rejected.
The Cabinet could decide to reject all the Committee’s recommendations.
Officers to Action:
Directors of Planning & Community Services & Environment and Consumer Protection
Older People's Plan - Update 2008/09 (Cllr Puddifoot) Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That Cabinet notes the significant achievements of the Older People’s Action Plan for 2008/09.
Reasons for decision
The development of the three-year older people’s plan 2008-2011 endorses the commitment from the Council and its partners to the continued development and improvement of services designed to create a better quality of life for older people in Hillingdon. The plan supports the council in delivering it’s plan ‘Fast Forward to 2010’ and supports Hillingdon in delivering the Sustainable Community Strategy.
Alternative options considered or rejected
Officers to Action:
Kevin Byrne and Dan Kennedy, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office and Adult Social Care, Health and Housing
Changes to the Housing Allocation Policy (Cllr Corthorne) Minutes: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve the following changes to the allocation policy:
Reasons for decision
One of the ways the Council can drive up aspirations and create a true borough of opportunity is through carefully thought out improvements to the Housing Allocations Scheme. The Council is proposing the three changes in order to encourage greater social responsibility within the community. As a result, officers have developed proposals to allocate a proportion of social housing to be targeted at specific client groups.
Alternative options considered or rejected
Not to approve the changes to the allocations policy as detailed within the body of the report. To change some of the proposals detailed within the body of the report.
Officers to Action:
Neil Stubbings & Beatrice Cingtho, Adult Social Care, Health and Housing
Gift Funding for Planning Functions (Cllr Burrows) Minutes: RESOLVED
That Cabinet accepts the offer of a gift from VSM Estates in accordance with the provisions of Section 93 of the Local Government Act 2003.
Reasons for decision
GVA Grimley, agents for VSM Estates, have advised officers that they intend to lodge a planning application for a residential led, mixed use scheme on the RAF Uxbridge site in the autumn of 2009. Prior to the submission of an application, there will be the need for on-going meetings, and the provision of consistent and timely advice as the masterplan evolves and the Environmental Impact Assessment is undertaken, along with other associated work. It is considered essential to have a dedicated officer for the project, and additional resources are needed to support that function. It is therefore considered appropriate that the Council should accept an offer of a gift to meet the reasonable and justifiable costs of carrying out these planning functions.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Refuse the gift from VSM. This would not be in the best interests of the London Borough of Hillingdon. Request changes to the proposed gift from VSM. It is not considered that it would be appropriate to seek to increase the amount of or scope of gift funding beyond what is legitimately required to cover the Council’s costs in providing the planning function. It is also likely to be resisted by VSM.
Officers to action:
Stephen Timms / Jales Tippell, Planning & Community Services |
Additional documents: Minutes: RESOLVED
That the Cabinet:
Reasons for decision
The purpose of the Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) is to provide planning guidance for the future use and development of the former National Air Traffic Services (NATS) site, at Porters Way, West Drayton, along with the adjoining site owned by Council. The former NATS site has recently been acquired by Inland Homes, who intend to redevelop it. The Porters Way Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) 2005, which covers the site, is considered to be out of date, given the number of legislative and policy changes since 2005, and needs to be updated. The preparation of the revised draft SPD will encourage the engagement of the local community in the planning process. This then ensures that the Council can incorporate the comments and ideas from the community into a planning document that will become a material consideration in making planning decisions. The process also engages local residents early in the preparation of ideas and plans for the site, which is important to add value to any redevelopment, and the long term success of creating sustainable communities.
For these reasons, and the fact that the London Plan requires the preparation of planning guidance for sites of this size, it is considered necessary to update the SPD.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Not to proceed with updating the SPD. It is considered that this would restrict the Council’s ability to influence redevelopment of the site and may affect the ability to achieve wider planning, community and sustainability goals. The Cabinet may make revisions to the draft SPD prior to the public consultation. This is a valid option.
Officers to action:
Stephen Timms / Jales Tippell, Planning & Community Services
Grant to P3 Job Shop Service Minutes: RESOLVED
That Cabinet approve a one off grant of £40,000 to the voluntary organisation P3 specifically to support the job shop service currently operating in West Drayton and Hayes, which if not funded by in-year budget surplus will be funded from the contingency fund.
Reasons for decision
The Job shop service offered by P3 has taken several years to evolve and is a significant resource for young people who need extra support in terms of accessing training and employment opportunities. P3 are facing a lack of funding to sustain the service and if support is not secured the service will have to close on 1st June 2009. If this service closes it is unlikely that it will be re-established in the future.
Alternative options considered and rejected
P3 have sought funding from a range of other funders but to date have not being successful. The options are either to commit funding to sustain the service for a period of six months and therefore give P3 the opportunity to secure alternative funds or reject P3’s request for assistance, which will mean the closure of the job shop service in the borough.
Use of Special Urgency Provisions
The Leader of the Council and Chairman of the Corporate Services Policy Overview Committee approved use of the special urgency procedures in the Constitution to allow this report’s urgent consideration.
Officer to Action:
Nigel Cramb, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office
Acceptance of Tender for a two storey for classroom extension at Pinkwell Primary School (Cllr Bianco)
That Cabinet accepts the tender submitted by Redwing Construction Ltd. in the sum of £334,486, which officers consider offers the Council best value.
Reasons for decision
This project is needed to provide sufficient accommodation to meet demand for places and meet the legal requirement to admit pupils up to each school’s published admission number. The school was previously expanded to four forms of entry and hence there is a legal requirement to admit up to this number. However, at the time of the expansion, demand for places was not such that accommodation to four forms of entry was needed in all year groups. Demand for places has since increased and the proposed extension includes classrooms and office accommodation which will allow it to accommodate up to its full admission number. A procurement process has been followed in accordance with Council Standing Orders.
Alternative options considered and rejected
To not to accept the tender, in which case the scheme will not be able to proceed and there will be insufficient classrooms to meet the legal requirement to admit an additional thirty pupils.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officer to Action:
Eileen Nicholson, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office |
Roll Out of Phase II of the Libraries Refurbishment Programme (Cllr Higgins)
That Cabinet agrees to:
Reason for decision
To progress the ‘roll out’ of the council’s libraries refurbishment programme in order to meet the time table specified in the Council Plan – 2008 – 2010.
Alternative Options considered and rejected
Not to progress the phase II refurbishment programme. To delay the phase II refurbishment programme.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officers to Action:
Andrew Malin & Mohamed Bhimani, Planning & Community Services
Extension of Frays Care and Repair Agency Contract (Cllr Corthorne)
That Cabinet:
Reasons for decision
Frays Care and Repair have met the performance requirements of the contact and have developed and expanded the services over the past 3 years. Details are set out below. The services provided contribute to a number of priorities in the Council Plan and Older Persons Plan. There is a value for money component in that the costs in the contract have not been uplifted for inflation or other reasons, and there is no recommendation to do so over the next 2 years.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Not to extend the Contract and to Re-tender the service or to discontinue the service.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officer to Action:
Tom Gordge, Adult Social Care, Health & Housing |
Mental Health Modernisation Programme - Phase 3 (Cllr Corthorne)
That Cabinet:
Reasons for decision
Redevelopment of the sites forms Phase 3 of the Mental Health Modernisation Programme and a key deliverable in the Hillingdon and PCT Joint Strategy Five Year Action Plan 2005 -10. The proposed accommodation is on the Hornbeam and Church Road sites. The proposed redevelopment is required to provide short to medium term housing for people with mental illness and would include office accommodation for staff on site. The purpose of the service would be to provide accommodation with intermediate support to help people in their recovery and rehabilitation from mental illness and to enable them to move on successfully to more independent living. This offers an intermediate housing option where the residents benefit from outreach support to help them adjust to living in self contained homes. With this type of intermediate support, the chances of relapse are considerably less. In turn this would enable greater through put, from fully supported housing, reduce delayed discharges and reduce out of borough placements.
The recommendation of working in partnership with an RSL or registered provider will maximise external funding. Efficient property management of the new mental health accommodation on both the Hornbeam and Church Road sites is another benefit of this recommendation.
Alternative options considered
To procure the development of Hornbeam Road and Church Road sites at total recourse to Council capital funds to finance build and development costs or do nothing, which will increase maintenance liability on existing buildings, and the Council will miss out on the capital receipt.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officers to Action:
Gerry Edwards / Brian Doughty, Finance & Resources / Adult Social Care, Health & Housing
Spring Contract Extension - administrative and clerical agency staff (Cllr Seaman-Digby)
That Cabinet approves the option of extending the contract with Spring Personnel until April 30th 2010.
Reasons for decision
Spring Personnel (Spring) currently provide a range of administrative and clerical agency staff for work across the London Borough of Hillingdon. Cabinet is being asked to agree this contract extension.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Direct the supply of administration through an alternative contract or re-tender.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officer to Action:
Amanda Marsh, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office |
Matrix Contract Extension - professional and technical agency staff (Cllr Seaman-Digby)
With the agreement of the portfolio Cabinet Member, that Cabinet approves the extension of the London Borough of Hillingdon’s contract with Matrix SCM Ltd until 30th June 2010.
Reasons for decision
Matrix currently provide a range of technical and professional agency staff for work across the London Borough of Hillingdon.
Alternative options considered and rejected
Direct the supply of technical and professional staff through an alternative contract or re-tender.
Exempt information
The report on this item was included in Part II as it contained information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the Authority holding that information) and the public interest in withholding the information outweighed the public interest in disclosing it (exempt information under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Local Government (Access to Information) Act 1985 as amended.
Officer to Action:
Amanda Marsh, Deputy Chief Executive’s Office |